Harvesting change: Harnessing emerging technologies and innovations for agrifood system transformation
Global foresight synthesis report "Harvesting change: Harnessing emerging technologies and innovations for agrifood system transformation" (2023). FAO’s Office of Innovation is working with partners on an FAO Chief Scientist initiative on Foresight on emerging agrifood technologies and innovations...
Call for experiences, best practices and scalable solutions for the integration of biodiversity into agriculture
This call was organized for the FAO’s Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment in the context of the International Symposium "Agriculture, Biodiversity and Food Security: From Commitments to Actions", to be held in Canada, from 30 April to 2 May 2024. Through this call, the steering committee of the Symposium and its co-chairs invited stakeholders to submit contributions on experiences and best practices, and concrete, scalable solutions concerning biodiversity and agriculture, in order to inform the Symposium and facilitate the development of recommendations.
How can the hidden costs and benefits of agrifood systems be effectively incorporated into decision-making for transformation?
The 2023 edition of FAO’s flagship publication “The State of Food and Agriculture 2023” (SOFA 2023) has the theme “Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems”. The report presents the results of national-level true cost accounting (TCA) assessments for 154 countries. The SOFA 2024 will showcase the flexibility of TCA in its application to different scopes, from an entire agrifood system down to a single product. The aim of this call is to collect relevant inputs, key messages, and country level case studies to contribute to the writing process of SOFA 2024 (to be published in November 2024).
In Brief to The State of Food and Agriculture 2023
Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems The In Brief version of the FAO flagship publication, The State of Food and Agriculture 2023, contains the key messages and main points from the publication and is aimed at the media, policymakers and more general public.
The State of Food and Agriculture 2023
Revealing the true cost of food to transform agrifood systems The State of Food and Agriculture 2023 looks into the true cost of food for sustainable agrifood systems. The report introduces the concept of hidden environmental, health and social costs and benefits of agrifood systems and proposes an...
Revealing the hidden costs of agrifood systems to enhance their value
Background document to the FAO flagship The State of Food and Agriculture 2023 . Agrifood systems are invaluable to society. However, they also contribute to climate change and natural resource degradation while failing to provide healthy diets to all. Many of these impacts are not included in...
Voluntary guidance tool for the sustainable enhancement of small-scale livestock productivity – Need, scope, nature, and development process
Based on the findings of the Global Survey, a FAO task force drafted the potential objectives, scope and nature, and process for the development of a dedicated voluntary guidance tool for the sustainable enhancement of small-scale livestock productivity. The outputs of this online consultation will contribute to the inclusive multistakeholder consultation process, requested by the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock.
Focus on governance for more effective policy and technical support. Framework paper
Bringing together insights from FAO’s rich experience and knowledge and global literature, this paper introduces an operational four-phased framework for analysis and integration of governance analysis and action into formulation and implementation of interventions at country, regional and global...
Matching grant programmes: An effective approach to channel remittances into sustainable investment in agribusiness?
This document summarizes the online consultation “Matching grant programmes: An effective approach to channel remittances into sustainable investment in agribusiness?” held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 18 February to 15 May 2022. This consultation was...
The State of Food and Agriculture 2022
Leveraging agricultural automation for transforming agrifood systems Automation has been shaping world agriculture since the early twentieth century. Motorized mechanization has brought significant benefits in terms of improved productivity, reduced drudgery and more efficient allocation of labour...