Thank you for the opportunity.
The producing companies should take into account all the aspects of value to the consumer needs (nutritional and economic ). This is possible only through enhancing the capacity and awareness level. In India, its essential to develop value chains to improve nutrition. There are multiple actors at multiple levels that have responsibilities to this value chain. Strategies need to be developed for strengthening coordination among the key players. There need to be convergence of schemes, not within the department but also converge the various sectors and the actors who are working to help the farmers and customers.
The need of improving the quality of value chains for nutrition enhancement links to a series of integrated processes starting with rainwater and watershed management, improved input use efficiency, soil health management, need-based fertilizer recommendation, integrated weed and nutrient management, pre- and post-harvest management, agro processing and value addition etc. Periodical assessments of value chain analysis need to be carried out for effective functioning and enhancing viability to benefit ordinary (below average and average) customers.
Dr. Dhanya Praveen