Family Farming Knowledge Platform


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Blog article
Italian Senate's Agriculture Committee Holds Parliamentary Hearing with FAO Representatives

On 4 February 2025, the Italian Senate's Agriculture Committee held a parliamentary hearing with representatives from FAO, part of an ongoing investigation by the Italian Government into the effects of climate change on agriculture and the measures needed to adapt to these changing realities.
2025 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Blog article
Sub-national initiatives on Agroecology – the case of Sicily, Catalonia and Murang’a County

The agroecological movement’s push for sustainable food systems is increasingly influencing the political debate. Sub-national strategies and policies are pivotal in advancing agroecology at the policy level, as they not only address regional needs of a specific area, but also inspire national laws that can have broader environmental, social, and health...
Italy - Kenya - Spain
2024 - Agroecology Coalition

Mapping System and Services for Pressurized Irrigation Systems

FAO's Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 63 introduced the MASSCOTE methodology in 2007, tailored for modernizing large-scale canal irrigation systems. With global interest shifting towards pressurized pipe systems, particularly in water-scarce regions, the need for a similar methodology became apparent. Pressurized systems offer advantages like on-demand irrigation, reduced water wastage,...
Egypt - Italy - Spain - Tunisia
2024 - FAO

Good Practices for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas

Euromontana kicks off the year with the publication of its annual booklet of good practices for sustainable mountain development. This publication showcases 10 inspiring initiatives from across Europe (EU and non-EU) collected by Euromontana throughout 2023 to promote initiatives that drive sustainable change in mountain areas. The booklet covers key issues for...
Austria - France - Germany - Italy - Norway - Poland - Romania - Spain - Switzerland
2024 - Euromontana - European Association of Mountain Areas

Blog article
Learning to cope with the spread of non-native species in the Mediterranean

More than 900 non-indigenous species have already been identified in the Mediterranean Sea. And the number is only expected to increase. Climate change is helping non-native species move further north in the Mediterranean as water temperatures rise. As they spread, so does concern about their effect on marine ecosystems and the local fishing...
Italy - Tunisia
2024 - FAO

Best Practices Manual for integrating migrant workers into rural communities through socially sustainable agriculture

The agricultural sector across Europe faces a significant employment crisis, stemming from a dual challenge: a dearth of interest among domestic workers and a scarcity of skilled labour. Consequently, many countries rely on immigrant labour, predominantly from non-EU nations. Addressing the social, economic, and cultural integration of these workers necessitates tailored...
Austria - France - Greece - Italy - Spain
2024 - Migrants Labour Insertion in Multicultural Agricultural Teams

Policies for healthy and sustainable diets: A review of international, European, and national documentation

Achieving healthy, sustainable, and equitable diets is one of the challenges for 21st-century food systems. The definition of Healthy and Sustainable Diets (HSDs) was presented for the first time in a plenary session of the Symposium “Biodiversity and Sustainable Diets: United Against Hunger” organized, jointly by FAO and Bioversity International,...
2024 - CREA Council for Agricultural Research

Cross Border Living laboratories for Agroforestry

Agroforestry - a land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland - has varied benefits, including increased biodiversity and reduced erosion. The combination of agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean is deeply rooted in a culture of tradition and niche production...
Greece - Italy - Jordan - Lebanon
2023 - ENI CBC Med, European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross/Border Cooperation Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme

Tomato: seed extraction and conservation

Harvest and clean the fruits, and slice them longitudinally. Crush the fruit sections into a mixture of pulp, seeds, and juice. Subsequently pour the mixture into a large container where it ferments for a period usually lasting three days. For acid extraction, apply an equal volume solution of hydrochloric acid...
2023 - Bresov Project

How to reproduce Brassica oleracea crops in purity

B. oleracea plants are usually self-incompatible and they need to cross with other genotypes for generating progenies. The self-incompatible genotypes require specific management for controlled pollination achieved by spatial isolation in the field or by the use of pollination chambers isolated by net for avoiding pollen contamination by pronubes. Self-incompatibility...
2023 - Bresov Project

Locally available compost application in organic farms: 2-year effect on biological soil properties

Composting technologies have progressed parallel to the growing interest in recycling organic waste over recent decades, whilst in-field compost application requires technical improvement and more experience in order to optimize their effect according to the agro-environment and the type of crop which follow their incorporation into the soil. In response...
2023 - Cambridge University Press

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe

In the last years, Agroecology Europe started to map agroecological initiatives in different countries or regions of Europe with the aim to support the development of agroecology in Europe, raise awareness for it and thereby strengthen agroecology in Europe. This work, namely the mapping of initiatives, writing of reports and coordination...
Albania - Austria - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Germany - Greece - Italy - Malta - Montenegro - North Macedonia - Romania
2023 - Agroecology Europe

CSA as a LifeCOACH

CSA as a LifeCOACH, a film developed by filmmakers Ondrej Sovik and Martin Matej, explores the value of mentorship and apprenticeship in small-scale, agroecological farming in the beating world of community-supported agriculture (CSA). To resist the loss of agroecological knowledge, to combat the devastating consequences of climate change, and to...
Czechia - Hungary - Italy
2023 - Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ

Mapping the development of agroecology in Europe - Volume 1

his first book volume collects country reports produced by the AE4EU Horizon 2020 project and the European Association Agroecology Europe which involved a large number of organisations, as well as more than 25 "mappers" who conducted the work in different European countries. Among them were many members of the Agroecology...
Albania - Austria - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bulgaria - Croatia - Germany - Greece - Italy - Malta - Montenegro - North Macedonia - Romania
2023 - Isara Agro School for Life

Blog article
Inspirational idea: A social farm ‘connecting people’ in Italy

Agricoltura Capodarco, a social cooperative located in the outskirts of Rome, employs people with disabilities and socially excluded people. 'Connecting people' is their main philosophy. The multifunctional cooperative runs two organic farms, two restaurants, produces wine and other products, has educational programmes and much more. The agricultural cooperative was founded in...
2023 - EU CAP Nertwork

Climate change: Avocado cultivation instead of citrus fruits in Sicily? - Opportunities and risks

In this video, Francesco Ancona talks to Vincenzo Verrastro about the opportunities and risks of growing avocados in Sicily. The avocado is one of the tropical plants that comes closest to the needs and characteristics of citrus cultivation. The avocado does require certain soil and climatic conditions to thrive, these are...
2023 - CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari

Blog article
From Italy to Georgia: regenerating rural communities with agritourism

Exploring Georgia’s gastronomy offers tourists unique insights into the country and its culture.   Enriching tourists’ experiences also has the potential to attract more visitors which can generate vital income in rural communities.   The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are...
Georgia - Italy
2023 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

Reflections on non-extractive participatory research for territorial food system transformation

Non-extractive and power-equalising research involves different knowledge holders (e.g. researchers and farmers) in a process of close cooperative engagement, jointly producing new knowledge, with mutual learning. As such, this form of cooperative enquiry is a significant reversal from dominant roles, locations, and ways of knowing. I offer some examples and reflections on...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - France - India - Indonesia - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Italy - Mali - Nepal - Peru - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2023 - Agroecological Transitions for Territorial Food Systems ATTER

Blog article
Access Agriculture partners with FAO elearning Academy

The FAO elearning Academy, which offers over 500 multilingual certified e-learning courses as a global public good, now features Access Agriculture as a partner and a valued resource for information and knowledge on agroecological principles and rural entrepreneurship.
2022 - Access Agriculture

Blog article
Employment in Italian agriculture: what visibility for women?

To enhance the visibility of women and their role in rural areas and to support efforts that may overcome major structural challenges that disempower women and discriminate against them, CREA – Centre for Policy and Bioeconomy, as part of the National Rural Network, is holding a series of meetings on...
2022 - EU CAP Network
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