The FAO Terminology Portal, or FAO Term Portal, has been created to store, manage and update concepts, terms and definitions related to the various fields of FAO’s activity. The idea is to offer a single search window for all glossaries, in one or several languages, as a mechanism to enhance the exchange of information and facilitate communication.
Tips for an efficient search:
- Drop prepositions, articles, apostrophes, hyphens, slashes, commas and other punctuation marks.
- Try both British and American spelling (e.g. search for “organization” and “organisation”).
- Use the singular form (e.g. search for “chickpea” instead of “chickpeas”), or use the form without ending (e.g. search for “propert” instead of “property” or “properties”).
- Separate the words, if doubtful (e.g. search for "water mark" instead of "watermark" or "water-mark").
- In order to view the complete information contained in an entry, it is always advisable to access it, as this information is not entirely visible from the preview pane.
- Before proceeding with your search, please make sure you have selected the desired collection(s) on the right-hand side menu of this page.
The AQUATIC SPECIES collection is in the process of being updated. Until further notice, please refer to the ASFIS List of Species for Fishery Statistics Purposes, in the ASFIS official web page (


In November 2023, the IFADTERM collection migrated to the United Nations Terminology Database ( The collection...

This thematic collection contains the FAO's structure and staff titles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French,...

A multilingual listing of relevant terms and definitions associated with the phytosanitary systems worldwide has...

Due to the need to adapt our terminological database to the new FAO template, we...