It is known that Man is an open information system, with self-regulation, self-reproduction and anti-entropic evolution, which processes exogenous and endogenous information. In fact, food is a major epigenetic factor, carrying information taken from the environment, which interacts with our own genetic information, a condition absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of this biological entity.
Studying the role of food information, as a major epigenetic factor, it was concluded that staple foods are, in fact, not only nutritional complexes but also parts of the environment, carriers of information. Through processing, the food matrix undergoes informational changes, the deeper the more advanced the processing technique. The strong anthropization of food and the environment, as well as its effects prove that man has failed, as a rational being, to discover the laws of harmonizing its existence and activity with the environment, nature, causing self-imbalances and serious ecological transformations.
In the case of standardized, processed and composite foods, the nutritional profiles are completely modified and different from the traditional profiles of whole natural foods.
The anthropogenic nutritional profiles of highly processed, standardized and "modern" foods provide human metabolism (unchanged for millions of years) with lesser known and harder to assess information, pseudo-nutrients, additives, contaminants with which it is not accustomed, producing imbalances. strong metabolic stress (metabolic stress), which is the trigger for the alarming pathological picture encountered today at the individual level and, naturally, in non-public health.
Therefore, I also consider that a food database, with reference to ingredients and their percentages of inclusion in the food is very useful for the whole food sector, both for the consumer and for the producer.
Benone Pasarin