Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Prof. Adem Hiko Woshie

Global Development, Health, Research and Training Work PLC, Ethiopia and Haramaya University, Ethiopia

From Food security, Safety and Nutritional points of view, I would like to say "Food production, Processing, Handling and Consumption have Local Insight" to alleviate hangar. Global world have diversified  population with vast and untouched  Knowledge, Skill and Culture of Food production, Processing, Handling and Consumption that adopted to their respective climate. Dramatic introduction of recent scientific findings in to such community could face resistance from such culture, too. Thus,  the current HELP-FSN consultancy call which attempted to look at the indigenous food knowledge is quit relent to  dig out the Local Insight of Food by scientific  support. Hence, through local community based participatory will help for global sustainable food systems. Further, determining traditionally used organic food additives will help food preservation and alleviating refrigerator originated climate change issue,

Relevant references that should be taken into account

Adem Hiko


  1. Do you agree with the guiding principles indicated above?


Yes! But, better if one guiding principle is incorporated as: "10. How Local Insight of Food (Indigenous Peoples food and knowledge systems) is aligned with by scientific techniques?"

2. Should the objectives include mainstreaming Indigenous Peoples food and knowledge systems, and lessons learned from them, for the benefit of all, or solely for the benefit of Indigenous Peoples as rights holders?


Through publication and FAO consultation, the HELP SFN out pus are for the benefit of all. Moreover, local industrialization of the indigenous knowledge will benefitted the global.

3. What are the challenges related to Free, Prior and Informed Consent and Access and Benefit Sharing when widely promoting and/or mainstreaming Indigenous Peoples food and knowledge systems?


There could be two challenges:

  1. Most of indigenous knowledge, including Indigenous Peoples and indigenous knowledge, were  at the hand of limited individuals whose pass to only limited descendent of family line. Thus, it could be difficult to get all relevant information.
  2. Again, such indigenous knowledge are owned by elders, Thus, it could be challenging to get all data.

4. How can the report ensure the inclusion of marginalized groups, sustainability, and protection against commercialization risks for Indigenous Peoples' food and knowledge systems?


  • Regarding inclusion of marginalized groups: Application of well randomized techniques shall be implemented. Moreover, purposive study can be applied when the Indigenous Peoples' food and knowledge systems is special, relevant, unique and going to die (i.e not loos).
  • Concerning sustainability: The Indigenous Peoples' food and knowledge systems must be documented, conserved and supported by scientific research
  • For protection against commercialization risks : It should be governed by law, Copy right and patent benefit must be awarded to the owner.

5. How should oral knowledge and traditions be documented and referenced in the development of the report?


  1. Citation and Coating the data source
  2. Application of Spacio temporal documentation. Thus, Time serious and Geographic Information System (GIS) based mapping of the source with inclusion of area coverage. 
  3. When, the need arise, application of genetic archeology   can be done.

6. What dimensions linked to Indigenous Peoples’ agency, e.g., in governance issues, could be addressed?


  • From the individual point of view, the Culture and Heritage of indigenous people govern the system
  • From international point of view, the respective source country patent and copy right to the level documentation at UNISCO could govern it.

7. Are there important/relevant policy papers and instruments missing from the foundational documents list?

Response: ‘


Better if “NATIONAL FOOD SAFETY POLICY” is included.

8. Could you please indicate relevant references that should be taken into account?


Better if “NATIONAL FOOD SAFETY POLICY” is included.

9. What best practices, ethical standards, and strategies for addressing climate change should be highlighted in the report?


Analysis of the Indigenous Peoples food and knowledge systems against Spacio temporal variability of climate change that will help to recovery for those Indigenous Peoples food and knowledge systems at endanger stage. Thus, point in time   rehabilitation and propagation strategies shall also be designed, 

10. Which best practices or strategies to promote cross-cultural understanding should be highlighted in the report?


  1. Integrating in education curriculum
  2. Creating experience sharing culture amongst the respective people
  3. Engagement and encouraging of academia respective area research and communication of the finding
  4. Creation National dialog that could extended to global
  5. Arrangements of sustainable annual conference and expiation on Indigenous Peoples food and knowledge systems

11. Are the previous legal documents such as Prior and Informed Consent, enough in light of this evolution of thinking about Indigenous People’s knowledge, or do they need to be revised?


I think fragments of research per country can be found published. Most   Indigenous People’s knowledge   were hosted by developing countries due to their remote area prevalence. Thus, such fragments of reports could not be extended beyond publication. Hence, this call could bring comprehensive action research for policy endorsement.