Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Small-scale fisheries: the exception should not be the rule

Brian O’Riordan, LIFE’s Deputy Director, explains to the readers of Inshore Ireland the consequences of the “tradition of exemptions” and the future steps needed for a correct management of the small-scale fleet in the long term.  
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe

Artículo de blog
Georgia signs four-year cooperation agreement with FAO

Continuous improvement of Georgia’s agriculture, food safety, veterinary services and plant protection – and its response to climate change, biodiversity and other environmental issues – are the priorities set out in a new agreement with FAO
2016 - Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations

Artículo de blog
UN FAO warns progress to defeat hunger is slowing in Asia-Pacific while obesity is on the rise as diets change

The Asia-Pacific region is home to more than 60 percent of the roughly 800 million hungry people in the world. Since 1990, the region as a whole managed to reduce hunger by half – a key objective of the former Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). But most of those gains were made in the earlier...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

New entrants into farming

A collection of short examples of initiatives/projects related to new entrants into farming (mostly small scale)
Belgium - Bulgaria - Czechia - European Union - Finland - France - Germany - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Slovakia - Spain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2016 - EIP-AgRI Agriculture & Innovation

Artículo de blog
Rays of hope for the ‘local’ in Meghalaya

Even as many pockets of the state, including its capital, battle the ravages of development and consumerism, a couple of villages visited by the author stand as examples of resilient local economies and lifestyles.  The village is not very old; it all began in 1963 with three families. Nongtraw comprises of...
2016 - India Together

Artículo de revista especializada
Agricultura Familiar na América Latina

A Difusão do Conceito e a Construção de Sujeitos Políticos
O presente artigo analisa a “agricultura familiar” na América Latina, como manifestação dos modos de vida e complexidades da região. Debate-se a categoria como “conceito-síntese” das rupturas e continuidades do Agro latino-americano.
2016 - Revista Brasileira de Sociologia do Direito (RBSD)

Artículo de blog
Accra hosts 7th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS)

As FAO assesses school feeding facilities in Africa
On the occasion of the 7th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security commemorated in Accra, this year, under the theme “Investing in Food Systems for Improving Child Nutrition: Key to Africa’s Renaissance”, FAO called for multi-stakeholder public private partnerships at national, regional and regional levels to address the problem...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Urban Agriculture

Twelve Organizations Promoting Urban Agriculture around the World
The international community is beginning to recognize the integral role of urban agriculture in improving the economy, environment, and health of cities. The Resource Center on Urban Agriculture and Food Security (RUAF) Foundation expects that by 2020, 85 percent of the poor in Latin America, and about 40 to 45...
2016 - Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)

Artículo de blog
Garantia-Safra beneficia mais de 580 mil famílias em 2016

Assegurar condições mínimas de sobrevivência aos agricultores familiares do Nordeste e do Semiárido Brasileiro sujeitos à perda sistemática de safra em função da seca ou do excesso de chuva. Essa é a função do Garantia-Safra (GS), uma ação da Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (Sead) que...
2016 - Secretaria Especial de Agricultura Familiar e do Desenvolvimento Agrário (SEAD)

Artículo de blog
Canada steps up to support struggling rural families in eastern Ukraine

When living conditions for households along the conflict line in Eastern Ukraine went from bad to worse, help came from the Government of Canada. The allocation of CDN 3 million will bolster and extend FAO’s emergency response and recovery work in the area. This assistance from Canada, due to start in...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations

الفلاحة الطبيعية : البيت سندويتش

No description available
2016 - Terre et Humanisme

Sustainable tea production - A non-chemical approach to pest management

As part of a Unileveler-funded Project, CABI in South Asia and the Tocklai Tea Research Institute (TTRI) in India organized a workshop on sustainable tea production. Entitled ‘A non-chemical approach to pest management’, the workshop was held on 18 February at the Tocklai Tea Research Institute, Jorhat, and looked at ecological...
2016 - CABI

Estudio de caso
Granjas agro-acuícolas demostrativas para el fortalecimiento de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional y el ingreso familiar en Guatemala

Una evaluación preliminar de impacto
Esta sistematización presenta las experiencias generadas a partir de la implementación de cuatro granjas agroacuícolas entre junio de 2014 y los primeros meses de 2015. Dos de ellas están ubicadas en el municipio de San Luis Jilotepeque, departamento de Jalapa, y las otras dos en los municipios de Sibinal y...
2016 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Artículo de boletín informativo
High Nature Value (HNV) Farming: Safeguarding Europe’s Biodiversity

Since 1990, in 25 European countries the populations of a group of common farmland birds have been reduced by roughly 25% and in some cases as much as 50%. This decrease in bird numbers along with the wider decrease in biodiversity in the EU is largely related to loss of...
European Union
2016 - european evaluation helpdesk for rural development

Actas de conferencia
1st Afro-Mediterranean Soils Conference: “Constraints and potentialities for durable management”

165 participants from 18 countries met in Marrakesh from 18-19 December 2015 to discuss the critical condition of soils, especially in Africa.  The event was organized by theFondation OCP and INRA Morocco (National Institute for of Agricultural Research) in partnership with FAO. The final communiqué highlights the crucial role soils play for...
2016 - INRA Morocco (National Institute for of Agricultural Research)

Parte de un informe
Rural finance

This chapter considers the link between rural finance and inclusive rural transformation.  Rural transformation is defined here as long-lasting economic, social and institutional change, where rural societies diversify their economies to high-valued agriculture and non-farm activities, interact and trade with distant places, move from dispersed villages to towns and cities,...
2016 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Regional Overview of Food Insecurity

Asia and the Pacific
Many countries in the region met or exceeded the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) on hunger several years before the deadline. Going forward, to meet the 2030 hunger target of the Sustainable Development Goals, the challenge will be to fully eliminate the prevalence of undernourishment across the region and to achieve...
2016 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Estudio de caso
Produccion Agroecologica de cereales y carne Bovina en un Establecimiento Agropecuario Extensivo (650 Has) en el sudeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires de la Republica Argentina. El caso de “La Aurora” una experiencia de 25 años

El establecimiento "La Aurora" se encuentra al sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires a 400 Km. de la capital Federal de la República Argentina, en una zona de producción mixta de ganadería y agricultura. Es de tipo familiar, con 650 Has, de las cuales 300 son de suelo agrícola,...
2016 - Productor Agropecuario

Artículo de blog
How Nordic countries can inspire the EU’s bioenergy policy

The forest not only supplies the raw material for paper and solid wood products, it also has a great potential for renewable energy production. As the EU designs its energy and climate policy for post-2020, it is essential to consider this remarkable asset. Without a congruent EU bioenergy policy with the...
European Union - Sweden
2016 - ÉuroActiv

Documento/nota de orientación
LIFE’s Baltic Members launch an Action Plan

Following ICES advice for 2017, LIFE’s Members of the Baltic Region (including Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany) elaborated the following action plan, to be presented to decision-makers, with concrete proposals for a correct management of the Western Baltic Cod stock. Cod is one of the main sources of income for...
Denmark - Germany - Poland - Sweden
2016 - Low Impact Fishers of Europe
Total results:19655