Dear Colleagues,
As our online consultation draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their valuable contributions. I am delighted with the rich exchange that we’ve had over the last few weeks.
A number of contributors have highlighted the need to develop a common vision of success to be supported by national roadmaps. Examples received from government ministries show us how this can be done.
Danny Hunter from Bioversity International rightly reminds us that there are two relevant UN Decades in progress: Action on Nutrition (2016-2025) and Biodiversity (2011-2020). It will be important to build synergies between these efforts to maximize the impact of both. Diets, with their environmental and health benefits, can provide a link.
This consultation served as another building block in the development of the Work Programme of the Decade. The process of consultation will continue, and we welcome your commitments under the six pillars identified in the ICN2 Framework for Action: sustainable food systems for healthy diets; aligned health systems providing universal coverage of essential nutrition actions; social protection and nutrition education; trade and investment for improved nutrition; enabling food and breastfeeding environments; and review, strengthen and promote nutrition governance and accountability.
Setting out the Work Programme of the Decade will be an inclusive, continuous and collaborative process, building upon and connecting the independent initiatives of governments and their many partners. As we move further into the Decade, UNSCN looks forward to engaging with you in an effort to translate the selected policy options and strategies into country specific commitments for action, in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and various regional strategic frameworks.
While unfortunately we must bring this discussion to a close, I would like to invite you to send any additional contributions directly to [email protected] within the next few days. I will do my best to summarise the general themes and specific ideas generated by this online consultation in a single document over the next few weeks, so keep an eye on the FSN Forum page. We may also reach out to you as potential authors for our upcoming flagship publication, SCN News, which will go more in-depth on some of the issues raised.
I thank you again for your support and contributions to this discussion. It has been an extremely rewarding and refreshing process.
Together we can make this Decade a decade of impact for nutrition.
Kind regards,
Christine Campeau
Ms. Christine Campeau