Family Farming Knowledge Platform


The Resources section holds archived publications and multimedia materials related to family farming general issues.

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Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest July 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more. For more documents, feel free to search in the...
2023 - FAO

Quem são elas: histórias e relatos sobre mulheres que constroem a agricultura e a pesca capixaba

No universo da agricultura e pesca familiares, diversas atividades são realizadas até que o alimento chegue à mesa do consumidor. Dentro desse conjunto de atividades, as que são realizadas pelas mulheres, que em geral irão exigir menos contato com o consumidor final, são pouco reconhecidas e valorizadas. Na maioria das vezes,...

Blog article
DFO outlines implementation of Indigenous fisheries

One of the most lucrative fisheries in Atlantic Canada – the elver [baby eel] fishery, which garners up to $5,000 per kilogram – was closed this past spring due to concerns about conservation and safety caused by poaching. In a fisheries management order prohibiting the fishing of elvers issued on April...

Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest October 2023

The Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FFKP) Monthly Digest showcases the latest contents uploaded in the FFKP to provide its readers with relevant and up to date information on family farming main themes such as agroecology, smallscale fisheries, pastoralism, indigenous people, and more. For more documents, feel free to search in the...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Book part
Indigenous Seed Systems and Biocultural Heritage: The Andean Potato Park's Approach to Seed Governance

In the Indigenous worldview, seeds are both biological entities and embodiments of immateriality: knowledge, culture and the sacred. Indigenous seed systems thus codify the human connection to nature. Yet such ‘informal’ systems, whether developed by Indigenous peoples or small-scale farmers, barely surface in policy debates. Krystyna Swiderska and Alejandro Argumedo seek...

Brazil: A Script for Success

A group of Indigenous Peoples of the Western Brazilian Amazon have organized themselves around biodiversity conservation
The Paumari people of the Tapaua River are known as the ‘water people’. They belong to the Arawa linguistic family of the Western Brazilian Amazon, traditionally inhabiting rivers and lakes. Fishing is their strongest social and cultural representation. The Paumari’s aquatic skills have long been described in the literature, including...
2023 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Policy brief/paper
Agrobiodiversity — the way to save earth’s skin

Humans depend on a thin planetary ‘skin’ made up of life in all its diversity: biodiversity. Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate is therefore critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within...
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development

Blog article
Indigenous knowledge is key to sustainable food systems

This article establishes how Indigenous and local knowledge could contribute to the building of resilient, sustainable and nutritious food systems in a way that is equitable.

Seminario regional: “No hay buenos cultivos sin buenas semillas”

La Oficina de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) para América Latina y el Caribe, realizó el miércoles 26 de abril a las 11:30 hrs., en el seminario regional “No hay buenos cultivos, sin buenas semillas”. En la instancia, se abordarán temas vinculados a...
2023 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Institute for Agroecology (IFA)

The University of Vermont (USA) launches a new Institute for Agroecology (IFA) that works with and for farmers, Indigenous people, social movements, and communities who are driving change in Vermont and around the world. Through research, learning, and action, IFA mobilizes knowledge to nurture agroecology research, practice, and movements.
United States of America
2023 - The University of Vermont (USA)

Fact sheet
Free, Prior and Informed Consent: Applying the principle to on-the-ground action

At IFAD we are actively engaging with Indigenous Peoples seeking ways to increase participation, expand the space for Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge and perspectives and more effectively affirm the right to free, prior and informed consent. We are learning to better practice codesign as a way to identify the challenges Indigenous...
2023 - International Fund for Agricultural Development

Uplifting Indigenous Coffee Farmers in Panama: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

Coffee has long been an important economic activity for many Indigenous Peoples in Panama. Yet the lack of economic resources, technical assistance and market integration hinders the development of sustainable businesses. Learn how an initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), with funding from the Japan Special Fund Poverty Reduction...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Blog article
Porqué el Pulque es la comida lenta por excelencia en México

El artículo habla de las ventajas del pulque que es una bebida viva y compleja, que a pesar de casi 2000 años de historia de producción en México, ha resistido cualquier intento de ser embotellada y comercializada a gran escala.
2023 - Vía Orgánica (VO)

Policy brief/paper
Agrobiodiversity — the way to save earth’s skin

Humans depend on a thin planetary ‘skin’ made up of life in all its diversity: biodiversity. Agriculture now covers the largest portion (46%) of the global land surface area; its ecological health and resilience in the face of changing climate is therefore critical to human survival. The biodiversity found within...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2023 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Discover and protect Kitarasa Banana

Slow Food reaffirms its commitment to safeguarding banana biodiversity in East Africa
The Kitarasa Banana is an important element of food culture at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. This banana variety is used to make flour for porridge, to produce a traditional local beer and as mixture with traditional dishes. Nevertheless, Kitarasa producers are decreasing, due to changes in culture, lifestyle, poor...

State of the World's Plants and Fungi 2023

Tackling the Nature Emergency: Evidence, gaps and priorities
State of the World's Plants and Fungi 2023 Our fifth report in the State of the World’s series lays out the current condition of the world’s plants and fungi globally, and is titled 'Tackling the Nature Emergency: Evidence, gaps and priorities' It is the second report that is accompanied by a full volume of expert-reviewed scientific...
2023 - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Blog article
Las tortillas de maíz nativo, riqueza en biodiversidad y bioculturalidad

En el artículo, el Dr. Alejandro Espinosa de Cibiogem habla de la necesidad de preservar los maíces nativos mexicanos para cuidar la diversidad biológica y nuestras tortillas, alimento principal de México.
2023 - Vía Orgánica

Agriculture durable en Afrique : concilier pratiques traditionnelles et approches nouvelles

Face aux enjeux de sécurité et de souveraineté alimentaires, couplés aux impératifs environnementaux, l’agriculture africaine doit se transformer pour s’inscrire dans une logique de durabilité. Das sa note d’analyse d’avril 2023, l’Observatoire de l’action climat en Afrique s'intéresse aux approches adaptatives conciliant savoir-faire locaux et approches exogènes.

Case study
The hands behind a cup of coffee in Panama

Sustainable coffee production techniques build on Indigenous Peoples’ traditional knowledge
Long before the sun rises above the towering trees of the Panamanian rainforest, Elizabeth Méndez, a Guna Indigenous Woman, wakes up to the sound of her rooster crowing. She lives in a house made of bamboo and thatch, nestled deep in the lush green forests. This is where she and...
2023 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Land, Investment, and Migration: Thirty-five Years of Village Life in Mali

Beyond the interplay of land, investment and migration over time in central Mali, this book tells the story of a special attachment to the place and people of one scholar’s foundational fieldwork experience, Dlonguebougou (DBG) – which the author visited over 35 years. Its pages intertwine technical topics with personal...
Total results:925