Apply now for the 2025 Champion Award
Selection and Eligibility Criteria
On 18 June 2021, the FAO Conference, at its Forty-second Session, decided to establish the highest corporate Award to recognize significant and outstanding contribution towards advancing the overall goals of the Organization, including the achievement of the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals.
Nature of the Award
- a scroll describing the recipient's achievements and/or award,
- a cash prize of USD 50 000
Any individual, national, regional or global institution that has, in the course of the biennium preceding the Conference, made a significant and outstanding contribution towards advancing the overall goals of the Organization, including the achievement of the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals.
The winning individual or institution should be one that has:
- made a significant and effective contribution towards advancing the overall goals of the Organization, including the FAO Four Betters and overall, the achievement of the 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals;
- developed analyses that support the transformation to more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems and successfully advocated for consistent measures that have been adopted and applied, on a large scale, by governments, civil society organizations and/or private enterprises, through programmes aimed ensuring a sustainable and food-secure world for all, and/or;
- implemented large-scale programmes* for eliminating poverty, ending hunger and all forms of malnutrition, and reducing inequalities, that have demonstrated a sustainable impact and alignment with the 2030 Agen
*Large-scale programmes are here defined as programmes that involve inter-country cooperation at regional or global level.
The procedures and general guidelines to be followed are set out below:
Submission of Nominations
Proposals for nominations presented by national, regional or global institutions should be submitted to FAO Representatives (in countries with an accredited FAO Representative) or to FAO Regional and Subregional Representatives (in countries with no accredited FAO Representative) or to a Director at FAO headquarters, as appropriate, for submission to the Awards Secretariat by 31 January 2025. The FAO National, Regional and Subregional Representatives or UNDP Resident Representatives acting as FAO Representatives as appropriate, may also submit proposals, using the attached nomination, directly to the FAO Secretariat at the following email address: [email protected]. If the nomination form is submitted by an individual or institution, an endorsement or letter of support from a FAO Representative.
The Economic and Social Development Stream will provide the FAO Awards Secretariat with the necessary technical support, particularly with regard to the eligibility of each nomination.
An ad hoc Screening Committee chaired by the Director of Cabinet and comprising the FAO Core leadership group, all Assistant Directors-General at headquarters and at regional level, and the Director of the Office of Communications, as Secretary, will review the list of nominations submitted by the Awards Secretariat, and establish a short-list of three nominations. The Chairperson of the Screening Committee will submit, based on the results of the Screening Committee, the short-list of three institutions to the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
The Award is conferred for activities and programmes with remarkable achievements during the biennium preceding the current one. The Award will be presented by the Director-General to the individual or representative of the recipient institution during a special ceremony during the 44th Session of the FAO Conference 28 June-4July 2025.
The individual or representative of the selected institution will be invited to FAO Headquarters in Rome for the ceremony, the cost of travel being borne by the Organization.
Nomination Form
Please note: the text of the detailed nomination should be self-contained and should provide concrete elements and information.