Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Artículo de blog
Romania has a new Mountain Law!

On Thursday 19 July 2018, the Romanian President signed the decree passing the Mountain Law. Long awaited by the Romanian mountain communities, the law comes to regulate the ways to protect and develop the mountain area in an inclusive and sustainable manner, through: valorizing the human and natural resources, increasing the...
2018 - Euromontana

Artículo de blog
Valorisation of Mountain Products in Lombardy

ERSAF, the Italian regional agency for agriculture and forestry services, who has been collaborating with Euromontana for many years for the promotion and valorisation of mountain products, started an experimental project, with the Lombardy Region, to implement the use of the optional quality scheme for “mountain products” in some of its...
2018 - Euromontana

Artículo de blog
Social innovation in the Balkans: a new brochure of examples now available

SIMRA has just released its third brochure collecting examples of social innovation in marginalised rural areas in the Balkan peninsula. The focus of the SIMRA project is on the European Union and the Mediterranean area, including the Balkan Peninsula in South-East Europe which includes both countries which are Member States of...
2018 - Euromontana

Boletín informativo
Boletín de Noticias Fontagro: "Innovación para la agricultura familiar". Enero-Febrero 2018

La secretaría de Fontagro (Mecanismo de Cooperación entre países de América Latina y el Caribe y España) realizó un boletín donde presenta las actividades realizadas durante los primeros meses del año, con información sobre novedades y plataformas cofinanciadas, que está dedicado especialmente a Agricultura Familiar.  
2018 - Fontagro

1st World Congress on Agritourism

Agritourism offers farmers the possibility of diversifying and generating additional income through on-farm touristic activities in order to help supplementing their low agricultural income. This helps to maintain the viability of active farms and rural communities. The more general understanding of agritourism states that agritourism activities support and promote agricultural...
2018 - EURAC

Artículo de blog
FAO’s novel wild boar map could help manage African swine fever

Throughout Europe and Central Asia, wild boar raid crops and spread swine diseases, negatively affecting agriculture, conservation, road traffic and the health of livestock, wildlife and even humans. Due to their increasing densities and expanding ranges, economic losses are on the rise. To better manage wild boar populations, officials have needed...
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO

New project promotes indigenous food and sustainable tourism in the Philippines

Slow Food and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, hosted by FAO, have signed an agreement to improve the livelihoods of mountain people, with special focus on Cordillera’s mountain community in the Philippines.
The agreement came ahead of today’s International Mountain Day – a day celebrated each year on December 11 to highlight the importance of mountains to people’s lives and livelihoods. The two organizations committed to creating stronger synergies between mountain food products and sustainable tourism services. This includes promoting high-quality, indigenous, mountain...

Artículo de blog
Baba Residence, an initiative to attract young people in depopulated villages in Bulgaria

Baba Residence (baba – grandmother in Bulgarian) is an initiative bringing together urban youth and elderly people in low-density and remote villages in Bulgaria. Participants spend one month living and learning in a mountain village, with the purpose to create a meeting point between the entrepreneurial spirit of young people...
2018 - SIMRA

Artículo de blog
Urgenci Voices for CSA advocacy project launched in Rome this week

Urgenci’s advocacy capacity is central to strengthening the role of the Community supported Agriculture (CSA) movement at local and global level. As a global social movement, the CSA and theirs networks need to work  collectively to show how they contribute to overcoming global challenges to the food system. This is...
European Union
2018 - Urgenci

Boletín informativo
AIRCA Newsletter #8

This is the Newsletter of the Association of International Research and Development Centers for Agriculture, This edition showcases examples for the use of Information and Communnication Technologies in agriculture research and development.
2018 - AIRCA

Launch of the Oreka Mendian website!

The LIFE project Oreka Mendian (2016-2021) aims to develop a common strategy for the conservation and the management of mountain pasture environments located in Natura 2000 areas in the Basque Country. A member of Euromontana, the HAZI foundation, is directly involved in the project as coordinator, alongside Euromontana. Euromontana is responsible...
2018 - Euromontana

Boletín informativo
IFOAM Newsletter - The INSIDER

The insider, it is a Monthly IFOAM News page, who brings more generic information on organic agriculture
2018 - IFOAM

Artículo de blog
ENRD published a FAQ on the compensatory allowance for areas facing natural constraints

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) recently published a FAQ on the compensatory allowance for areas facing natural constraints. Compensatory allowance for areas facing natural constraints (ANC) is a payment scheme of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which aims to prevent land abandonment. The compensatory allowance for permanent natural handicaps...
European Union
2017 - Euromontana

19th Organic World Congress

An Organic World Through an Organic India / 9 - 11 November 2017, New Delhi, India
Every three years, the organic sector comes together at the Organic World Congress (OWC), the world’s largest and most significant organic gathering, to discuss and deliberate issues of the day. The OWC is an unique opportunity to share experiences, innovations and knowledge about organics and also take part in the...
2017 - IFOAM Organics International

Artículo de blog
How a dairy cooperative in Slovenia became one of the leading producers of high quality fresh milk and cheese

A dairy plant in Slovenia created a local mountain supply chain with high added value that resulted in having a positive impact on the local economy and promote the long tradition of the area in dairy production. By modernizing and improving its production technology, the dairy effectively transformed the plant...
2017 - Euromontana

Documento/nota de orientación

On the 6th September 2016, DG AGRI presented the Cork Declaration “A better life in rural areas”. The discussions organised with the stakeholders during this 2-day conference fed the final declaration in a bottom-up approach. For the moment, no real Action Plan for the implementation of the Cork Declaration has been...
2017 - Euromontana

Artículo de blog
Environmental and social benefits of mountain ecosystems discussed at the Mountains 2016 event

The International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (ICRSDMR) is a scientific event for sharing and discussing methods, tools, results, applications, trends and challenges in research in mountain systems. This event was organized for the first time in Bragança by IPB-CIMO (and other institutions such as Embrapa,...
2017 - Euromontana

Artículo de boletín informativo
Euromontana has launched a new Facebook Page for the 2016 European Charter for Mountain Quality Food Products!

Euromontana is working hard to collect signatures for the 2016 European Charter for Mountain Quality Food Products. We recently created a Facebook page about the Charter. The page contains a link to sign the Charter and will be updated regularly with information about: mountain products, the progress of the Charter, examples of the use of the mountain product...
2017 - Euromontana

Artículo de blog
Implementation of the EU optional quality term “mountain product”: where do we stand in the different Member States?

Rewarding 15 years of Euromontana commitment to the topic of mountain products, the use of the optional quality term (OQT) “mountain product” was protected in November 2012 by the European Union with the (EU) regulation No 1151/2012. Following that, the European Commission adopted the delegated act (EU) No 665/2014 in...
European Union
2017 - Euromontana

Artículo de blog
Conference “How to better valorise mountain food products?”

The EU mountain products legislation is alive, now it is time for producers and Member States to really seize this opportunity to give more added value to mountain areas. On 18th October 2017, around 100 mountain actors from all over Europe took part in a conference on “How to better...
European Union
2017 - Euromontana
Total results:356