全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)



    根据计划,将于2023年10月 世界粮食安全委员会 (粮安委)51届全会期间举办一次评估活动,监测下列粮安委政策建议的采用和适用情况:

1套:          政策波动与粮食安全 (2011年批准,粮安委第37届会议)

2套:          社会保护促进粮食安全与营养  (2012年批准,粮安委第39届会议)


    粮安委及其 粮食安全与营养高级别专家组 (高专组)分别于2011年和2012年制定了关于应对价格波动和社会保护问题促进粮食安全与营养的政策建议。

    第1套关于价格波动与粮食安全 的粮安委政策建议源于粮安委高专组编写的首份报告2010年10月,粮安委要求高专组编写上述报告,专门论述粮食价格波动以及“所有其成因和后果[……]从而对农业领域价格过度波动有关的风险进行管理[1]”。围绕由此制定的政策建议开展了谈判,后于2011年获得粮安委通过,这些政策建议着重提出了可供有关利益相关者考虑采用的一系列行动切入点,用以应对粮食价格波动的结构性成因并确保其影响不损害生产者和消费者的食物权:包括旨在增加食物生产和供应的行动,加强应对冲击的韧性的行动;降低波动的行动;以及缓解价格波动负面影响的行动。

    第2套关于社会保护促进粮食安全与营养  的粮安委政策建议源于 高专组第4号报告。同样是在2010年10月,粮安委要求高专组编写第4号报告,专门论述社会保护问题并着重具体论述“根据各国和各区域的不同具体情况通过社会和生产安全网计划及政策在粮食与营养安全方面降低脆弱性的方式1”。围绕由此制定的政策建议开展了谈判,后于2012年获得粮安委通过,这些政策建议面向成员国和有关利益相关者着重提出了一系列行动切入点:设计和实施或者强化综合性、国家主导、因地制宜的社会保护体系从而促进粮食安全与营养的行动;确保社会保护体系采取能够最大程度发挥对韧性及粮食安全与营养的影响的行动;改进利用社会保护措施应对紧急和长期粮食不安全脆弱性的行动。这些政策建议还强调了以人权标准来指导促进粮食安全与营养的社会保护计划的重要性,从而帮助逐步实现《国家粮食安全背景下的充足食物权》。




  1. 供某类利益相关者(如成员国、民间社会或私营部门)上报适用该两套政策建议的“个别”经验的表格
  2. (供活动组织者)分享在国家、区域和全球领域为探讨适用该两套政策建议的经验和良好实践而举办的多利益相关者成果的表格


方  法


    注意: 2016年由粮安委批准的在国家、区域和全球各级举办多利益相关者磋商的指南可见通过在国家、区域和全球各级举办活动分享有关适用粮安委决定和建议的经验和良好实践的职责说明

    粮安委推荐采用的关于组织举办多利益相关者磋商的方法鼓励以国家主导和国家领导的方式与现有协调机制和举措协作和合作共同举办。各国有关主体应当在组织举办所有各级此类活动中发挥积极作用,由罗马联合国机构(粮食及农业组织粮农组织、国际农业发展基金农发基金、和 世界粮食计划署粮食署)或其他利益相关者尽可能提供支持。


  • 包容和参与:  所有相关主体均参与和参加决策过程,包括受到有关决定影响的主体;
  • 询证分析: 根据独立证据对有关实践在实现政策建议的目标方面的有效性进行分析;
  • 环境、经济和社会可持续性: 有关实践帮助实现其目标的同时不得减损满足未来需求的能力;
  • 性别平等: 有关实践促进妇女和男子的平等权利和参与并应对性别不平等问题;
  • 聚焦最脆弱和边缘化民众和群体:有关实践使最脆弱和边缘化民众和群体受益;
  • 多部门方法: 在落实政策建议时与所有主要相关部门进行磋商并请他们参与;
  • 生计韧性: 有关实践有助于为家庭和社区构建对冲击和危机、包括与气候变化有关的冲击和危机具有韧性的生计手段。




世界粮食安全委员会 (粮安委)的愿景是作为一系列广泛志同道合的利益相关者的最包容国际政府间平台,以统筹协调的方式同心协力支持由国家主导的进程,努力确保所有人的粮食安全和营养。粮安委勠力缔造一个免于饥饿的世界,期待各国落实有关价格波动与粮食安全以及社会保护促进粮食安全与营养的政策建议,从而帮助逐步实现充足食物权。

[1] 第36届粮安委: 最终报告

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Dear Sir/Ma

Food Volatility and Food Security.

My little contribution for the submission.

When there is an instituted mechanism for price control in food system that would lead to food security especially in the developing countries, then, there would be surplus food commodities. A governing body that could see to the volatility of price of commodities is something the government can do. The reason for this is that the economy and political climate are run by the government which is the mouth piece of the citizens of a nation. Farmers must understand how this is done and practice to ensure a productive price regulating for more yields and productivity. A country that can't regulate its commodities and goods is bound to have crisis in prices of goods which could lead to inflation anything and also low productivity of goods because of low interest in a commodity. productive control mechanism is instituted by government to ensure that policy regulating pricing of goods or commodities are maintained. This critical issue is centered on government and its policy.

To have surplus which amount to food security in a state. A nation most rise above board, partizan issue that could dampen the moral of farmers. In other words, food security is solely lies on profit return and if a return is not commensurate with the input there is bound to be a shortage of investment in a product. This still falls back on government, protection of price of goods to encourage the agriculturists. There shouldn't be floating market or products that lead to high or low price of commodities. The farmers should earn what they worked for and the burden shouldn't be on consumers. The farmers are perturbed because of this irregularities of policy making and management that controls market price. What does this mean? Every farmer's desire is to make profit which is the basic concern because when the price is fixed by them there is a lot of gain forgetting market's circle which also affects them. Most of the time this is done according to input and present circumstances. And this generate fear, anxiety, and agitation from both sides. And has caused farmers to migrate from one particular product to another which makes a particular product to be scarce in the market while other surplus. This can also be attributed  to the inability of prices regulating mechanism that moderates goods and prices.

Food insecurity could also happen anywhere due to the increase in demographics in the world. Once there is over population there would be food insecurity and this leads to UN SDGs 1 issue. Managing demographic structural adjustment mechanism and policies for every nation to control its citizens consumption of goods and products. Food insecurity is as a result of some of these empirical evidence which needs to be treated and handle practically like political crises, inconsistent in policy implementation and management etc Food security can be seen when especially the government of a nation has a proper and affordable system management.

Another evidential fact of food insecurity is uncertainty of the economy, when the economy is not predictable it creates tension, anxiety, agitation and fear to hiked the price and generates unsolicited profit at a particular time and move on with another product that is more profitable to them. This happens when economic uncertainty is perceived.

However, these can be controlled and managed by clear legitimate policy to guide the farmers and their products. An institutional authority can enforce control and manage any unpleasant situation for the benefits of the general public. Food security and insecurity don't just happened but cause by man and environment. To see this functioning system, good policy most be in place to control and abide with.

Thank you.


Amanda Baker

Secretaría Elige Vivir Sano, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia

Estimadas Facilitadoras,

Junto con saludar, y esperando que se encuentren muy bien, adjunto al presente la contribución del gobierno de Chile sobre la iniciativa de microbancos de alimentos del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia - Elige Vivir Sano y CODEMA.

Saludos cordiales,

Amanda Baker

  Dear Faciliators,

  On behalf of the Ministry of Rural Development and Family Farming (MDA) of Brazil, please find attached our submission. 

  Best regards,

  Ministry of Rural Development and Family Farming (MDA) - Brazil                                                                                  Office for International Affairs

On behalf of the Private Sector Mechanism (PSM), please find our submission copied below and attached.

Thank you for the opportunity to engage.

PSM Secretariat


The Private Sector Mechanism thanks the CFS Secretariat for the opportunity to participate in the stocktaking exercise on the use and application of the critical policy recommendations on Price Volatility and Food Security and Social Protection for Food Security and Nutrition. 

The impact of price volatility on food security and nutrition has become alarmingly clear as international food prices at an all-time high before the war due to COVID, leading to soaring food prices since the Ukraine war due to resulting food, fuel and fertilizer shortages.  Valuable information provided by FAO has revealed there is no end in sight to rising prices, reducing food access and availability and thereby affecting nutrition, especially in low-income countries. Farmers are overwhelmingly over-represented in this group and subjected to variations in weather, crop failures and unexpected events, such as conflicts.  Due to their share of food consumed in some regions of the Global South, smallholder agriculture should be strengthened by supporting the rate of technology adoption.

The international community has become acutely aware of the impact of the war on the global agricultural market and the effects on global food security, due to the significant role that both the Russian Federation and Ukraine play as net exporters of agricultural products.  This has exposed low-income countries to increased vulnerability to shocks and volatility leading to a hunger crisis. 

Within this context, with enormous challenges facing the agricultural sector, the private sector underlines the importance of trade and adherence to key principles that can combat food price volatility, including the suggested CFS actions to increase food production and availability; enhance resilience to shocks and actions to reduce volatility; and mitigate the negative impacts of volatility.  Sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and resilience requires the development of new varieties of rice, maize, wheat and other crops, to become more resilient to drought, heat, pests, diseases and soil problems. 

In alignment with these principles, the private sector has supported and joined initiatives to increase the exchange of information, including the participation of the Private Sector Mechanism in the Global Crisis Response Group established by the United Nations Secretary-General to coordinate the global response to the worldwide impacts of the war in Ukraine on global food, energy and finance systems. 

Other activities include the inception of Sustain Africa’, an emergency response and resilience initiative to support food production in Sub-Saharan Africa by mitigating the fertilizer supply and affordability crisis and improving sustainable nutrient use. Led by a consortium composed of IFA, Rabobank, Bill Gates Foundation, AGRA and AFAP, partners include a number of input companies, agriculture development and multilateral institutions and NGOs, who coordinate the distribution of donated or discounted fertilizer in 13 African countries, paired with advisory services and the provision of seeds and biological products. Where possible, the program includes finance options for agrodealers and farmers. As part of its measurement of success, Sustain Africa collects data to support a broader learning agenda on how to deal with future price spikes.