
Empowering South Sudanese refugees and host communities

There are nearly 75 000 South Sudanese refugees registered in the provinces of Ituri and Haut-Uélé in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


In Haut-Uélé, FAO has been providing humanitarian assistance to both refugees and host communities since October 2016, promoting harmony and reducing the risk of tensions while building resilience. The project strategy is based on integrating refugees into host communities, focusing on emergency assistance and empowerment.

Kaime Djeti, a 38-year-old female head of household living with her eight children in Doruma, told us about her situation prior to the project: “I arrived about two years ago in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and I only relied on the local community who often gave me rice, beans, cassava and cassava leaves. The project helped me a lot as I learned how to grow vegetables. I even started eating amaranth from my field.” 

To support the empowerment of South Sudanese refugees, FAO has focused on supporting income-generating and agricultural activities; 7 000 farming tools (hoes, rakes, sprayers, watering cans and wheelbarrows) and 80 kg of vegetable seeds (amaranth, cabbage, eggplant, okra and tomato) were distributed.

In addition, 545 refugee households received goats to promote access to animal protein. “I received a goat that I look after in our group; this will allow me to resume goat breeding,” explained Kaime.

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