
Empowering rural women through gender-sensitive social protection: webinar on experiences in Africa and Latin America

A recent webinar, organized by FAO’s Social Protection Team, discusses the importance of gender-sensitive social protection (GSSP) and key dimensions of the GSSP approach, as well as specific lessons learned from FAO’s work in Africa and Latin America.

© FAO / Ivan Grifi


The webinar, entitled “Social Protection and Gender: Empowering rural women through gender-sensitive social protection”, was held in November 2017, as the second in an ongoing series being run through the FAO Social Protection Technical Network. The series aims to raise awareness and promote discussion on selected topics relating to social protection in the context of rural poverty reduction and food security and nutrition.

Moderated by Maya Gavrilovic (Social Protection Specialist, Social Protection Team, FAO), the webinar featured presentations by Ana Paula de la O Campos (Programme Advisor, Rural Poverty Reduction, FAO) and Bettina Gatt (Gender Specialist, Regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean, FAO).

Click here to access a recording of the webinar. (Note: Adobe Connect and/or Flash required.)