Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Artículo de revista especializada
Rural household vulnerability and COVID-19: Evidence from India

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has affected vulnerable households’ livelihoods in developing countries. Using high-frequency phone survey data from the World Bank, we assess rural Indian households’ vulnerability and poverty status during the pandemic. Results reveal that over three-fifths of Indian rural households are vulnerable to poverty in the...
2024 - International Food Policy Research Institute

Gender and climate change experts chart way forward for a gender-inclusive Africa

National gender and climate change focal points from Africa, working under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), as well as representatives from research entities and civil society organizations met in Nairobi on April 16-18, 2024, to exchange best practices and strategies for integrating gender considerations into climate...
2024 - CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform

Documento técnico
Women’s Land Rights in Colombia

Securing Women’s Resource Rights through Gender Transformative Approaches
This paper reviews land governance in Colombia to examine how legal, institutional, and cultural frameworks influence women’s land rights. It reviews existing statutory regulations and institutional structures defining land rights in Colombia and their relevance for women. It will examine tenure interventions in Colombia and the existing gaps and constraints...
2024 - Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)

Hoja informativa
Mali: Fostering Agricultural Productivity Project

This project introduced a range of renewable energy technologies to enhance the lives of rural people. Biogas digesters were coupled with latrines and slurry storage was developed. Sustainable bio slurry will replace chemical fertilizers, allowing households to save money and consume healthier foods. Biogas digesters also alleviate burdens on women...
2024 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

In the Pacific coast of Colombia, guardians of the mangrove sow seeds of change

The 'shell women' of the Pacific coast of Nariño have promoted sustainable harvesting and use of a native mollusk called piangua for the many generations. They are also at the forefront of mitigating climate change and leading mangrove conservation.
2024 - UNWOMEN

Autonomisation économique des femmes en Afrique

Réduire l’écart entre les sexes sur le marché du travail, pour assurer l’émancipation économique des femmes. Bien qu’elles enregistrent l’un des taux de participation au marché du travail parmi les plus élevés, les femmes d’Afrique subsaharienne sont toujours confrontées à de nombreux obstacles qui limitent leur accès à un emploi...
2024 - Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

Making Climate-Smart Cocoa Inclusive: Towards a Framework for Gender Transformation

Climate-Smart Cocoa (CSC), a strategic offshoot of the wider Climate-Smart Agriculture, is gaining ground in Ghana, a cocoa export-dependent country. CSC is imperative, given the rapidly declining forests, prolonged periods of drought, pest and disease infestations, and fluctuating cocoa yields attributed to climate variability and change. Although many interventions are...
2024 - University of South Africa

Kenya reports progress, sets priorities for gender-responsive climate action

It highlights Kenya's strides in integrating gender considerations into its climate policies and actions. The country has made significant progress in addressing gender inequalities in climate resilience and adaptation, particularly through the development of the Climate Change Act and the National Adaptation Plan. Kenya's efforts focus on ensuring that women,...
2024 - CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform

The unjust climate

Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth
Developing policies to foster inclusive rural transformation processes requires better evidence on how climate change is affecting the livelihoods and economic behaviours of vulnerable rural people, including women, youths and people living in poverty. In particular, there is little comparative, multi-country and multi-region evidence to understand how exposure to weather...
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de blog
Towards gender equality: A novel index to measure the empowerment of women in livestock keeping households

The Women’s Empowerment Livestock Index (WELI) is tailored for areas where livestock farming is prominent, aiming to assess the impact of livestock interventions on women's empowerment. By identifying effective interventions, the index seeks to improve empowerment opportunities for women in the sector, thereby enhancing household livelihoods, nutrition, and gender equity....
2024 - International Livestock Research Institute

Artículo de revista
Défis Sud 141 : la souveraineté technologique des paysan∙ne∙s

Défis Sud cette année publie deux dossiers : l’un consacré aux 60 ans des ONGs belges et l’autre à la souveraineté technologique du monde paysan. À l’occasion du soixantième anniversaire des ONG belges, nous écrivons que la solidarité est « le seul chemin possible pour relever les défis globaux et...
2024 -

Artículo de blog
ANEW way forward: Strategies to promote women’s empowerment in farmer producer organizations

Women's empowerment is essential for achieving agricultural development goals like increasing productivity among smallholders, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2.3 and 5. Agricultural collectives, including producer groups and farmer producer organizations (FPOs), offer promising avenues for empowering women and improving smallholder incomes. Research on this approach is growing, highlighting...
2024 - International Food Policy Research Institute

When looking at the intersection of climate and gender finance, what do we see?

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is negotiating a new climate finance goal, the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG), to set future climate finance scales and ambitions. This is vital as the previous goal set in 2009 will expire in 2024. Integrating gender equality into climate finance...
2024 - ODI

Artículo de revista especializada
Women's seed entrepreneurship in aquaculture, maize, and poultry value chains in Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania

Seed systems are essential to bring good genetic material to farmers. Women farmers, however, have benefited less than men farmers from seed systems in low and middle income countries. We identify factors that inhibit and promote women's success in seed businesses through three case studies of women's and men's entrepreneurship...
Ghana - Kenya - United Republic of Tanzania

Artículo de revista
Understanding Agency Within Context: The Case of Breeding Cooperatives Program for Transforming Small Ruminant Value Chain in Ethiopia

The role of agency in women’s empowerment, whether individual or collective, has long been at the center of feminist discourse. Although, highly context dependent, studies on agency are less contextualized. Based on mixed methods, we generated in-depth understandings of what constitutes agency in livestock-based institutions, and associated contextual factors across...

Women from the State of Sucre in Venezuela: resilient and entrepreneurial

FAO Venezuela deployed actions in the states of Amazonas, Apure, and Sucre to "Reduce the protection risks of selected vulnerable communities through the improvement of their food and nutritional security, the rapid restoration/creation of their livelihoods and community awareness and knowledge creation, integrating gender and intersectional approaches", between January 2023...
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2024 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Boletín informativo
Yemaya Newsletter No.66, March 2023

Yemaya No. 66, dated March 2023, features articles on IYAFA Asia workshop, National level women in fisheries workshop in Chennai, India, article on gender and marine plastic pollution, report of a panel discussion during the 8th global symposium  on gender in aquaculture and fisheries. Kyoko Kusakabe write that gender responsive fisheries require not only...
2024 - The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

A toolkit for incorporating fish into the home-grown school feeding programme

Food and nutrition security is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In an attempt to contribute to reaching this objective, school feeding programmes are serving meals to over 418 million pre-primary, primary and secondary schoolchildren around the world. The positive experience...
2024 - FAO

Artículo de blog
Agroecology: A Labor of Love

The article "Agroecology: A Labor of Love" discusses the transformative potential of agroecology in addressing labor issues within food systems. It highlights how agroecology can emancipate workers from the exploitative conditions of industrial agriculture by integrating ecological principles and social justice. The piece emphasizes the need for a holistic approach...

Documento técnico
El rol de la mujer en la pesca artesanal: miradas desde las mujeres del mar

Organismos internacionales como las Naciones Unidas y su Agencia Especializada en la Alimentación y la Agricultura, FAO, han destacado la importancia de la participación equitativa de las mujeres en la pesca y la acuicultura en contexto internacional, por lo que han buscado promover la igualdad de género en este sector....
2024 - Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile
Total results:2139