Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Hoja informativa
Investing in rural people in Zambia

Over the past 15 years, Zambia’s economic trajectory has fluctuated because of global and domestic factors. Despite its rich endowment in natural resources, Zambia has yet to fully leverage this potential for economic expansion. The agricultural sector, which engages over 70 per cent of the workforce, is recognized as a...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Documento técnico
Asociatividad y acceso a mercados en la agricultura familiar dominicana

El programa Mesoamérica sin Hambre AMEXCID-FAO ha concentrado importantes esfuerzos en apoyar al Gobierno dominicano en el desarrollo y la validación de herramientas metodológicas e instrumentos de planificación y coordinación que contribuyan al fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales para atender las necesidades de la agricultura familiar y la formulación e...
Dominican Republic
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Promotion de l’agriculture familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest : aller vers la consommation massive de produits locaux

En Afrique de l’Ouest, face à la croissance rapide des villes et à une demande accrue de la part des consommateurs urbains et ruraux, les systèmes alimentaires fondés sur l’agriculture familiale renforcent déjà dans nombre d’endroits la capacité d’un pays ou d’une région à nourrir ses populations par la production...
2024 - Fondation de France

Can organic rice certification curb the pressure of the agrarian transition in Cambodia? A farming system approach

Over the past two decades, the Mekong region has experienced significant transformation of its agricultural sector from subsistence farming to export crops driven by the expansion of agricultural land and of irrigation, plus intensification thanks to mechanization and the use of chemical inputs. In the context of agrarian transition, maintaining...
2024 - European Commission

Artículo de revista especializada
Pastoralism in Changthang, Ladakh: Adaptations, Challenges, and Pathways for Sustainability

In the Changthang region of Ladakh, India, pastoralism serves as the cornerstone of both the local economy and the local way of life. However, recent socioeconomic shifts and environmental constraints put this economic structure, which has been expertly adapted to the difficult trans-Himalayan geography, in danger of becoming unsustainable. To...
2024 - Sher E Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, India

Bundling of inputs and services for sustainable smallholder agriculture: the concepts, theoretical arguments and bundle designs using conjoint analysis

Product bundling is receiving increasing attention in sustainable agricultural development as a means to ensure access to and enhance the uptake of, agricultural technologies by smallholders. Yet, the how and why of bundling for smallholders are not well-understood. The current paper, therefore, brings bundling theory from the marketing literature to...

Artículo de blog
Producer organisations offer huge potential for delivering nature and climate finance

Forest and farm producer organisations offer immense potential for channelling vital climate and nature finance to rural communities, and funders and governments should do more to support them, according to new IIED research.IIED has published new research highlighting the potential for forest and farm producer organisations (FFPOs) to generate crucial...
2024 - IIED

Sitio web
Repositorio de Documentos: Conferencia Regional para América Latina y el Caribe (LARC)

En esta web encontrará todos los documentos de la 38ª Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe.    
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Access and benefit-sharing and genetic resources for food and agriculture: typology of country measures

Supplement 1
The Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Commission), at its Seventeenth Regular Session, requested to prepare a survey of existing legislative, administrative and policy approaches, including best practices, for access and benefit-sharing (ABS) for the different subsectors of genetic resources for food and agriculture (GRFA) and traditional knowledge...
2024 - FAO

Artículo de blog
La 38 Conferencia Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe se inicia con una importante participación de Presidentes y Ministros de la Región

Representantes de todos los países de la Región participaron in situ en la ceremonia de apertura en Guyana. La 38 Conferencia Regional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) comenzó hoy en Georgetown, Guyana, con la presencia de Ministros y Viceministros de todos los...
2024 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Resultados económicos de modelos productivos porcinos. Informe N° 92. Marzo 2024

Este documento elaborado en el marco del Proyecto “Caracterización de gestiones económicas de sistemas de producción agropecuarios de pequeña y mediana escala” (vigente desde enero del 2020) presenta estimaciones sobre comportamientos de resultados económicos de modelos productivos y tiene como propósito aportar información que favorezca la inclusión de productores, mejore...
2024 - Centro de Información de Actividades Porcinas (CIAP)

Uruguay presentó plan de acción para impulsar agricultura familiar

El presidente de la República, Luis Lacalle Pou, participó del lanzamiento del Plan Nacional de Agricultura Familiar 2024-2028, que establece un marco de acción para su desarrollo. La agricultura familiar crea el 29% del empleo que genera el agro y aporta el 15% del valor bruto de este sector. El...
2024 - Ministerio de Ganaderia, Agricultura y Pesca de Uruguay

Advancing agrobiodiversity: why organisations of smallholders and Indigenous Peoples are vital

Agrobiodiversity is the subset of biodiversity found within agricultural ecosystems. It feeds us with nutrients vital to our health. It fuels and furnishes our homes. It underpins cultural traditions. It sustains farm productivity in the face of climate change. But agrobiodiversity is rapidly being lost.  Just three crops account for half...
Ecuador - Ghana - Madagascar - Nepal - United Republic of Tanzania - Zambia
2024 - International Institute for Environment and Development IIED

Artículo de revista
ISAN Magazine

For Sustainable Food Systems - May 2024, Issue 10
ISAN Magazine Issue 10 brings you stories about the benefits of biodiversity in agricultural systems, stories from Zimbabwe about how to enhance agrobiodivesity for improved food security and community-based climate change adaptation approaches, as well as profiling knowledge products on enhancing soil fertility developed by farmers in the Southern African...

Documento/nota de orientación
Mainstreaming agroecology in agricultural education

Regional brief 2
Agroecology is a promising approach that is transforming agrifood systems across the Asia-Pacific Region. Indeed, there is increasing evidence of positive results with the transition to agroecology, and these include stable yields, crop resilience, higher incomes for farmers, fishers and producers, improved nutrition and food security and enhanced biodiversity (Global...
2024 - FAO

CGIAR Research Initiative on Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia

Annual Technical Report 2023
In 2023, the CGIAR Research Initiative on Transforming Agrifood Systems in South Asia (TAFSSA) addressed the nexus of poverty, social inequities, malnutrition, environmental degradation, and climate change through research and innovation. Collaborating with 10 CGIAR Research Initiatives, engaging with five bilateral projects aligned with Initiative goals, and partnering with two...
Bangladesh - India - Nepal - Pakistan
2024 - CGIAR

Rural Malawians on building back after Cyclone Freddy – Episode 59

In March 2023, Cyclone Freddy swept across Malawi, devastating a country already struggling with hunger and poverty. But a year on, hope for a brighter future is returning to its farms. On this episode, you'll hear directly from the rural Malawians who are building back stronger with IFAD's support. Our Country...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Regenerative agriculture: from soil to sustainability – Episode 58

Despite being a major contributor to global emissions, farming might just hold the key to solving the climate crisis. When agriculture is regenerative, it becomes a win-win for people and planet, increasing food security while protecting the environment.  We unpack this method of sustainable farming and explore how small-scale farmers can...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Parte de un libro
Reconnaître le rôle des femmes dans la sécurité alimentaire : études croisées sur l'alimentation familiale au Sénégal et au Nicaragua

La sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle (SAN) est une problématique centrale dans les zones rurales des pays du Sud où vit la majorité des personnes sous-alimentées dans le monde. L’égalité des sexes et l’autonomisation des femmes font partie des objectifs de développement durable pour 2030, les femmes ayant été reconnues comme des...
Nicaragua - Senegal

LEY Nº 14.828, DE 20 DE MARZO DE 2024

Esta Ley cual modifica la Ley nº 11.326, de 24 de julio de 2006 (Ley de Agricultura Familiar), para ampliar el alcance de la planificación y ejecución de las acciones de la Política Nacional de Agricultura Familiar y Empresas Familiares Rurales.
2024 - Presidência da República, Casa Civil, Secretaria Especial para Assuntos Jurídicos
Total results:3117