Ms. Valeria Pesce

I work as Agricultural Science and Innovation Data Specialist in the Office of Innovation at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and I'm a co-chair of the IGAD agricultural Community of Practice in the Research Data Alliance (RDA). I work in the Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) project and on the Agrifood-systems Technologies and Innovations Outlook (ATIO) Knowledge Base.
Until recently, I was partnerships facilitator and digital innovation adviser at the Global Forum on Agricultural Research and Innovation (GFAR), facilitating a global Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Transformation of Agriculture and one on Land Rights of the Rural Poor in the Climate Change Discourse, and coordinating efforts around GFAR's new Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning approach.
Previously, I worked as project manager at GFAR and as data scientist in the Statistics Division of FAO, collaborated with CTA and the World Bank on agricultural data policy research and with the Land Portal on resource mobilization; I was a liaison between GFAR and global initiatives on agricultural data (CIARD, GODAN, RDA), represented FAO and GFAR in EC-funded projects on data infrastructures (agINFRA, Big Data Europe) and managed open data platforms and knowledge bases in coordination with other global and regional actors. I'm an ECQA certified EU Project Manager.
Ms. Valeria Pesce
Dear FSN Forum members,
I briefly intervene on behalf of the ATIO Knowledge Base team only to thank all of you who have taken the time to post a submission to this e-consultation so far. You are giving us a wealth of suggestions, which we will capture in our design document and we will do our best to implement.
Your recommendations clearly all go in the same direction, encouraging us to include as many types of innovations as possible and to have a broad scope in terms of use cases and originators/producers (with a clear interest in grassroot innovations). You also all demand very rich information about each innovation, including all possible contextual information (an aspect many of you highlighted) and categorization against the challenges they address and the approaches they follow.
The specific use cases you are illustrating are very ambitious and very instructive for us. We will consider all of them.
Thank you again and please keep the good advice coming!
Valeria Pesce
Agricultural Science and Innovation Data Specialist
Office of Innovation (OIN), FAO