Prudent and efficient use of antimicrobials in pigs and poultry
2019 - FAO, WHO, Magnusson, U.; Sternberg, S.; Eklund, G.; Rozstalnyy, A.
EU Guidelines for the feed use of food no longer intended for human consumption
Normas y estandares
2018 - European Commission, Official Journal of the European Union
World Livestock: Transforming the livestock sector through the Sustainable Development Goals
2018 - FAO,
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2016 - FAO, Wall, B.A. ; Mateus, A.; Marshall, L.; Pfeiffer, D.U.; Lubroth, J.; Ormel, H.J.; Otto, P.; Patriarchi, A.
Potential risks posed by macroalgae for application as feed and food - a Norwegian perspective
2016 - National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) , Arne Duinker, Irja Sunde Roiha, Heidi Amlund, Lisbeth Dahl, Erik-Jan Lock, Tanja Kögel, Amund Måge and Bjørn Tore Lunestad