
A paradigm shift in development interventions through community engagement

During the last webinar in the “Community Engagement Days” series, speakers presented experiences, illustrated the challenges and solutions to collective action for community engagement approaches.


On Tuesday, 22 June 2021, the last webinar in the “Community Engagement Days” series, entitled "Community Engagement for Collective Action," was held via zoom. The series, which was organized by the Dimitra Clubs Team of FAO with the support of Resource Partners contributing to the Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism (FMM), aims to review the achievements, potential and challenges of community engagement for empowerment approaches. The fifth and final webinar in the series sought to provide concrete examples of how community engagement and collective action function as key drivers of successful rural development strategies, programmes and projects.

Speakers showcased their experience with the use of community engagement approaches for collective action to strengthen the participation, voice and resilience of rural communities in various areas, including: climate change adaptation, food systems transformation and women’s empowerment, as well as COVID-19 response and recovery.

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