Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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High Nature Value Farming in the Western Balkans:

Current Status and Key Challenges – a Scoping Document
The Western Balkan countries are all in a process of accession to the European Union. Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro have the status of candidate countries. Albania, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 are potential candidate countries, with the prospect of joining the EU when they meet the...
Albania - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia - Montenegro - Serbia - North Macedonia
2011 - European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism

Artículo de revista
Direct sales: Italy’s Baugiano Farm Oasis and youth White Bar

Italy is a country well known for the quality and diversity of its cuisine. Traditional foods and family recipes form an integral part of national culture. Preservation of these food values is important to many Italians (as it is for other Europeans as well) and in recent years the concept...

Artículo de revista especializada
Quelle dimension paysagère pour l'agropastoralisme?

L’agropastoralisme est un système agraire combinant productions animales extensive et cultures végétales sur deux espaces bien distincts : d’une part des espaces dit naturels dédiés à l’élevage de parcours, d’autre part des espaces cultivés, organisés, dédiés aux productions végétales et fortement marqué par l’activité humaine. Cette répartition initiale des productions...
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Artículo de revista especializada

2010 - Center for Biodiversity and Indigenous Knowledge

Artículo de revista especializada
Les gardiennes du savoir faire culturel et agropastoral. Cas de la zone de Djelfa (Algérie)

Les paysages culturels de l’agro pastoralisme sont fortement liés aux pratiques techniques et culturelles des éleveurs utilisateurs et gestionnaires des espaces qu’ils occupent. C’est particulièrement vrai sur la zone de Djelfa, haut lieu du pastoralisme algérien, sur les hauts plateaux. Ce pastoralisme, comme dans l’ensemble du monde méditerranéen, subit des...
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Artículo de revista especializada
La patrimonialisation des steppes du Proche-Orient : un instrument pour quelle stratégie?

Une inscription des steppes du Proche-Orient au patrimoine mondial des paysages culturels de l’agro pastoralisme pourrait s’imposer comme une évidence. Lieu d’émergence de l’agriculture et du pastoralisme, elles recèlent des vestiges de toutes les formes d’exploitation agricole et pastorale du proto élevage néolithique aux aménagements hydro agricoles des époques byzantine...
Syrian Arab Republic
2010 - International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM)

Pastoralism, Nature Conservation and Development

This guide addresses the linkages between pastoralism, biodiversity, and development / poverty reduction. It aims to raise awareness of tools relevant to the pastoralism sector, which have demonstrated benefits to biodiversity as well as development. Readers can make use of the tools by consulting the supplementary references and sources
2010 - The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Artículo de revista
Project - Organic chicken business takes off: EAFRD co-finance helps double the productivity of a Swedish family farm

Throughout Europe many examples exist to highlight how farmers and other rural businesses can  succeed in entering new market places. Success factors involved in the process include  identifying a viable market niche, personal perseverance, and making good use of rural development assistance. One such case is evident in Sweden where...

Artículo de revista especializada
La avicultura familiar en el norte del Tolima (Colombia)

Este artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos en un estudio transversal en cuatro municipios de la zona norte del departamento del Tolima (Colombia) con el fin de caracterizar la avicultura familiar en la comunidad. Información sobre producción avícola, nivel tecnológico, sistemas de alimentación, consumo y contribución a la economía familiar fue...
2010 - Universidad del Tolima

Estudio de caso
Sistematización de buenas prácticas en el marco de la prevención y mitigación de siniestros climáticos en el sector agropecuario en el Altiplano Central, Bolivia

El cambio climático es una preocupación tanto para decisores como para la gente común, ya que afecta los medios de vida de los más vulnerables, en este caso, de los pequeños productores que se encuentran en el altiplano andino. El presente documento presenta la sistematización de las buenas prácticas más...
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
2010 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO)

Documento/nota de orientación
FAO Policy on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples

 The purpose of this policy document is to provide FAO with a framework to guide its work on indigenous peoples’ issues. Current activities follow no systematic course of action relating to such issues and will benefit greatly from the delineation of a common direction and approach. At the same time,...
2010 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Gardens of biodiversity

Conservation of genetic resources and their use in traditional food production systems by small farmers of the Southern Caucasus
This book describes how farmers and rural people in the southern Caucasus maintain biodiversity and apply the ecosystem approach in their daily lives and agricultural practices. These practices contribute to their food security and livelihoods while also maintaining local genetic resources.This book does not claim to offer a definitive prescription...
Armenia - Azerbaijan - Georgia

Artículo de revista especializada
Risk factors for smallholder dairy cattle mortality in Tanzania

A retrospective cross-sectional study of mortality was conducted on smallholder dairy farms in 2 separate regions (Iringa and Tanga) of Tanzania during the period of January to April 1999. A total of 1789 cattle from 400 randomly sampled smallholder dairy farms (200 each from Iringa and Tanga regions) were included...
United Republic of Tanzania

Artículo de revista
Sheep farming – a cultural heritage

Sheep farming is practiced throughout Iceland, although it is most common in sparsely settled areas. About 2,000 farmers are engaged in sheep farming. Icelandic sheep are short-tailed and belong to a breed formerly common in north western Europe, but now only to be found in very few areas of the...
2010 - The Icelandic Lamb Marketing Board

Livestock Insurance for Pastoralists in Kenya

January 2010 saw the launch of the world's first livestock insurance for remote African pastoralists as a result of years of research.
2010 - International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Modern Day Problems Of Small Scale Farmers In India

Thousands of small scale farmers in India commit duicide, because they can no longer solve their debt problems. Two decades ago they took up modern farming and with the help of government subsidies they started growing commercial crops. In the beginning harvests were good, but as time went on, the...
2010 - rosaryfilms

Artículo de revista
Indigenous Knowledge

In this issue of BAOBAB, we focus on the importance of indigenous knowledge as a key for sustainable agriculture. This knowledge has the potential to play an important role in conserving natural resources, finding food alternatives and reducing the use of chemicals in production of materials. In this issue partnerships...
2010 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Artículo de revista
Enhancing Small-scale Livestock Production

This first issue after the merger of the old Baobab with the Kilimo Endelevu Africa (KEA) looks at the importance of livestock in the livelihoods of farmers. Livestock is an integral part of most family farms, and fulfills many functions such as food, assets and fertilizer. This issue focuses on...
Kenya - Malawi - Uganda
2010 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Artículo de revista
Partnerships for Learning

This issue of the BOABAB focuses on partnerships for learning: forging partnerships, expanding networks, including different stakeholders and meanwhile promoting sustainable agriculture. Not only do the partnerships prove important in farming matters but also in how people effected by HIV and AIDS are able to cope, improve their lives and...
2010 - Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)

Estudio de caso
Community based pasture management in Kyrgystan

Pasture is one of the most vital natural resources for Central Asia countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It accounts for nearly 260 million hectares of land resources being a basis for livestock breeding which is an income source for the majority of Central Asia population. Pasture land is...
Total results:1205