Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


La sección titulada “Recursos” contiene publicaciones y materiales multimedia archivados que guardan relación con cuestiones generales en el ámbito de la agricultura familiar.

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Agroforestry as autonomy tool

The perception of the ecological base's family farmer
The  unfolding  and  effective  progress  of  learning  and  technology  about  the potential  of applying the tools of ecological agriculture combining real interests between the interfaces of food production, biodiversity  conservation, and  natural resources reveals the important  role that  it plays  in  the  context  of  family  farming  management.   The  sampling  for ...
2012 - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)

Pastoralism and Development in Africa

Dynamic change at the margins
Once again, the Horn of Africa has been in the headlines. And once again the news has been bad: drought, famine, conflict, hunger, suffering and death. The finger of blame has been pointed in numerous directions: at the changing climate, at environ­mental degradation, at overpopulation, at geopolitics and conflict, at...
2012 - Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability (STEPS

Fientes de volailles

Les fientes de volailles constituent un très faible apport potentiel en matières organiques. Il faut plutôt considérer les fientes de volailles comme un engrais organique azoté bien que la teneur en azote total des fientes brutes soit inférieure à 3 %. L’apport en phosphore avec les fientes est également important....
2012 - Chambre d'Agriculture Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur

Armenia Country Strategy 2012–2020

Priority sector of the new Country Strategy for Armenia is agriculture. The choice of this sector was primarily guided by the objectives of poverty reduction and socially and environmentally sustainable development. With the end of the Soviet Union, Armenian agriculture gradually became less significant, losing important export markets and government...
2012 - Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation

Rôles des matières organiques dans le sol

Bien qu’elles ne représentent que quelques pourcents de la masse des terres cultivées, les matières organiques (MO) du sol ont des rôles extrêmement importants à jouer : construction et stabilité de la structure, maintien ou augmentation de la capacité à retenir l’eau ou les éléments minéraux, etc. Les différents types...
2012 - Chambre d'Agriculture Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur

Gender and rural microfinance: A learning route in Uganda

FAO in collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and PROCASUR launched an initiative to strengthen women's access to micro financial services. The objective of this activity was also to target practitioners of the rural microfinance industry and assist them to generate effective microfinance programs for both women...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Georgia, Country Strategy

Priority sectors of the new Country Strategy for Georgia are agriculture and forestry, which will receive about 70% of available funds. The selection of these sectors was mainly guided by the goal of poverty reduction und of socially and ecologically sustainable development. Despite remarkable economic progress in recent years, about...
2012 - Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation

Documento/nota de orientación
Support the farmers who maintain Europe’s pastoral landscapes – change the CAP rules on permanent pastures

Since 1992, successive CAP reforms have led to the decoupling from production of mainstream support payments to farmers (Pillar 1). Instead of paying farmers for a quantity of production, payments are attached to the land that farmers use. To determine if a piece of land is eligible for CAP payments,...
2012 - Europe Forum on nature conservation and pastoralism

Hoja informativa
Programa de campo FAO: Trabajando por una América Latina y Caribe Sin Hambre

Folleto que describe el Programa de Campo: Trabajando por una América Latina y Caribe Sin Hambre, sus alcances y elementos fundamentales.
2012 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Soberanía Alimentaria y comercialización

Módulo n°1 de formación de líderes en comercialización campesina
En el marco del proyecto Mercados campesinos, proyecto regional andino ejecutado por AVSF en Bolivia, Perú y Ecuador  de enero 2011 a diciembre 2013, el equipo de AVSF en Ecuador y sus socios implementaron el programa de“Capacitación de técnicos, productores y líderes locales en el fortalecimiento organizativo y comercialización campesina”.Se...
2012 - Agrónomos y Veterinarios Sin Fronteras (AVSF)

Agricultural sector and market developments: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan

This report presents a summary and the presentations of the expert workshop "Developments in agricultural commodity markets: a special focus on Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan", organised by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), in close cooperation with the European Commission's DG...
Kazakhstan - Russian Federation - Ukraine
2012 - European Commission

Artículo de revista especializada
Farmer perceptions on climate change and variability in semi-arid Zimbabwe in relation to climatology evidence

Farmers in semi-arid Zimbabwe prioritize climate variability as their major agricultural productivity-reducing problem. This paper raises the importance of considering local farmers’ perceptions on climate risk, as this greatly influences on-farm investments and decision-making in agricultural management and production in semiarid Zimbabwe. A study was conducted in two districts of...
2012 - International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

Artículo de revista especializada
Welfare impact of private sector interventions on rural livelihoods: the case of Masvingo and Chiredzi smallholder farmers

Improving livelihoods in rural areas is important to progress of the developing world and it helps in the creation of the domestic demand for the productive sector. Private sector partnerships in rural areas have been the major driver to reduction of market uncertainties and management of risk and thus bring...

Climate Change and Fisheries: Perspectives from Small-scale Fishing Communities in India on Measures to Protect Life and Livelihood

Through consultations with key fisheries-based stakeholders in four States of India, this study attempts to assess perceptions of fishing communities about the impact of climate change on their lives and livelihoods. It also evaluates the traditional knowledge, institutions, and practices of fishing communities that are relevant to climate-change preparedness. The...
2012 - International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)

Documento de la Conferencia
Design Parameters, Criteria and Operation Guidelines of Controlled Drainage and Sub-Irrigation for Dambo Smallholder Farmers’ Water User Groups

This study is establishing recommendations for spacing, depth and layout of controlled drainage and sub-irrigation that could be practiced in dambos of Central Malawi by smallholder famers’ water user groups. To achieve this, soil physical and chemical properties and field investigations on hydraulic conductivity and topography have been accomplished for...
United Republic of Tanzania
2012 - Sokoine University of Agriculture

Promoting community based seed production farmer groups to manage climate risks in northern Vietnam

he video describes the promotion of community-based seed production farmer groups and the strengthening of individual and community level capacities to ensure continuous seed supply throughout the year while maintaining the seed quality in the region. By joining the farmers' group, members contribute to stocks and receive support and from...
Viet Nam
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Documento técnico
Contribution à la co-élaboration d'un plan simple de gestion à vocation de production de bois-énergie dans un finage villageois cas du village Mabaya, département du pool, République du Congo

 En Afrique centrale, les forêts périurbaines dégradées sont les principales pourvoyeuses de la demande toujours croissante des grandes villes en bois-énergie. En l'absence de plan de gestion, ces formations forestières aux enjeux multiples se dégradent de plus en plus.  Le Cirad et ses partenaires ont mené une réflexion autour de...
2012 - Centre de Coopération Internationale de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD)

Estudio de caso
Case study of the technical, socio-economic and environmental conditions of small-scale fisheries in the estuary of Patos Lagoon, Brazil

A methodology for assessment
This document presents an assessment of small-scale fisheries of the Patos Lagoon estuary, Brazil, using a custom-designed fisheries census methodology. Complementary information was sourced from a literature review, secondary data and in-depth semi-structured interviews. The assessment provides a complete picture of the technical, environmental and socio-economic conditions of these fisheries, including information on the...
2012 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Story of SDC beneficiary Herder

Collective actions through organised pasture user groups in Mongolia are a sustainable way to protect rangeland from desertification and to guarantee food security for the next herder generation
2012 - Feeding Knowledge

Good practices in building innovative rural institutions to increase food security

Strong rural organizations like producer groups and cooperatives are crucial to hunger and poverty reduction. They allow small producers toplay a greater role in meeting growing food demand on local, national and international markets, while improving their own economic, social and political opportunities. This thinking connects a series of case...
Total results:19340