
Project title | Focal area | Project status | Trust fund | GEF grant (in USD) | Co-financing (in USD) | FAO Regions or countries |
GEF-8 | ||||||
Promoting sustainable fisheries management in the Red Sea Large Marine Ecosystem (RedSeaFish project) (GEF ID 11113) | International Waters | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,192,694 | 40,300,000 | Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen |
Plastic Reduction in the Oceans: Sustaining and Enhancing Actions on Sea-based Sources (PRO-SEAS) (GEF ID 11166) | International Waters | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,105,936 | 49,151,264 | Costa Rica, Kenya, Vanuatu |
Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest): accelerating capacity-building, knowledge-sharing and awareness raising (GEF ID 11308) | Climate Change Mitigation | Concept Approved | Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 2,000,000 | 5,176,416 | Global |
GEF-7 | ||||||
Global coordination project for the SFM Drylands Impact Program (GEF ID 10253) | SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,056,881 | 16,113,762 | Angola, Botswana, Angola, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Malawi, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe |
Sustainable management of tuna fisheries and biodiversity conservation in the areas beyond national jurisdiction (GEF ID 10622) | International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 14,378,000 | 185,085,531 | Global |
Deep-sea Fisheries under the Ecosystem Approach (DSF project) (GEF ID 10623) | International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,437,156 | 52,803,000 | Global |
Global Coordination Project for the Common Oceans ABNJ Program (GEF ID 10626) | International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,752,294 | 10,256,256 | Global |
Enabling Activities for Implementing UNCCD COP Drought Decisions (GEF ID 10671) | Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,000,000 | 12,140,000 | Global |
Net-Zero Adaptation Finance (GEF ID 10933) | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 817,580 | 1,325,000 | Global |
Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Blue Economy of the Mediterranean - (FishEBM MED) (GEF ID 10560) | International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,000,000 | 72,027,654 | Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon, Libya, Montenegro, Morocco, Tunisia, Türkiye |
Building global capacity to increase transparency in the forest sector (CBIT-Forest) (GEF ID 10071) | Climate Change Mitigation | Closed | Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,686,320 | 5,200,000 | Honduras, Guatemala, Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire, Thailand, Lao PDR, Brazil |
GEF-6 | ||||||
AVACLIM : Agro-ecology, ensuring food security and sustainable livelihoods while mitigating climate change and Restoring Land in Dryland Regions (GEF ID 9993) | Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,137,215 | 8,148,254 | Burkina Faso, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Morocco, Senegal, South Africa |
The Coastal Fisheries Initiative Global Partnership (GEF ID 9128) | International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,652,294 | 11,850,000 | Global |
Global Learning, Finance, and Partnerships project under TRI (GEF ID 9522) | Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,019,333 | 750,000 | Global |
Global capacity-building products towards enhanced transparency in the AFOLU sector (CBIT-AFOLU) (GEF ID 9864) | Climate Change Mitigation | Closed | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,776,484 | 3,000,000 | Global |
Towards sustainable management of the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) – initial support to SAP implementation (GEF ID 9940) | International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,826,000 | 6,600,000 | Cabo Verde, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania , Morocco, Senegal and Gambia |
GEF-5 | ||||||
Participatory Assessment of Land Degradation and Sustainable Land Management in Grassland and Pastoral Systems (GEF ID 5724) | Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,639,726 | 5,762,270 | Burkina Faso, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Niger, Uruguay |
Sustainable Management of Tuna Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) (GEF ID 4581) | Biodiversity, International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 27,172,936 | 150,805,100 | Global |
ABNJ: Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-sea Living Marine Resources and Ecosystems in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) (GEF ID 4660) | Biodiversity, International Waters | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,900,597 | 79,558,500 | Global |
Project title | Country | Focal area | Project status | Trust fund | GEF grant (in USD) | Co-financing (in USD) |
GEF-8 | ||||||
Climate change adaptation of Cabo Verde’s agri-food systems for improved food security and livelihoods (GEF ID 11100) | Cabo Verde | Climate Change Adaptation | Concept Approved | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 2,639,726 | 15,000,000 |
Climate-resilient ecosystem restoration and sustainable land management in the Central and Southern Provinces of Zambia (GEF ID 1121) | Zambia | Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF), Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 11,810,092 | 92,200,000 |
Ecosystem Restoration in Northern & Central Savannas of Côte d’Ivoire (GEF ID 11132) - Ecosystem Restoration Integrated Program | Côte d'Ivoire | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,767,430 | 98,000,000 |
Ecosystem restoration for enhanced biodiversity, productive landscapes and sustainable livelihoods in Sao Tome e Principe (GEF ID 11120) - Ecosystem Restoration Integrated Program | Sao Tome e Principe | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,739,908 | 26,000,000 |
Accelerating Cabo Verde's Transition to Blue and Green Economy (GEF ID 11255) - Blue and Green Islands Integrated Program | Cabo Verde | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 10,024,158 | 40,000,000 |
Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions in land-use systems for productive and resilient ecosystems (GEF ID 11254) - Blue and Green Islands Integrated Program | Mauritius | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept Approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,406,484 | 68,000,000 |
GEF-7 | ||||||
Enhancing Equatorial Guinea's institutional and technical capacity in the agriculture, forestry and other land-use sector for the enhanced transparency under the Paris Agreement (GEF ID 10120) | Equatorial Guinea | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally Active | Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 863,242 | 536,896 |
Strengthening capacity in the agriculture, forestry and other land-use sector for enhanced transparency in the implementation and monitoring of Benin’s Nationally Determined Contribution (GEF ID 10156) | Benin | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally Active | Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,319,863 | 460,000 |
Strengthening resilience to Climate Change of coastal communities in Togo (GEF ID 10165) | Togo | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 41,000,000 |
Strengthening Human and Natural Systems Resilience to Climate Change through Mangrove Ecosystems Conservation and Sustainable use in Southern Benin (GEF ID 10166) | Benin | Biodiversity, Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF), Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 7,155,936 | 62,864,797 |
Climate change adaptation in forest and agricultural mosaic landscapes (GEF ID 10186) | Zambia | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 33,021,000 |
Scaling up Cocoa-based Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration I Transformative Innovations in Cote d'Ivoire (SCOLUR-CI) (GEF ID 10247) - Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program | Cote d'Ivoire | Land Degradation, Biodiversity | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,885,826 | 65,231,987 |
Integrated Landscape Management in Dry Miombo Woodlands of Tanzania (GEF ID 10250) - Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program | Tanzania | Land Degradation, Biodiversity, SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,368,807 | 37,295,916 |
Integrated landscape management to reverse degradation and support the sustainable use of natural resources in the Mopane-Miombo belt of Northern Namibia (GEF ID 10251) - Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program | Namibia | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,130,275 | 54,549,374 |
Transforming landscapes and livelihoods: A cross-sector approach to accelerate restoration of Malawi’s Miombo and Mopane woodlands for sustainable forest and biodiversity management (GEF ID 10254) - Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program | Malawi | Land Degradation, Biodiversity, SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,350,459 | 47,702,324 |
Integrated sustainable and adaptive management of natural resources to support land degradation neutrality and livelihoods in the Miombo-Mopane landscapes of North-east Botswana (GEF ID 10255) - Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program | Botswana | Land Degradation, SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,354,587 | 71,496,361 |
Land and natural resource degradation neutrality and community vulnerability reduction in selected Miombo and Mopane Ecoregions of Angola (Okavango and Cunene river basin) (GEF ID 10256) - Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program | Angola | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,359,633 | 34,500,000 |
A cross-sector approach supporting the mainstreaming of sustainable forest and land management to enhance ecosystem resilience for improved livelihoods in the Save and Runde Catchments of Zimbabwe (GEF ID 10257) - Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Impact Program | Zimbabwe | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, Biodiversity, SFM IP | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 10,433,945 | 60,830,179 |
Resilient, productive and sustainable landscapes in Mali’s Kayes Region (GEF ID 10362) | Mali | Land Degradation, Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF), Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 6,831,964 | 30,900,000 |
Integrated Adaptation Program to enhance resilience of communities and ecosystems in the dry Miombo Woodlands of Tanzania Mainland and Dryland of Zanzibar (GEF ID 10364) | Tanzania | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 4,416,210 | 48,192,029 |
Biodiversity Conservation, Restoration and Integrated Sustainable Development of Mangoky sub-watersheds (GEF ID 10371) | Madagascar | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,334,246 | 49,920,087 |
Land Degradation Neutrality for biodiversity conservation, food security and resilient livelihoods in the Peanut Basin and Eastern Senegal (Dékil Souf) (GEF ID 10384) | Senegal | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,786,073 | 36,000,000 |
Promoting Integrated Landscape Management and Sustainable Food Systems in the Niger Delta Region in Nigeria (GEF ID 10481) - Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program | Nigeria | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, IP FOLUR | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,354,590 | 67,739,549 |
Improving the climate resilience of agro-sylvo-pastoral production systems in Burkina Faso (GEF ID 10516) | Burkina Faso | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 42,424,707 |
Integrated Landscape Management for conservation and restoration of the Mt.Elgon Ecosystem in Western Kenya (GEF ID 10598) - Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program | Kenya | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, IP FOLUR | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,354,587 | 46,506,320 |
Integrated management of degraded landscapes for sustainable food systems and livelihoods in Guinea Forest Region and Upper Guinea (GEF ID 10600) - Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program | Guinea | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, IP FOLUR | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 9,498,165 | 47,895,420 |
Enabling Land Degradation Neutrality and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in Cameroon’s Sudano-Sahelian agro-ecological zone (GEF ID 10608) | Cameroon | Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,000,000 | 20,517,667 |
Strengthening capacities in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to enhance transparency and tracking of the Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement (GEF ID 10734) | Congo DR | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally Active | Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,950,000 | 105,428 |
Integrated Landscape Management for a zero-deforestation coffee and rice value chains in the Central South and Eastern coast of Madagascar (GEF ID 10750) - Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program | Madagascar | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, IP FOLUR | CEO Endorsed | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 9,874,117 | 28,884,587 |
Strengthening the adaptive capacity of communities by up-scaling integrated landscape management and restoration in SW and SE region of Central African Republic (GEF ID 10771) | Central African Republic | Climate Change Adaptation | Concept approved | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 30,000,000 |
Building sustainable and climate-resilient food systems for a green recovery in Eritrea (GEF ID 10789) | Eritrea | Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF), Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 15,680,308 | 36,405,789 |
Building climate-resilient livelihoods and food systems (GEF ID 10793) | Lesotho | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 40,000,000 |
Towards Land Degradation Neutrality for Improved Equity, Sustainability, and Resilience (GEF ID 10863) | Cabo Verde | Land Degradation | CEO Endorsed | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,183,105 | 7,528,482 |
Scaling Financial and Information Services for Smallholder Adaptation (GEF ID 10954) | Uganda, Zambia | Climate Change Adaptation | CEO Endorsed | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 1,045,890 | 9,560,000 |
Groundwater for Deep Resilience in Africa (G4DR in Africa) (GEF ID 10970) | Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda | International waters | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,786,073 | 43,103,936 |
Conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of a lowland forest mosaic landscape in Ogun, Edo, Delta and Ondo States (GEF ID 10990) | Nigeria | Biodiversity | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,502,968 | 25,859,000 |
GEF-6 | ||||||
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural and Pastoral Production in Uganda, through a Farmer/Agro-pastoralist Field School Approach (GEF ID 7997) | Uganda | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 6,886,838 | 29,957,724 |
Natural Landscapes Rehabilitation and Climate Change Adaptation in the Region of Mumirwa in Bujumbura and Mayor of Bujumbura through a Farmer Field School Approach (GEF ID 8010) | Burundi | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 5,877,397 | 17,500,000 |
Coastal Fisheries Initiative- West Africa (GEF ID 9126) | Cote d'Ivoire, Cabo Verde, Senegal | Biodiversity, International Waters, MFA | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,133,027 | 45,551,500 |
Fostering Sustainability and Resilience for Food Security in Karamoja sub region (FSP - implemented jointly with UNDP - FAO component) (GEF ID 9137) | Uganda | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,550,024 | 58,000,000 |
Strengthening agro-ecosystems’ adaptive capacity to climate change in the Lake Chad Basin (Lac, Kanem, Bahr El Ghazal, and part of the Hadjer-Lamis region) (GEF ID 9166) | Chad | Climate Change Adaptation | Concept approved | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 4,050,913 | 18,100,000 |
Food-IAP: Support for Sustainable Food Production and Enhancement of Food Security and Climate Resilience in Burundi's Highlands (GEF ID 9178) | Burundi | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,396,330 | 45,050,728 |
FLR in Supporting Landscape and Livelihoods Resilience in Central African Republic (TRI child) (GEF ID 9514) | Central African Republic | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,961,638 | 10,400,000 |
Restoration and Sustainable Management of Ecosystems in South Kivu under the Restoration Initiative (TRI) (GEF ID 9515) | Congo DR | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,600,000 | 12,381,530 |
LRI-Supporting Landscape and Livelihoods Resilience in Sao Tomé & Principe (GEF ID 9517) | Sao Tome and Prince | Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,666,515 | 16,700,000 |
Restoration of arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya through bio-enterprise development and other incentives under The Restoration Initiative (GEF ID 9556) | Kenya | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,157,340 | 12,500,000 |
Sustainable Land Management in target landscapes in Angola’s southwestern region (GEF ID 9798) | Angola | Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,639,726 | 15,000,000 |
Promoting Community based Forestry for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Livelihoods (FSP) (GEF ID 10034) | Equatorial Guinea | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,329,455 | 12,941,133 |
GEF-5 and GEF-4 | ||||||
Disposal of POPs Wastes and Obsolete Pesticides (GEF ID 3986) | Mozambique | POPs and chemicals | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,950,000 | 4,254,836 |
Integrating Climate Resilience into Agricultural and Agropastoral Production Systems through Soil Fertility Management in Key Productive and Vulnerable Areas Using the Farmers Field School Approach (GEF ID 5432) | Angola | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 6,668,182 | 23,619,230 |
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in the Benguela Current Fisheries System (GEF ID 5113) | Angola, Namibia, South Africa | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) | 3,025,000 | 19,166,000 |
Enhancing Climate Change Resilience in the Benguela Current Fisheries System (GEF ID 5113) | Angola, Namibia, South Africa | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 1,700,000 | 19,166,000 |
Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs and Strengthening Pesticide Management in the Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) Member States (GEF ID 4740) | Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Chad | POPs and chemicals | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,450,000 | 30,766,300 |
Disposal of POPs and Obsolete Pesticides and Strengthening Sound Pesticide Management (GEF ID 4641) | Cameroon | POPs and chemicals | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,710,000 | 9,307,374 |
Sustainable Forest Management under the Authority of Cameroonian Councils (GEF ID 4800) | Cameroon | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,573,333 | 17,850,000 |
Community-Based Miombo Forest Management in South East Katanga (GEF ID 5547) | Congo DR | Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,533,333 | 14,491,594 |
Community-Based Sustainable Dryland Forest Management (GEF ID 5406) | Gambia | Land Degradation | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,066,347 | 12,718,100 |
Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change in the Gambia (GEF ID 5782) | Gambia | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 6,288,356 | 36,830,000 |
Development of SFM and Support to REDD for Dryland Forests (GEF ID 5083) | Kenya | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,823,439 | 8,675,178 |
Pesticide Risk Reduction in Malawi (GEF ID 5109) | Malawi | POPs and chemicals | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,550,000 | 11,879,374 |
Building Climate Change Resilience in the Fisheries Sector in Malawi (GEF ID 5328) | Malawi | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally Active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 5,460,000 | 12,120,000 |
Payment for Ecosystem Services to Support Forest Conservation and Sustainable Livelihoods (GEF ID 5516) | Mozambique | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally Active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,637,749 | 37,600,000 |
Project title | Country | Focal area | Project status | Trust fund | GEF grant (in USD) | Co-financing (in USD) |
GEF-8 | ||||||
Enhancing climate change transparency in Mongolia (GEF ID 11377) | Mongolia | Climate Change Mitigation | Pending CEO endorsement and approval | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,776,484 | 1,400,000 |
Enabling the Kingdom of Bhutan to prepare its Fourth National Communication (4NC) and First and Second Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1-2) to the UNFCCC (GEF ID 11480) | Bhutan | Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,233,000 | - |
Indo-Malaya Critical Forest Biome Regional Coordination Project (GEF ID 11107) | Lao PDR, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Vietnam | IP matching incentives | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,061,430 | 28,367,817 |
Maintaining the integrity of globally significant intact tropical forest landscapes in the Gulf Province and Western Province of Papua New Guinea (GEF ID 11105) | Papua New Guinea | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 16,213,762 | 32,500,000 |
Forests for life - Primary Tropical Forest Landscape conservation in Thailand (GEF ID 11104) | Thailand | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,650,153 | 82,030,000 |
Restoring and protecting Biodiversity, Coastal Landscapes, and Climate Change Resilience through Nature Based Solutions, Women and Youth Entrepreneurship in Vanuatu (GEF ID 11265) | Vanuatu | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,935,626 | 34,928,450 |
Restoration of Forests and Mountain Ecosystems (ReFaME) in Far-West Nepal (GEF ID 11126) | Nepal | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,346,483 | 14,000,000 |
Enhancing water security, biodiversity and resilience of livelihoods through integrated water resources management and ecosystem restoration in Viet Nam’s Red River basin (GEF ID 11131) | Vietnam | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 10,562,377 | 103,600,000 |
Bananas in Pakistan's Bioeconomy: Transforming Waste into Textile (GEF ID 11172) | Pakistan | Chemicals and Waste | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,272,018 | 20,000,000 |
GEF-7 | ||||||
Combating land degradation and biodiversity loss by promoting sustainable value chains, production systems and biodiversity mainstreaming in Afghanistan’s production landscapes (GEF ID 10169) | Afghanistan | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,906,850 | 30,000,000 |
Promoting Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Rice-Based Communities in the Tonle Sap Region (GEF ID 10177) | Cambodia | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 66,395,280 |
IkanAdapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste (GEF ID 10181) | Timor Leste | Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 2,649,726 | 7,255,114 |
IkanAdapt: Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent livelihoods in Timor-Leste (GEF ID ) | Timor Leste | Climate Change Adaptation, Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,766,484 | 3,274,886 |
Climate Smart Agriculture alternatives for upland production systems in Lao PDR (GEF ID 10187) | Lao PDR | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 3,502,968 | 54,997,100 |
Fostering Water and Environmental Security in the Ma and Neun/Ca Transboundary River Basins and Related Coastal Areas (GEF ID 10193) | Vietnam, Lao | International waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,000,000 | 39,121,211 |
Building climate resilient livelihoods in vulnerable landscapes in Bangladesh (BCRL) (GEF ID 10207) | Bangladesh | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 8,932,420 | 47,460,000 |
Strengthening sustainability in commodity and food systems, land restoration and land use governance through integrated landscape management for multiple benefits in Indonesia (GEF ID 10238) | Indonesia | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, Biodiversity, IP FOLUR | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,059,633 | 132,510,462 |
Integrated Sustainable Landscape Management in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam (GEF ID 10245) | Vietnam | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, Biodiversity, IP FOLUR | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,354,587 | 77,950,000 |
Innovative transformation of China’s food production systems and agroecological landscapes (GEF ID 10246) | China | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, Biodiversity, IP FOLUR | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,179,450 | 56,500,000 |
Promoting Dryland Sustainable Landscapes and Biodiversity Conservation in the Eastern Steppe of Mongolia (GEF ID 10249) | Mongolia | Land Degradation, Biodiversity, SFM IP | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,677,293 | 50,945,000 |
Enhancing capacity for sustainable management of forests, land and biodiversity in the Eastern Hills (ECSM FoLaBi EH) (GEF ID 10381) | Nepal | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,187,900 | 28,500,000 |
Transforming Rice-Wheat Food Systems in India (GEF ID 10480) | India | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, IP FOLUR | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 20,366,973 | 378,685,207 |
Crop Diversity Conservation for Sustainable Use in Indonesia (GEF ID 10511) | Indonesia | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,192,694 | 92,815,024 |
Enabling sustainable production landscapes in Eastern Highlands and Western Highlands Provinces for Biodiversity, Human Livelihoods and Well-being (GEF ID 10515) | Papua New Guinea | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,463,097 | 36,200,000 |
Integrated Agro-ecosystem Approach for enhancing Livelihoods and Climate Resilience in Tuvalu (GEF ID 10517) | Tuvalu | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,639,726 | 6,772,995 |
Enhancing sustainability of the Transboundary Cambodia - Mekong River Delta Aquifer (GEF ID 10520) | Cambodia, Vietnam | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 15,000,000 | 114,586,875 |
Strengthening institutional and technical capacities for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of Bhutan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) (GEF ID 10669) | Bhutan | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,776,484 | 1,895,600 |
Combating land degradation through integrated and sustainable range and livestock management to promote resilient livelihoods in Northern Punjab (GEF ID 10693) | Pakistan | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,183,105 | 13,102,100 |
Strengthening Capacities for Prevention, Control and Management of Invasive Alien Species (SMIAS) in Indonesia (GEF ID 10705) | Indonesia | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,416,210 | 65,946,037 |
Enhancing water-food security and climate resilience in volcanic island countries of the Pacific (GEF ID 10712) | Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,000,000 | 23,400,000 |
Strengthening capacity in the agriculture and land-use as well as energy sectors in Solomon Islands for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of Solomon Island’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) (GEF ID 10760) | Solomon Islands | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,137,215 | 3,876,856 |
Strengthening capacity in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry, and other Land-use Sectors for Enhanced Transparency in the Implementation and Monitoring of Vanuatu’s Nationally Determined Contribution (GEF ID 10761) | Vanuatu | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,137,215 | 2,994,500 |
Integrated Forest Landscape Management for Strengthening the Northeastern and Eastern Forest Corridors (GEF ID 10390) | Thailand | Biodiversity | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,137,671 | 27,923,137 |
Sustainable Management of Natural Resources towards Rehabilitation and Preservation of the Key Biodiversity Area along Bataan Province to Manila Bay (GEF ID 10704) | Philippines | Biodiversity, Land degradation | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,731,050 | 17,079,431 |
Public-Private Blended Finance Facility for Climate Resilient Rice Landscapes (GEF ID 10929) | Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam | Climate Change Adaptation | CEO endorsed and approved | SCCF | 260,929 | 912,522 |
Public-Private Blended Finance Facility for Climate Resilient Rice Landscapes (GEF ID ) | Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam | Climate Change Adaptation | CEO endorsed and approved | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 739,299 | 2,587,478 |
Sustainable food systems and integrated land/seascape management in the Marshall Islands (GEF ID 10862) | Marshall Islands | Land Degradation, Biodiversity | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,100,913 | 6,030,000 |
Enhancing Environmental Security and Transboundary Cooperation in the Golok/Kolok River Basin. (GEF ID 10794) | Thailand, Malaysia | International Waters | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,000,000 | 28,036,000 |
Promoting the blue economy and strengthening fisheries governance of the Gulf of Thailand through the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (GoTFish) (GEF ID 10703) | Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam | International Waters, Biodiversity | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,320,794 | 121,708,895 |
GEF-6 | ||||||
Pesticide Risk Reduction in Bangladesh (GEF ID 9076) | Bangladesh | POPs and chemicals | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,295,000 | 33,743,050 |
Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Cambodia's Coastal Fishery Dependent Communities (GEF ID 9201) | Cambodia | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 4,350,000 | 24,054,751 |
Green-Ag: Transforming Indian Agriculture for Global Conservation Benefits and the Conservation of Critical Biodiversity and Forest Landscapes (GEF ID 9243) | India | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 33,558,716 | 868,390,000 |
Community-based sustainable land and forest management in Afghanistan (GEF ID 9285) | Afghanistan | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 10,495,873 | 54,257,233 |
Reversing deforestation and degradation in high conservation value Chilgoza Pine Forests in Pakistan (FSP) (GEF ID 9516) | Pakistan | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,978,440 | 24,000,000 |
Enhancing biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem flows, enhancing carbon stocks through sustainable land management and the restoration of degraded forestlands (GEF ID 9554) | Philippines | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,639,726 | 16,809,650 |
Strengthening capacity in the agriculture and land-use sectors for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of National Determined Contribution (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement in Papua New Guinea (GEF ID 9833) | Papua New Guinea | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 863,242 | 2,600,000 |
On-farm Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Diversity of Crops Originated in China (GEF ID 9876) | China | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,725,688 | 20,234,320 |
Community-based Integrated Natural Resource Management Project (GEF ID 9880) | Fiji | Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,119,425 | 30,877,215 |
Strengthening capacity for monitoring environmental emissions under the Paris Agreement in Bangladesh (GEF ID 9986) | Bangladesh | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 863,242 | 1,000,000 |
Enhancing and bridging knowledge gaps in Sri Lanka's NDC implementation of AFOLU sector for Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) (GEF ID 10040) | Sri Lanka | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 863,242 | 1,796,000 |
Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management in Tongoa Island (GEF ID 10046) | Vanuatu | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 867,580 | 1,260,000 |
Sustainable management of fisheries, marine living resources and their habitats in the Bay of Bengal region for the benefit of coastal states and communities (GEF ID 10069) | Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand | Climate Change Mitigation, International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 9,478,899 | 56,044,434 |
GEF-5 | ||||||
Securing Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use in Huangshan Municipality (GEF ID 4526) | China | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,607,273 | 10,508,212 |
Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Land Management in the Soda Saline-alkaline Wetlands Agro Pastoral Landscapes in the Western Area of the Jilin Province (GEF ID 4632) | China | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,627,000 | 16,800,000 |
CBPF-MSL: Piloting Provincial-level Wetland Protected Area System in Jiangxi Province (GEF ID 4662) | China | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,289,000 | 26,692,000 |
Integrated Forest Management in the Solomon Islands (GEF ID 5122) | Solomon Islands | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,676,454 | 30,670,500 |
Sustainable Forest Management to Enhance the Resilience of Forests to Climate Change (GEF ID 5139) | China | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,152,728 | 48,400,000 |
R2R: Integrated Sustainable Land and Coastal Management (GEF ID 5397) | Vanuatu | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, International Waters, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,605,680 | 15,290,558 |
Climate Adaptation in Wetlands Areas (CAWA) (GEF ID 5489) | Lao PDR | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 4,717,579 | 15,367,380 |
R2R Resilient Islands, Resilient Communities (GEF ID 5551) | Kiribati | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, International Waters, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,720,030 | 13,340,000 |
R2R Integrated Land and Agro-ecosystem Management Systems (GEF ID 5578) | Tonga | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Sustainable Forest Management | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,344,954 | 7,170,000 |
Community-based Climate Resilient Fisheries and Aquaculture Development in Bangladesh (GEF ID 5636) | Bangladesh | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 5,425,114 | 16,350,000 |
A New Green Line: Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation Objectives and Practices into China’s Water Resources Management Policy and Planning Practice (GEF ID 5665) | China | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,639,726 | 25,975,000 |
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use into Inland Fisheries Practices in Freshwater Ecosystems of High Conservation Value (GEF ID 5759) | Indonesia | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,192,694 | 34,162,192 |
Enabling Transboundary Cooperation for Sustainable Management of the Indonesian Seas (GEF ID 5768) | Indonesia, Timor Leste | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,000,000 | 25,114,000 |
GEF-4 | ||||||
SFM Rehabilitation of Forest Landscapes and Degraded Land with Particular Attention to Saline Soils and Areas Prone to Wind Erosion (GEF ID 3450) | Iran | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, MFA | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,668,300 | 8,338,834 |
CBPF: Demonstration of Estuarine Biodiversity Conservation, Restoration, and Protected Area Networking (GEF ID 4175) | China | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,516,400 | 11,845,080 |
Project title | Country | Focal area | Project status | Trust fund | GEF grant (in USD) | Co-financing (in USD) |
GEF-8 | ||||||
Enabling the Republic of Türkiye to Prepare Its Ninth National Communication (9NC) and First and Second Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1-2) to the UNFCCC (GEF ID 11313) | Turkiye | Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,200,000 | 750,000 |
Strengthening the capacity of Turkmenistan to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. (GEF ID 11070) | Turkmenistan | Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,776,484 | 600,000 |
GEF-7 | ||||||
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: Strengthening network of protected areas through advanced governance and management (GEF ID 10113) | Azerbaijan | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,639,726 | 8,500,000 |
Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality Targets of Georgia through Restoration and Sustainable Management of Degraded Pasturelands (GEF ID 10151) | Georgia | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,776,484 | 12,245,000 |
Enabling a policy environment for integrated natural resources management and implementation of an integrated approach to achieve land degradation neutrality in Moldova (GEF ID 10222) | Moldova | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,666,895 | 5,038,000 |
Kazakhstan Resilient Agroforestry and Rangeland Project (GEF ID 10299) | Kazakhstan | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, SFM IP | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,940,368 | 191,954,424 |
Implementation of Armenia’s LDN commitments through sustainable land management and restoration of degraded landscapes (GEF ID 10365) | Armenia | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,183,105 | 12,018,000 |
Sustainable Forest and Rangelands Management in the Dryland Ecosystems of Uzbekistan (GEF ID 10367) | Uzbekistan | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,776,941 | 37,500,000 |
Strenthening the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Forest Landscapes in Türkiye’s Kazdağlari Region (GEF ID 10369) | Turkiye | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,657,534 | 25,000,000 |
Fisheries and Ecosystem Based Management for the Black Sea - (FishEBM BS) (GEF ID 10558) | Georgia, Turkiye, Ukraine | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,000,000 | 31,350,393 |
Food System, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program in Uzbekistan (GEF ID 10601) | Uzbekistan | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, IP FOLUR | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,992,661 | 72,754,400 |
Towards a Land Degradation-Neutral Azerbaijan (GEF ID 10708) | Azerbaijan | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,091,781 | 13,940,000 |
Sustainable and Integrated Water Resource Management in Gediz River Basin in Türkiye (GEF ID 10732) | Turkiye | Biodiversity, Land degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,143,139 | 6,872,500 |
Capacity-building to establish an integrated and enhanced transparency framework in Uzbekistan to track the national climate actions and support measures received (GEF ID 10772) | Uzbekistan | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,319,863 | 500,000 |
Implementation of the National Biosafety Mechanism in the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (GEF ID 10813) | Kyrgyz Republic | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,502,511 | 3,000,000 |
Enabling environment at policy, field and market levels for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in Serbia (GEF ID 10814) | Serbia | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 746,121 | 3,183,000 |
Enhancement of agro-ecological management system through promoting ecosystem-oriented food production (GEF ID 10819) | Turkiye | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 703,425 | 6,000,000 |
Facilitating agrobiodiversity (ABD) conservation and sustainable use to promote food and nutritional resilience in Tajikistan (GEF ID 10821) | Tajikistan | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,776,484 | 12,400,000 |
Strengthening the capacity in the Agriculture and land use sectors in Tajikistan for enhanced transparency in implementation and monitoring of the Tajikistan’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. (GEF ID 10967) | Tajikistan | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 1,319,863 | 500,000 |
GEF-6 | ||||||
Integrated Natural Resources Management in Drought-prone and Salt-affected Agricultural Production Systems in Central Asia and Türkiye (CACILM2) (GEF ID 9094) | Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan | Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 10,874,659 | 64,885,046 |
Sustainable Management of Forests in Mountain and Valley Areas (GEF ID 9190) | Uzbekistan | Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,187,023 | 18,666,151 |
Contributing to Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Target Setting by Demonstrating the LDN Approach in the Upper Sakarya Basin for Scaling up at National Level (GEF ID 9586) | Turkiye | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,388,584 | 13,600,000 |
GEF-5 | ||||||
Lifecycle Management of Pesticides and Disposal of POPs Pesticides in CA countries and Türkiye (GEF ID 5000) | Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Türkiye | POPs and chemicals | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,136,986 | 38,300,000 |
Project title | Country | Focal area | Project status | Trust fund | GEF grant (in USD) | Co-financing (in USD) |
GEF-8 | ||||||
Conservation of the Atlantic Forest through the sustainable management of cocoa agroforestry landscapes (GEF ID 11052) | Brazil | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,700,000 | 52,809,278 |
Integrated management of sustainable landscapes for the conservation of the forest biome and the maintenance of functional and ecosystem services in the state of Amazonas, Venezuela (GEF ID 11199) | Venezuela | Biodiversity | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,966,208 | 41,000,000 |
Protection and conservation of forests of global importance located in the BOSAWAS Biosphere Reserve and the Indio Maíz Biological Reserve (GEF ID 11279) | Nicaragua | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 11,655,440 | 88,469,045 |
Critical Forests Biome of Panama: Collaborative Conservation of the Darién (GEF ID 11280) | Panama | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 9,585,934 | 20,508,220 |
Blue and green development in food and urban sectors of Cuba (GEF ID 11253) | Cuba | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,362,688 | 55,000,000 |
Trinidad and Tobago – Nature Based Solutions in Productive Landscapes (GEF ID 11259) | Trinidad and Tobago | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,519,723 | 17,000,000 |
Accelerating the transition to a net-zero, nature-positive economy in Costa Rica (GEF ID 11089) | Costa Rica | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,469,023 | 80,000,000 |
Strengthening inter-institutional coordination for the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation in national, regional and local public policies in Chile (GEF ID 11208) | Chile | Biodiversity | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,776,941 | 25,681,614 |
Strengthening management to combat threats from Invasive Alien Species in Venezuela: piloting community-based control schemes for Unomia stolonifera species for the conservation of the reef ecosystem, its biodiversity and the sustainability of fishing communities' livelihoods (GEF ID 11115) | Venezuela | Biodiversity | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 6,000,000 | 35,940,000 |
Land degradation neutrality initiative in Southern Haiti (GEF ID 11238) | Haiti | Land Degradation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,417,361 | 20,175,990 |
Generating opportunities for livelihoods and biodiversity through participatory governance of natural resources and the economic diversification of the communities of the central forest corridor of Honduras (GEF ID 11213) | Honduras | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,329,453 | 39,900,000 |
Ecosystem restoration and sustainable livelihoods in the Biocultural Corridor of the Central West of Mexico (COBIOCOM) (GEF ID 11249) | Mexico | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,932,420 | 51,156,135 |
Land Degradation Neutrality for Biodiversity Conservation of Uruguay Rangelands (GEF ID 11061) | Uruguay | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Concept approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,776,484 | 11,300,000 |
Third National Communication (TNC) and first Biennial Transparency Report (BTR) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (GEF ID 11317) | Venezuela | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 632,190 | - |
GEF-7 | ||||||
Deforestation-free Commodity Supply Chains in Peruvian Amazon (GEF ID 10307) | Peru | Land Degradation, Biodiversity, IP FOLUR | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,961,697 | 112,149,960 |
Strengthening participatory natural resource management processes for sustainable economic development, conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of carbon stocks in Amazon Wetlands. (GEF ID 10706) | Brazil | Biodiversity | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,411,644 | 31,304,661 |
Conservation and sustainable use of crop wild relatives (CWR) and edible wild species (EWS), under an institutional framework and the development of rural community initiatives in Ecuador (GEF ID 10855) | Ecuador | Biodiversity | CEO endorsed and approved | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 863,242 | 5,150,000 |
Strengthening management and governance for the conservation and sustainable use of globally significant biodiversity in coastal marine ecosystems in Chile (GEF ID 10075) | Chile | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,502,968 | 21,828,133 |
Strengthen institutional and technical capacities in the agricultural and forestry sectors of Nicaragua to respond to the requirements of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement. (GEF ID 10118) | Nicaragua | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 863,242 | 309,600 |
LDN Target-Setting and Restoration of Degraded Landscapes in Western Andes and Coastal areas (GEF ID 10184) | Ecuador | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,416,210 | 28,328,787 |
BIOREACH: Biodiversity Conservation and Agroecological Land Restoration in Productive Landscapes of Trinidad and Tobago (GEF ID 10188) | Trinidad and Tobago | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,752,162 | 18,702,630 |
Sustaining Healthy Coastal and Marine Ecosystems Project (GEF ID 10190) | Brazil | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 14,478,899 | 87,830,911 |
CSIDS-SOILCARE Phase1: Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) multicountry soil management initiative for Integrated Landscape Restoration and climate-resilient food systems (GEF ID 10195) | Antigua And Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia | Land Degradation, Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | SCCF | 883,242 | 4,176,883 |
CSIDS-SOILCARE Phase1: Caribbean Small Island Developing States (SIDS) multicountry soil management initiative for Integrated Landscape Restoration and climate-resilient food systems (GEF ID ) | Antigua And Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia | Land Degradation, Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,271,963 | 21,620,933 |
"BE-CLME+": Promoting National Blue Economy Priorities Through Marine Spatial Planning in the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem Plus (GEF ID 10211) | Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Jamaica, Panama, Saint Lucia | International waters, Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,064,017 | 41,891,831 |
Protecting biodiversity and recovering degraded ecosystems - RECOVER Honduras (GEF ID 10220) | Honduras | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,726,484 | 101,259,692 |
Building human well-being and resilience in Amazonian forests by enhancing the value of biodiversity for food security and bio-businesses, in a context of climate change (GEF ID 10248) | Peru | Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, Biodiversity, IP SFM Amazon | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,719,468 | 124,561,476 |
Implementing Sustainable Low and Non-Chemical Development in SIDS (GEF ID 10279) | Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago | Chemicals and Waste | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,000,000 | 47,041,860 |
Strengthening the integral and sustainable management of biodiversity and forests by indigenous peoples and local communities in fragile ecosystems of the dry forests of the Bolivia Chaco (GEF ID 10393) | Bolivia | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,502,968 | 22,571,046 |
Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity within the sustainable use areas of the State Subsystem of Protected Areas (SEAP) of Ecuador and its buffer zones. (GEF ID 10396) | Ecuador | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,416,210 | 37,533,244 |
Mainstreaming biodiversity into mountain agricultural and pastoral landscapes of relevant ecosystems in Eastern Cuba (GEF ID 10400) | Cuba | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,662,785 | 4,489,542 |
Enabling Preparation of Nicaragua’s Fourth National Communication and First Biennial Update Report to UNFCCC (GEF ID 10450) | Nicaragua | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 852,000 | 443,400 |
From bait to plate: strengthening sustainable fisheries to safeguard marine biodiversity and food security (GEF ID 10540) | Mexico | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 9,005,609 | 40,320,567 |
Sustainable management and restoration of the Dry Forest of the Northern Coast of Peru (GEF ID 10541) | Peru | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,975,343 | 57,833,521 |
Binational and integrated water resources management in the Merín Lagoon Basin and Coastal Lagoons (GEF ID 10550) | Brazil, Uruguay | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,850,000 | 40,859,856 |
Sustainable land management and restoration of productive landscapes in river basins for the implementation of national targets of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) in Panama (GEF ID 10588) | Panama | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,867,808 | 17,508,517 |
Transforming Food Systems and Reducing Deforestation in the Protected Areas and Biological Corridors landscapes from the Southern Caribbean Coast and San Juan River autonomous region (GEF ID 10599) | Nicaragua | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, IP FOLUR | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,354,587 | 44,690,934 |
Programme to sustainably manage and restore land and biodiversity in the Guadalquivir Basin (GEF ID 10627) | Bolivia | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,555,012 | 21,202,414 |
Jamaica Mangroves Plus: Protection and Sustainable Management of Jamaica’s Mangrove Ecosystems and Biodiversity (GEF ID 10653) | Jamaica | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,648,630 | 10,047,500 |
Sustainable Integrated Management of Biodiversity in the Indio-Maíz Biological Reserve (GEF ID 10674) | Nicaragua | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,977,626 | 14,489,105 |
Integrated management of multiple use landscapes and high conservation value forest for sustainable development of the Venezuelan Andean Region (GEF ID 10678) | Venezuela | Biodiversity, Land degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,329,452 | 45,681,355 |
Green and Inclusive Recovery in Mexico (GreenMex): Making high-value ecosystems and rural livelihoods more resilient and sustainable in a post COVID-19 scenario. (GEF ID 10717) | Mexico | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 10,103,670 | 50,363,532 |
Restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services at the landscape scale on productive agroforestry areas and their natural environment (GEF ID 10718) | Chile | Biodiversity, Land degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,674,032 | 37,402,846 |
Improving the management and protection of marine biodiversity in the Gulf of Guacanayabo, Cuba (GEF ID 10808) | Cuba | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,319,863 | 6,983,715 |
Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Belize’s Maya Golden Landscape (GEF ID 10815) | Belize | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,449,708 | 2,803,588 |
Strategies, technologies and social solutions to manage bycatch in tropical Large Marine Ecosystem Fisheries (REBYC-III CLME+) (GEF ID 10857) | Barbados, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,329,452 | 30,336,211 |
Enhancing capacity for the adoption and implementation of EAF in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (EAf4SG) (GEF ID 10919) | Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago | International Waters | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,776,484 | 7,814,157 |
First Biennial Transparency Report (1BTR ) and Fifth National Communication to UNFCCC (GEF ID 10985) | Chile | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 517,000 | - |
Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in the Caroni river basin of Bolivar state (GEF ID 10971) | Venezuela | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,765,418 | 52,592,400 |
GEF-6 | ||||||
Establish a Network of National Important Agricultural Heritage Sites (NIAHS) (GEF ID 9068) | Chile | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,046,347 | 22,221,221 |
Sustainable Management of Agro-Biodiversity and Vulnerable Ecosystems Recuperation in Peruvian Andean Regions Through Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems GIAHS Approach (GEF ID 9092) | Peru | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 9,369,864 | 79,431,874 |
Climate-smart Livestock Production and Land Restoration in the Uruguayan Rangelands (GEF ID 9153) | Uruguay | Climate Change Adaptation, Land Degradation, MFA | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,091,781 | 14,241,567 |
Introduction of new farming methods for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, including plant and animal genetic resources, in production landscapes in selected areas of Cuba (GEF ID 9435) | Cuba | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,973,288 | 26,460,000 |
Contributing to the integrated management of biodiversity of the Pacific Region of Colombia to build peace (GEF ID 9441) | Colombia | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,562,558 | 31,394,186 |
Resilient Landscapes Management Project (GEF ID 9579) | Nicaragua | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,389,261 | 16,384,076 |
Enhancing Cuba's institutional and technical capacities in the agriculture and land-use sectors for enhanced transparency under the Paris Agreement. (GEF ID 9970) | Cuba | Climate Change Mitigation | Operationally active | Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) | 863,242 | 650,000 |
GEF-5 | ||||||
Governance Strengthening for the Management and Protection of Coastal- Marine Biodiversity in Key Ecological Areas and the Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) (GEF ID 5112) | Argentina | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,534,786 | 15,821,620 |
Strengthening Capacities for the Sound Management of Pesticides Including POPs (GEF ID 5144) | Uruguay | POPs and chemicals | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 1,874,028 | 7,258,000 |
Strengthening the Resilience of Multiple-use Protected Areas to Deliver Multiple Global Environmental Benefits (GEF ID 5277) | Nicaragua | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Mitigation, SFM | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 5,885,515 | 19,919,718 |
Reversing Desertification Process in Susceptible Areas of Brazil: Sustainable Agroforestry Practices and Biodiversity Conservation (GEF ID 5324) | Brazil | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,930,155 | 15,766,666 |
Project title | Country | Focal area | Project status | Trust fund | GEF grant (in USD) | Co-financing (in USD) |
GEF-7 | ||||||
Resilience of Pastoral and Farming Communities to Climate Change in North Darfur (GEF ID 10159) | Sudan | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 2,429,680 | 11,300,900 |
Landscape Approach to Riverine Forest Restoration, Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihood Improvement (GEF ID 10162) | Sudan | Biodiversity | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 2,589,726 | 14,699,100 |
Integrated forest and biodiversity management for sustainable development in the Biban mountain range (GEF ID 10170) | Algeria | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,297,260 | 29,220,460 |
Achieving land degradation neutrality targets through restoration and sustainable management of degraded land in Northern Jordan (GEF ID 10528) | Jordan | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 4,000,000 | 29,045,442 |
Resilient and sustainable livelihoods for rural Yemen (GEF ID 10562) | Yemen | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 7,051,742 | 45,718,400 |
Resilient and sustainable livelihoods for rural Yemen (GEF ID ) | Yemen | Biodiversity, Land Degradation, Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 9,006,056 | 58,500,000 |
Agriculture and Livestock Producer Resilience in South-East Mauritania (GEF ID 10176) | Mauritania | Climate Change Adaptation | CEO endorsed and approved | Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) | 4,416,210 | 15,647,000 |
GEF-6 | ||||||
Integrated Ecosystem Management Program for the Sustainable Human Development in Mauritania (GEF ID 9294) | Mauritania | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA, Sustainable Forest Managment | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,222,505 | 22,140,876 |
Revitalising Oasis Agro-ecosystems through a Sustainable, Integrated and Landscape Approach in the Draâ-Tafilalet Region (OASIL) (GEF ID 9537) | Morocco | Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Land Degradation, MFA | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 8,631,050 | 41,270,000 |
Sustainable Land Management for Improved Livelihoods in Degraded Areas of Iraq (GEF ID 9745) | Iraq | Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,549,321 | 21,200,000 |
Rehabilitation and Integrated Sustainable Development of Algerian Cork Oak Forest Production Landscapes (GEF ID 9806) | Algeria | Biodiversity, Land Degradation | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,411,644 | 24,473,571 |
GEF-5 | ||||||
Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs and Implementation of Pesticides Management Programme (GEF ID 4738) | Morocco | POPs and chemicals | Operationally active | GEF Trust Fund (GFF) | 3,500,000 | 24,246,626 |
Smart Adaptation of Forest Landscapes in Mountain Areas (SALMA) (GEF ID 5125) | Lebanon | Climate Change Adaptation | Operationally active | Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) | 7,147,635 | 26,980,000 |