Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Semences pour le changement en Côte d'Ivoire

Après dix années de guerre civile, les agricultrices ivoiriennes luttent contre la pauvreté et préservent la paix en cultivant des semences de riz de haute qualité, ce qui leur permet non seulement de doubler leurs rendements et leurs profits mais aussi de gagner en indépendance.
Côte d'Ivoire
2015 - International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Agro-ecological crop protection: a world of smells to explore

Lemongrass, citronella, cinnamon, thyme, and so on... could these plants whose smell repels insects be used to protect horticultural crops? This is the question some researchers from CIRAD asked when looking into the repellent compounds in the extracts and essential oils of several such plants. Once identified and characterized, these...
2015 - CIRAD

Artículo de revista
Installing Mrs. Matei Andreea Diana in the farm located in Aninoasa commune, Dâmboviţa County

Rabbit Breeding
“Started as a passion, rabbit breeding became after a short while a profitable business in which it is worth investing”, considers Andreea-Diana Matei. Since the beginning, the local wished to develop her family business, but she did not have the financial means to do so. the ambitious young woman wanted...

Documento técnico
Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes

The Technical manual for the construction and use of family-sized metal silos to store cereals and grain legumes presents simple instructions for the construction and use of various types of family-sized silos, with capacities of between 0.12 m3 and 4.2 m3 (approximately 120 and 4 000 kg). The contribution of...
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Es un desafío en la zona ser productora rural mujer

Es una Producción de la Dirección General de Desarrollo Rural del MGAP sobre la importancia en el abordaje de las políticas de género en el desarrollo rural.
2015 - Canal MGAP

5th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences

Bringing Innovations to Organic Farming
Europe faces a moment of transformation. Europe 2020 Strategy puts forward three mutually reinforcing priorities: - Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation - Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more competitive economy - Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion   Seven flagship initiatives...
2015 - International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences

Sitio web
Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas (ANAMURI)

Su misión es contribuir al desarrollo integral de las Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas, considerando los aspectos laborales, económicos, sociales y culturales, a través del estímulo a la organización y su fortalecimiento. Todo su quehacer está sustentado en una ideología que apunte a la construcción de relaciones de igualdad, considerando la...
2015 - Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas (ANAMURI)

Artículo de revista
Sellos de origen: una nueva oportunidad para la agricultura familiar

Pese a los esfuerzos públicos y privados, gran parte de la pequeña agricultura del país ha perdido competitividad y ha tenido dificultades para acceder a economías de escala. Con escasos recursos para construir marca y diferenciar sus productos, el potencial que poseen los sellos de origen,indicaciones geográficas y denominaciones de...
2015 - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Artículo de blog
The Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) signs agreement of food purchase from family farming

The Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) signed today (28/10/2015) a new contract for the purchase of food from family farms. The University is a pioneer in buying products from family farms to supply their university restaurants, and, since 2012, it is an active participant of the Food Acquisition Program of...
2015 - Federal University of Paraná (UFPR)

Artículo de revista
From a family business to a meat processing factory

The history of this factory in Bihor begins about 20 years ago as a family business. Its upward trajectory was driven by the desire for improvement and innovation, business developing in several steps, the first step being a small livestock farm. Thus, in 2001, it was outlined the current direction...

Parte de un libro
The Historical Context of Land in Zimbabwe

One of the fundamental resources that is essential for the development and sustenance of people in Africa is land. Land is very important because it forms the basis of agricultural production in the sub-region. This chapter will trace the role and impact of land amongst the different ethnic groups that...
2015 - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)

Documento/nota de orientación
Strengthening organic macadamia value chains in Kenya

The value chain for macadamia is generally short, covering farmers at the primary end of the chain most of whom are smallholder farmers. Also in the value chain are cooperative societies or producer groups, brokers, and local processing companies. At the other end of the value chain are foreign wholesalers...
2015 - Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)

Resource Management and Food Security of Small Scale Farming Systems in the Tien Shan Mountains of Kyrgyzstan

The upland grasslands and meadows are one of the most important natural resources in Kyrgyzstan, covering up to 85 % of the designated agricultural areas. Most of the crop and livestock based small scale farms are located there, faced with degradation and loss of biodiversity due to overgrazing. Hence, proper...

Boletín informativo
El Niño and increased risk of Rift Valley fever

Rift Valley fever (RVF) is a zoonotic, viral, vector-borne disease representing a threat to human health, animal health and livestock production in Africa, the Near East and potentially, Europe and the rest of the world. Rift Valley fever primarily affects sheep, goats, cattle, camels, buffaloes, and antelopes. The majority of...
Ethiopia - Kenya - Somalia - South Sudan - Sudan - United Republic of Tanzania
2015 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Artículo de revista
Extensionismo y agricultura familiar

Recomendaciones para una estrategia integral
Este artículo recoge las principales conclusiones, recomendaciones y lecciones aprendidas de las experiencias que fueron compartidas en el seminario "Extensionismo y agricultura familiar: Recomendaciones para una estrategia integral", realizado el 25 de noviembre de 2014 en CIMMYT, Texcoco, Estado de México.
2015 - Programa Modernización Sustentable de la Agricultura Tradicional (MasAgro)

Artículo de revista
Romania’s Winemaking industry, between past and present

Wine has always been considered the nectar of the gods. Romans called it „vinum”, and Alexander the Great considered it „the blood of the vine, the power of the earth and the eternity of the sun”. To follow the path of the vine on the current territory of Romania means...
2015 - Romanian Rural Development Network

Documento de trabajo
Using National Statistics to increase transparency of large land acquisition

Evidence from Ethiopia
The 2007/08 commodity price boom triggered a ‘rush’ for land in developing countries. Yet, many affected countries lacked the regulatory infrastructure to cope with such demand and reliable data on investors’ performance. This study uses the example of Ethiopia to show how simple improvements in administrative data collection can help...
2015 - World Bank

Séminaire Sous-Régional sur l’Année Internationale des Sols - Des sols sains pour une vie saine

La rencontre sous régionale sur l’année internationale des sols, sera organisée à l’université de Chlef du 18 au 19 novembre 2015 pour des experts de la sous région (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie, Mauritanie) et qui viendra couronner la série de conférences et de manifestations au niveau national. Les thématiques qui seront développées...
2015 - Université Hassiba Benbouali de Chlef

Inclusive Business Models

Guidelines for improving linkages between producer groups and buyers of agricultural produce
Small actors in agricultural value chains are tied to markets through a series of forward and backward business linkages, which incorporate various types of business models. The complexity of these business models varies according to the commodity, number of actors involved, local context and market structure. Aimed at designers of...
2015 - FAO

Artículo de blog
Erradicar el hambre y la pobreza rural requiere de políticas innovadoras y mejores servicios de comunicación

 La lucha contra el hambre y la pobreza rural en América Latina y el Caribe debe incorporar innovaciones institucionales, sociales y tecnológicas y mejores servicios de comunicación, señaló la FAO durante el Foro Latinoamericano sobre Desarrollo Territorial, Innovación y Comunicación Rural. Más de 100 participantes de 15 países de América Latina...
2015 - Oficina Regional de la FAO para América Latina y el Caribe
Total results:19654