The GFCM 2030 Strategy for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea offers a common vision and guiding principles to achieve sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the region, federating efforts to deliver on national, regional and global commitments. Building upon the progress made and concerted action between all stakeholders, it addresses the social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainability in order to build resilience to respond to global challenges.
Five targets, one vision

Target 1
Fisheries and ecosystems: healthy seas and productive fisheries
Fisheries and ecosystems: healthy seas and productive fisheries
The 2030 Strategy takes an integrated approach towards the many threats to the marine environment, working to conserve biodiversity and provide maximum sustainably yields, on the basis of enhanced oriented research and data collection in support of science-based fisheries management plans.

Target 2
Compliance and enforcement: a level playing field to eradicate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
Compliance and enforcement: a level playing field to eradicate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing
Good fisheries management needs effective compliance and enforcement mechanisms, and these are the focus of the second of the targets. The Strategy lays the ground for GFCM members to take strong action against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, stamping out crime and ensuring only legal products reach the market. Centralized monitoring, control and surveillance technology, with joint compliance and enforcement policies transposed into national laws, create a level playing field for legitimate fishers.

Target 3
Aquaculture: a sustainable and resilient sector growing to its full potential
Aquaculture: a sustainable and resilient sector growing to its full potential
Meanwhile aquaculture has its own unique requirements, and these inform the third target. While creating long-term governance and responsible investment frameworks, the Strategy promotes new technology and best practices through the GFCM’s regional knowledge-sharing hubs and aquaculture demonstration centres. Their work will further strengthen sector resilience and sustainability against a backdrop of continued growth, and encourage community involvement in its development.

Target 4
Livelihoods: decent employment and engaged fishers towards profitable fisheries
Livelihoods: decent employment and engaged fishers towards profitable fisheries
Thriving communities and better livelihoods right along the value chain – particularly in small-scale fisheries, the backbone of the industry – are the fourth target. The GFCM is finding new ways to help fishers improve their revenues, from increasing the value of their catches to diversifying their activities – and by making fisheries sustainable in the long term, the revenues will be sustainable too. On shore, greater involvement in local management decisions and stronger social protection structures will both contribute to making fisher livelihoods more secure.

Target 5
Capacity development: technical cooperation, knowledge sharing and efficient partnerships in a subregional perspective
Capacity development: technical cooperation, knowledge sharing and efficient partnerships in a subregional perspective
Finally, one of the GFCM’s greatest strengths is the way in which it brings together a hugely diverse range of actors, from governments and fishers to academia and NGOs, all of whom have important contributions to make to shared objectives. The fifth target is focused on using GFCM expertise and convening power to build capacity and provide technical support at the national and subregional levels to ensure policy commitments made by the GFCM Membership are met, establishing a level playing field across the region.
Building a new vision | A participatory process
To define the 10-year strategy for Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and aquaculture, the GFCM conducted consultations with a wide array of stakeholders and partners to gather their input and priorities.
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