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Sistemas Agrolimentarios


WEBINAR: The ATLAS platform for agricultural financing
The webinar: "The ATLAS platform: features and tools of a new source of data for agricultural financing", is organized by the FAO Technical Network on Sustainable Food Value Chains - Development & Finance (SFVC D&F) with MicroFinanza Rating (MFR) and the Appui au Développement Autonome (ADA).
Political economy analysis of the Kenyan food systems
As result of a partnership with the European Centre For Development Policy Management (ECDPM) the AgrInvest-Food Systems Project has released its first Food Systems assessment for Kenya using a political economy approach.This study maps Kenya’s food systems, outlining in broad terms its social, environmental, and economic outcomes, as well as its key actors, political economy features and sustainability challenges and opportunities.
FAO Bulletin - Series: The agrifood system and the challenges of COVID-19
Traditional food supply channels in a pandemic: suggestions for their modernisation
FAO Boletín N.1 - Serie: Sistema alimentario y los desafíos que trae el COVID-19
COVID-19 y los denominados fenómenos alimentarios |  El documento aborda las definiciones y componentes del sistema alimentario, a la vez que propone una definición y áreas de búsqueda de fenómenos alimentarios. Además analiza el estado del arte de la evidencia empírica y la opinión de expertos en base a cómo se definen estos fenómenos alimentarios en la literatura. Al cierre presenta una reflexión de cómo los fenómenos identificados se presentan y se debiesen abordar en la región de América latina y el Caribe, en el actual escenario de COVID-19, como por ejemplo: desierto y pantanos alimentarios, irrupción...
Conference Recording - Green Cities to build back better for SDG
FAO virtual event kicking-off a high-level dialogue to improve the wellbeing of city dwellers and strengthening urban-rural links.
COVID-19 and the role of local food production in building more resilient local food systems
COVID-19 pandemic has put local food systems at risk of disruptions along the entire agri-food value chain.To better understand the situation, FAO has been closely monitoring local food system status and prevailing practices during COVID-19, collecting information and insights from different cities on key challenges and specific responses through various channels.
Empowering women in food systems and strengthening the local capacities and resilience of SIDS in the agrifood sector
This leaflet will present the aim of the subprogramme, which is to enhance women’s participation in and the benefits they receive from the development of selected value chains through improved access to resources and innovative and climate-resilient services, technologies and practices. This subprogramme will contribute to enhancing food security and nutrition in SIDS through the development of efficient, resilient and inclusive food systems, which are key to mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural settings. The tourism sector is one important area that is common to all SIDS countries and that is currently facing big challenges due to...
FAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Food systems transformation
Building to transform during response and recovery
Ciudades y gobiernos locales a la vanguardia en la construcción de sistemas alimentarios inclusivos y resilientes
Principales resultados de la encuesta de la FAO "Sistemas alimentarios urbanos y COVID-19"
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