The goal of the ICN2 draft should aim to illustrate how making NUTRITION explicit in all relevant policies will maximise the opportunity to reduce poverty as rapidly as possibly as cost effectively as possible.
Policy makers from diffrent sectors need tools to help them implement this approach. Such a tool could be by providing a lens whereby they can view their policies through a nutrition perspective. Only by ensuring nutrition is explicit (and not underminded) can the sectors of agriculture, health, environment and education etc. develop coherent policies to prevent unintentional harm to human health and environment and so achieve development goals.
Attached is a document where food and nutrition security is viewed through a policy coherence for development lens. How different sectors can work together to achieve "win-win" solutions to challenges of population growth, increasing food prices and enviromental damage is discussed. This view through a coherent lens starts with
- Policy Coherence for Development ( as per OECD).
- Nutrition Insecurity Hinders Development.
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production to promote human health and protect the environment.
- Post-2015 Agenda and Poverty Reductoin.
- Climate Change, Green Growth and Biodiversity2020.
Dr. Aileen Robertson