Búsqueda en la base de datos
Análisis de Casos de Gestión Territorial y de Capacidades para el Desarrollo Rural en México
Construyendo país, desde el territorio
Entre las metas de la nueva administración federal, encabezada por el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, está: lograr un “México próspero”. En la SAGARPA estamos comprometidos en construir la gran reforma del campo para diseñar su nuevo rostro, que responda a las exigencias del entorno nacional e internacional, que destierre la...
2013 - Red para la Gestión Territorial para el Desarrollo Rural (RED GTD)
Répondre aux défis du XXIe siècle avec l’agro-écologie: pourquoi et comment?
Face aux impacts négatifs et aux limites de l’agriculture issue de la révolution agricoledu XXe siècle – connue sous le nom de « révolution verte » dans les pays du Sud etsouvent qualifiée d’agriculture « productiviste » –, de multiples démarches visent, à traversle monde, à mettre en oeuvre une...
2013 - Coordination SUD (Solidarité Urgence Développement)
Roots and tubers processing in the Caribbean
Status and guidelines
A lot rides on agriculture in the economies of the Caribbean. It has traditionally been the backbone for development. While economic development has seen efforts and resources diverted to other sectors, agricultural enterprises continue to be a pivotal element of the progression of manufacturing, culinary and tourism sectors amongst others....
2013 - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
Guía para organizar ferias y mercardos campesinos
Las ferias y los mercados campesinos del productor al consumidor son un circuito de comercialización que ayuda al consumo de productos sanos, frescos, al reconocimiento de la importancia del campo para la alimentación de la ciudad y a la generación de ingresos para la agricultura familiar sostenible. Por ello es...
2013 - Agrónomos y Veterinarios sin Fronteras (AVSF)
Estudio de caso
Zone cotonnière du Burkina Faso : les gagnants et les perdants d'une révolution agricole
Au Burkina Faso l'agriculture a connu des gains de productivité très conséquents, passant en quelques décennies de l'abattis-brûlis à la culture continue. Les services liés à la production cotonnière et en particulier le crédit à l'équipement, ont joué un rôle majeur dans cette intensification des systèmes de production. Pourtant la malnutrition touche encore une part importante de la...
Burkina Faso
Artículo de blog
Farmer to Farmer: How Knowledge Transfer among Smallholders can change the face of agriculture
Building on principles of local leadership and the power of education, the Farmer to Farmer movement helps communities create their own agricultural extension networks.
Farmers work with Semilla Nueva staff to try new growing technologies on their land. After they see results, we provide them the tools to teach these same...
2013 - Semilla Nueva
Market for Regional and Local Food
A total of 14 LAGs, led by the Dutch LAG 'Zuid Twente', from 7 Member States cooperate to exchange best practice examples of production, marketing, distribution and inter-regional trading of local / regional food products between partner countries
Regional products are sold by an increasing number of farms and it has...
France - Greece - Hungary - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Poland - Portugal - Spain
2013 - EAFRD
Working with Smallholders
A Handbook for Firms Building Sustainable Supply Chains
Agribusinesses operate in a rapidly changing world. Demand for agricultural crops is expected to double as the world’s population reaches 9.1 billion by 2050. Food production will need to provide sufficient carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for the estimated 870 million people who currently lack food security. Concurrently, rising incomes and...
2013 - IFC Sustainable Business Advisory
Parte de un libro
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Ethiopia
In this chapter we present our assessments of the current socioeconomic and biophysical vulnerability of the Ethiopian agricultural sector, mainly focusing on key indicators of socioeconomic vulnerability and selected food enterprises. General circulation model (GCM) projections to 2050 are used to uncover what the future holds for the agricultural sector...
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Estudio de caso
Indigenous Knowledge, Practices and Customary Norms of Fire Management In Tanzania
A Study in Nine Villages
The FAO-Finland Programme is supporting Tanzania in its efforts towards developing and implementing national efforts on integrated fire management as a key factor to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. All stakeholders1 see the fire situation in Tanzania as complex, difficult, widespread and of significant concern. The detail of the fire...
United Republic of Tanzania
2013 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Comparing the levels of deprivation among family farmers at the semiarid of Northern Minas Gerais in the context of the coexistence programs and the rural productive microcredit
The study attempts to investigate what are the sources of deprivations that prevent the expansion of the freedoms of family farmers in the semiaridof northern Minas Gerais and whether the presence of the Rural Productive Microcredit (Agroamigo) and of the Training and Mobilization Programs for Coexistence with Semiarid Conditions: One ...
2013 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Artículo de revista especializada
发展循环农业是实现农业清洁生产、农业资源可持续利用的有效手段, 也是解决现代农业发展困境 的必然选择。文章系统地阐述了循环农业的内涵、特征、理论基础与遵循原则, 指出其本质特征是资源节约 和产业链条延伸,是遵循循环经济理念的生产方式、资源节约和高效利用的农业经济增长方式、产业链延伸 的农业空间拓展路径和环境友好的新农村理念。分析了循环农业的发展动力与物质流程框架, 指出循环农业 的产业链循环包括农业生产过程中农产品的顺时针外循环路径和可再生资源的逆时针内循环路径,其发展动 力主要是产业链内固有的价格机制和竞争机制产生的拉动作用和产业链外资金、技术、政策等对产业发展产 生的推动作用。文章总结了国内发展循环农业的实践和相关的模式, 提出了循环农业今后的研究重点包括循 环农业的机理研究, 循环农业发展的制度创新和补偿机制研究以及循环经济闭合循环链条体系的构建。
2013 - 中国生态农业学报
Modern Rationalities and Family Farmers Socio-professionals Identities
The present study proposes the analysis upon the rationalities that guide the production conducts of modern family farmers who foster different adjustments in the production systems through their social sustainability practices. The study of these conducts was carried out based on their social practices, always from the axis of the...
2013 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Artículo de revista especializada
Los arreglos familiares y la transmisión de la propiedad en los procesos hereditarios en el agro pampeano argentino
Los productores agropecuarios de la región pampeana desarrollan su actividad en el contexto de un modelo productivo cada vez menos demandante de mano de obra familiar. Asimismo, se registra cierta “modernización” de las relaciones intrafamiliares vinculada con la adopción de hábitos más característicos de una “clase media urbana” como, por...
2013 - Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Laborales (CEIL) / CONICET
Socioeconomic Characteristics of Smallholder Rice Production in Ethiopia
The preparation of this report was initiated because of the increased need for information about the characteristics of rice production and its producers in Ethiopia for the design of effective research and development interventions. The emerging importance of rice in the country is well recognized following the approval of the...
2013 - Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
Revista especializada
Cuadernos de Semillas n°3: Escuela itinerante del norte del Cauca
Este Cuadernos de Semillas en su tercer número contiene un detallado trabajo alrededor de las investigaciones en Finca tradicional, Agua y Minería, Uso y Tenencia de la Tierra, Alimentación y Salud, entre otros. Estos documentos son los resultados del primer ciclo de la Escuela Itinerante, conformada por líderes de las...
2013 - Grupo Semillas
Estudio de caso
Typology of smallholder farming in South Africa’s former homelands
Towards an appropriate classification system
The agriculture sector continues to be viewed as a vehicle through which economic growth and development can be achieved; particularly for developing economies. This view is incorporated in South Africa’s rural development framework in the National Development Plan, which indicated that this sector will be the main driver in developing...
South Africa
2013 - Stellenbosch University
A new approach to mining agricultural gene banks – to speed the pace of research innovation for food security
This report presents the possibilities of ‘FIGS’, a new technique for searching agricultural genebanks, that helps crop breeders and their managers achieve faster and better targeted pinpointing of improved crops for the future. This approach helps genebank managers, crop breeders, development agencies and donors to improve the effectiveness of crop...
2013 - International Center for Agriculture Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)
Parte de un libro
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) committed to the mitigation of the effects of climate change by signing the Kyoto Protocol for climate change and other related environmental management protocols. Since 1994, DRC has produced two national climate change communication documents (RDC, Ministère de l’Environnement, Conservation de la Nature, Eaux,...
Democratic Republic of the Congo
2013 - International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Documento/nota de orientación
Young people and Agri-food
Aspirations, opportunities and challenges
African governments, international agencies and NGOs are calling for policies which pay more attention to young people and agriculture. This policy brief draws on research findings by Future Agricultures and asks: What are the expectations and aspirations of young rural men and women? What are the constraints and opportunities facing...
Ethiopia - Ghana - Nigeria
2013 - Future Agricultures Consortium
Total results:20017