This is a great discussion indeed. It shows how nations and their people want to end hunger before massive population explosion in years to come.
They are great questions raised but would like to tackle on the first one;
qn1. Under what conditions can agriculture succeed in lifting people out of extreme poverty? Particularly those households with limited access to productive resources.
To my views is that since most of the citizens are involved in Agriculture mostly in parts of Africa forexample in Tanzania where i live, statistics shows that, 68% of the Tanzania depend on agriculture as the source of income, then followed by Uganda with 65% and Kenya with 41%. Through this quick statistics it implies that if there is huge investment in agriculture in african countries it will lead to zero hunger in the world since most of the citizens are involved in Agriculture and reduce poverty at high rate.
So through my research i found out that many don't succeed in Agriculture due to Poverty which is caused by other factors like Natural calamities/ Climate change because when these calamities strikes they remain poor. According to some findings from FAO is that, betwee 2003 to 2013 there have been 78 disasters of which affected 1.9 billion people in LDCs and caused more than $ 494 billions in damage. They further analysed 78 post-disaster needs assement in 48 LDCs and found out that 22% of the damages were absorbed by agriculture sector including crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries.
Therefore the best solution to fight this tragedy is through "Introduction of Effective Crop Insurance to farmers" because when introduced it will lead to many benefits like;
1. Stability in income,
2. Awareness of the disasters and agricultural expertism from agriculturalist,
3. Minimal debts
4. Technology advancement due to colaboration with insurers who will be of great help to bring them good technology
5. High quality yield production
6. Peace of mind even when disasters strikes.
Those are my few contributions so far.
Thanks and have a great amazing Discussion for success.
Agape Ishabakaki| Intern
Sauti za Wananchi
Twaweza East Africa
Mr. Agape Ishabakaki