Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Prof. Adem Hiko Woshie

Global Development, Health, Research and Training Work PLC, Ethiopia and Haramaya University, Ethiopia
Dear Sir/Madam
up on call from FSN-FAO 2024, I would like to submit for call on good practices, experiences, and lessons learnt on the use of community engagement for inclusive rural transformation and gender equality.
Find attached and mostly, I am look for fund for implementation.
Monocropping could impacted  Women’s and children’s livelihood
Best regards,
Prof. Adem Hiko (DVM, MS.c, PhD)
Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Food Safety and Zoonosis
Kofi Annan Global Public Health Leadership Fellow, June 2024 to present
Vice President II for 2A2E-V (Association for African Veterinary Education Enhancement) 2021-2024
Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, Haramaya University-Ethiopia (2018-December 2023)
Editorial Manager for East African Journal of Sciences (2015-2019)