Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Hedgerows/alley cropping to control soil erosion

Jamaican small farmers implement hedgerow/alley cropping to mitigate the impacts of hydro-meteorological hazards. The hedgerows/alley cropping system is the growing of crops, usually food crops, in an alley formed by trees or woody shrubs that are cut back at crop planting and maintained as hedgerows by frequent trimming during cropping...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Enhancing drought resistance through Guinea grass mulching

Guinea grass mulching is one of the local drought-mitigation strategies adopted in the low-rainfall areas of Jamaica. After the land preparation, dried guinea grass is applied in a matted form over the area to be cultivated. This practice helps crop to survive during the dry season without having to recur...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Cost-benefit analysis of rain water harvesting systems: roof top rain water harvesting combined with gravity drip irrigation

This practice briefly describes the introduction of rainwater harvesting and the use of gravity drip irrigation on small vegetable farms in Jamaica to address the water scarcity problem farmers are facing. The technology was validated in the parish of St. Elizabeth, which is the leading producer of cash vegetables in...
2020 - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA

Case study
Recomendaciones político-técnicas para el mejoramiento de los sistemas de ATER, con perspectiva de inclusión de género, en los países de la región

Este documento presenta a FAO los conceptos utilizados en un análisis integrativo de estudios de caso realizados en Guatemala, Jamaica, Paraguay, Perú y Brasil en el marco de los sistemas de Asistencia Técnica y Extensión Rural (ATER), y un conjunto de recomendaciones cuyo objetivo es mejorar dichos servicios para agricultoras...
Brazil - Guatemala - Jamaica - Paraguay - Peru
2017 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Characterisation of Family Farms in the Caribbean

A Study of Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The publication of this document seeks to promote a critical analysis of the conditions of family agriculture in Caribbean countries; a reflection on possible scenarios that allow its strengthening and sustainable development; and a debate on the design and implementation of public policies that can generate the conditions so that...
Guyana - Haiti - Jamaica - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2017 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Newsletter article
Small-scale farmers to benefit from US$1.5-m project

Small-scale farmers in Jamaica and across five other Caribbean countries are being empowered to play greater roles in the food security of the region, through the ‘Sustainable, profitable value chains and market linkages in the Caribbean’ project. The project which is estimated to cost some US$1.5 million was officially launched on...
Antigua and Barbuda - Barbados - Grenada - Jamaica - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2015 - Jamaica Observer

Newsletter article
Caribbean looks to aquaculture food security to combat climate change

To ensure food security, the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), the regional body responsible for the responsible use of regional resources, is promoting aquaculture as part of a range of initiatives to build climate-resilient fisheries. A five-year plan has been drafted by the Secretariat and a working group established to...
2015 - Caribbean News Service

Petrocaribe: 10 años de lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza

La publicación "PETROCARIBE: 10 años de lucha contra el hambre. Lecciones Aprendidas", contiene la sistematización producto de una reciente investigación realizada por el Programa de Cooperación Venezuela-FAO, SANA, de las historias de éxito contra el hambre y la desnutrición consecuencia de planes y proyectos implementados en el marco de los...
Antigua and Barbuda - Belize - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Grenada - Haiti - Jamaica - Nicaragua - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname
2015 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Newsletter article
Farmers introduced to innovative way of beating the drought

Farmers in the eastern end of the country were recently introduced to an innovative way of beating the drought which still has its grips on the country. The Jamaica Sustainable Farm Enterprise Programme (Source Farm) in Johnstown, St Thomas, hosted a farmers' workshop which focused on simple systems that can help...
2015 - The Jamaica Gleaner

The Caribbean-Pacific Agri-Food Forum: innovative solutions for small island states

An opportunity not to be missed takes place in Bridgetown, Barbados next month. Some 250 leaders, decision-makers and agrifood actors will be gathering for the first Caribbean-Pacific Agri-Food Forum. A key event for both regions, the forum will be held from November 2 to 6, an action-packed week devoted to...
Barbados - Jamaica - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2015 - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Blog article
La yuca: una alternativa de desarrollo para pequeños agroempresarios

Técnicos agrícolas de 12 países de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) conocieron, en Costa Rica, nuevas alternativas para agregar valor a la producción de yuca (Manihot esculenta) y tecnologías modernas de procesamiento para este cultivo, lo cual les permitirá fortalecer la industria, promover la diversificación de mercados y mejorar...
Barbados - Colombia - Costa Rica - El Salvador - Grenada - Guatemala - Guyana - Honduras - Jamaica - Nicaragua - Panama - Suriname
2015 - Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)

Blog article
Small Farmers can expect the Caribbean farmers network to assist in marketing their produce in addition to forming links across the region

Farmers will be assisted in marketing selected produce and creating links in the region, with the establishment of the Caribbean farmer’s network (CAFAN). Chief Coordinator, Jethro Greene says it was recognized that everyone cannot get involved from the inception; so CAFAN will work with those who are willing to get...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2015 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Blog article
CaFAN Regional Value Chain Alliance Project

The Caribbean Farmers Network has signed on June 20, 2015, a cost-sharing contract for a project titled, "Sustainable, profitable value chains, and market linkages in the Caribbean" with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Co-operation (CTA). CaFAN and CTA have been long standing partners since the inception of CaFAN in...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2015 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Newsletter article
Small farmers to benefit from caribbean linkages

Small-scale farmers in the Caribbean, including Jamaica, are to benefit from a project geared at building marketing linkages across the region. The project, dubbed 'Sustainable, profitable value chain and market linkages in the Caribbean', is being spearheaded by Sandals Foundation, Caribbean Farmers Network Inc (CaFAN) and the Technical Centre for Agriculture...
Antigua and Barbuda - Barbados - Grenada - Jamaica - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
2015 - The Gleaner

Growing greener cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

An FAO report on urban and peri-urban agriculture in the region
This new FAO report – in English and Spanish – looks at progress made in“growing greener cities” in Latin America and the Caribbean – cities in which urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is recognized by public policy, included in urban developmentstrategies and land-use planning, supported by agricultural research and extension,...
Antigua and Barbuda - Argentina - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Brazil - Chile - Cuba - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - El Salvador - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Jamaica - Mexico - Panama - Paraguay - Peru - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago

Case study
Developing sustainable, green and inclusive agricultural value chains in the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands

This paper summarises and integrates two reports on agricultural commodity chains prepared in early 2013 as part of a study of ACP value chains. The reports were funded by FAO and commissioned by the ACP/EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). The two original reports cover a total of...
Belize - Fiji - Grenada - Haiti - Jamaica - Solomon Islands - Vanuatu
2014 - Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Ciudades más verdes en América Latina y el Caribe

Un informe de la FAO sobre la agricultura urbana y periurbana en la región
El informe presenta la agricultura urbana y periurbana en 23 países y 10 ciudades. Muestra como esta actividad es decisiva para la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de los sectores pobres de la población urbana de la región, que suministra a numerosos habitantes de las ciudades “alimentos locales” frescos de elevado...
Antigua and Barbuda - Belize - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) - Chile - Colombia - Cuba - Dominican Republic - El Salvador - Guatemala - Guyana - Haiti - Honduras - Jamaica - Nicaragua - Panama - Paraguay - Peru - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Suriname
2014 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Annual Report of the Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) 2013

The Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) presently represents over 500,000 small farmers spread across fifteen Caribbean countries; Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts/ Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago. CaFAN member farmers organisations are directly involved in...
Antigua and Barbuda - Bahamas - Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Haiti - Jamaica - Montserrat - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2013 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

AGRIVYBZ, Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN) Newsletter #15

This issue (June, 2013), contains: CaFAN holds Multi-stakeholders National Consultations Training Young People on Youth Policies Memorandum of Understanding signed CTA conducts Impact Study Buyer Grower Forums, stories from Jamaica and Saint Lucia CaFAN members kick-start PROPEL CaFAN Hosts Interns Upcoming Events
Barbados - Belize - Dominica - Grenada - Guyana - Jamaica - Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Lucia - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Suriname - Trinidad and Tobago
2013 - Caribbean Farmers Network (CaFAN)

Family Farming Newsletter for Latin America and the Caribbean, April - June 2013

Numerous activities have been planned this year to celebrate the International Year of Quinoa, and we are now preparing for the International Year of Family Farming. Both events serve to raise awareness about the need to protect and strengthen Latin America's traditional agricultural production systems and promote them among governments...
Antigua and Barbuda - Guatemala - Jamaica - Mexico - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Uruguay
Total results:26
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