Small-scale Fishers’ Forum
What is the Small-scale Fishers’ Forum?
The Small-Scale Fishers’ Forum (SSF Forum) is a place for small-scale fishers and fish workers from the Mediterranean and Black Sea region to come together, share good practices and learn from one another.
This initiative responds to the recommendations within the Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (RPOA-SSF) to offer support to small-scale fishers and fish workers to further develop their capacities and skills with regard to sustainable small-scale fisheries and livelihoods.
The SSF Forum further supports the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication (SSF Guidelines), which strongly recommend facilitating capacity development of small-scale fishing communities and enabling their participation in decision-making and development processes.
2023–2024 Small-scale Fishers’ Forum programme
The 2023–2024 SSF Forum programme is the result of a ground-breaking consultative exercise held in March 2023, which saw small-scale fisheries (SSF) stakeholders from 13 countries attend a two-day brainstorming session at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. The goal was to create a pragmatic SSF Forum programme that reflects the current needs of people working in the sector.
The 2023–2024 SSF Forum programme includes a series of four in-person workshops on the following topics, while also promoting the cross-cutting themes of generational turnover and gender equity.
21-23 November 2023 I Non-indigenous species: from health and safety to marketing opportunities
Organizers |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Mediterranean Conservation Society (MCS) |
Date |
21-23 November 2023 |
Place | Gökova Bay, Türkiye |
Objective | Understand how to handle harmful non-indigenous species existing in the different Mediterranean subregions, based on the local experience in Gökova Bay, and explore how to capitalize on potential new market opportunities |
Agenda | English and French |
Interpretation | Arabic, English and Turkish |
Conclusions | Available here |
18-20 April 2024 I Strong organizations: the basis for developing projects and funding requests
Organizers |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date |
18-20 April 2024 |
Place | Torrevieja, Spain |
Objective | Discuss how to establish a strong and sustainable SSF organization in a community of fishers, in order to increase productivity and solidarity, diversify the fishers’ activities, and attract younger fishers |
Agenda | English and French |
Interpretation | Attempts will be made to provide interpretation in as many languages as possible and will depend on the interest and needs of the participants |
29-30 October 2024 I Marine pollution: impacts, interactions and solutions
Organizers |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date |
29-30 October 2024 |
Place | Monastir, Tunisia |
Objective | Understand the different dimensions of marine pollution and explore how to minimize impacts from a fisher’s perspective |
Agenda | English and French |
Interpretation | Attempts will be made to provide interpretation in as many languages as possible and will depend on the interest and needs of the participants |
Conclusions | English and French |
9-10 April 2025 I Selective fishing gear: from impacts to alternatives
Organizers |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date |
9-10 April 2025 |
Place | Split, Croatia |
Objective | Understand the impact of different fishing gear on juveniles and vulnerable species, as well as possible sustainable alternatives to help minimize pollution from abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear |
Agenda | Available soon |
Interpretation | Attempts will be made to provide interpretation in as many languages as possible and will depend on the interest and needs of the participants |
Small-scale fishers, fish workers, SSF organization representatives and other relevant stakeholders of Mediterranean and Black Sea countries are encouraged to register to the workshops. Fishers and fish workers who actively work in Mediterranean and Black Sea SSF are given priority and other stakeholders are accommodated subject to space and availability of funds. Special attention is dedicated to the participation of women and young fishers in the workshops.
Attempts will be made to provide interpretation in as many languages as possible and will depend on the interest and needs of the participants.
The application form for each workshop is available in the workshop details.
The Friends of SSF network will review applications for participation and evaluate applicant eligibility and funding support. If there are more applicants than available places in a specific workshop, the network retains the right to select participants based on an assessment of the apparent relevance of a chosen workshop to the applicant’s work. A geographic and gender balance among trainees across the SSF Forum programme is also sought.
For any additional questions or further information, please contact [email protected]
28 February – 2 March 2023 I Stakeholder-policy interface I Connecting scientists and fishers in the process towards data collection and management of European eel in the Mediterranean (SECOND WORKSHOP)
Organizer |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date and modality |
28 February – 2 March 2023 (3 days) Hybrid meeting |
Objective |
This second workshop aims to follow up on the outcomes of the first workshop held in Sète on 14 April 2022 within the framework of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), as part of the “Escale à Sète” event. A webinar was organized (28 October 2022) to prepare this second workshop and continue enhancing the interactions between scientists and fishers for European eel in the Mediterranean, and disseminate the scientific advice emerging from the GFCM research programme on European eel (RP) and the GFCM scientific advisory committee (SAC). The objectives of this second workshop are to:
Agenda |
English and French |
Interpretation | Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, and Turkish |
Conclusions |
English |
9-10 March 2023 I Stakeholder-policy interface I SSF Forum consultation: defining the 2023-2024 programme
Organizer |
General Fisheries Commissions for the Mediterranean (GFCM), on behalf of the Friends of SSF |
Date and modality |
9-10 March 2023, In person FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy |
Objective |
With the objective to give a stronger voice to small-scale fishers in the region and contribute to the full implementation of the Regional Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (RPOA-SSF), it is foreseen to engage fishers and fish workers directly in the development of the 2023-2024 SSF Forum programme. Small-scale fisheries actors from around the region are invited to meet together to discuss the capacity building topics of greatest interest, in line with priorities emerging from previous meetings and the recommendations of the RPOA-SSF. Through a participatory process, it is foreseen to identify the content of the two-year programme, as well as the process for engaging participants in these future workshops. |
Agenda |
English |
Interpretation | Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Turkish |
Conclusions |
English |
28 April 2023 I Stakeholder-policy interface I Connecting fishers and scientists in the process of the rapa whelk research programme (information meeting)
Organizer |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date and modality |
28 April 2023, In person Istanbul, Türkiye |
Objective |
The workshop aims to continue enhancing interactions between scientists and rapa whelk fishers in the Black Sea through continued dialogue on the management and monitoring of rapa whelk, as well as the promotion of knowledge sharing by discussing recent developments and study results. More specifically, the workshop aims at informing Turkish rapa whelk fishers about the biology of the species, as well as the rapa whelk surveys carried out and the first outcomes of the socioeconomic study, conducted as part of the research programme, with a view to collecting fishers’ feedback on study outcomes and on emerging scientific advice. |
Agenda |
Available here |
Conclusions |
Available here |
24 February 2022 I Stakeholder-policy interface – From data collection to management: how the decision-making process work?
Organizer |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Contributing organization |
World Wide Fund (WWF) |
Date and modality |
24 February 2022, online meeting |
Objective |
The objective of this workshop is to demonstrate the importance of data collection in the process of decision-making and the crucial role of small-scale fishers in collecting them. After an introduction on the different steps of data collection leading to the adoption of decisions at the GFCM, various perspectives of data collection will be showcased, from a more regional level to a local level and fishers’ level, with the participation of fishers from around the region. |
Recordings |
Conclusions |
14 April 2022 I Stakeholder-policy interface – Connecting scientists and fishers in the process towards data collection and management of European eel in the Mediterranean
Organizer |
General Fisheries Commision for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date and modality |
14 April 2022, 10.00-12.00 CET, hybrid meeting In-person event in October (TBC) |
Objective |
This workshop aims at disseminating information relating to the research programme on European eel with a particular focus on the outcomes related to data collection and management of this species in the Mediterranean. The intent is to establish and enhance the interaction between scientists and fishers. The workshop will take place on 14 April 2022 back to back to the workshop entitled "Small-scale fishing in the Mediterranean: small in scale, high in value" within the framework of International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA), under the hat of the “Escale à Sète” event in the South of France, giving space to fishers and scientists to share their experience and knowledge, in particular:
Agenda | |
Conclusions |
9 May 2022 I Stakeholder-policy interface - Stakeholder input on the management of rapa whelk fisheries in the Black Sea
Organizer |
General Fisheries Commision for the Mediterranean (GFCM) (Black Sea technical unit) |
Date and modality |
First weeks of May, in-country in-person stakeholder workshops 9 May 2022, 9.30-12.00 and 14.00-15.00 online meeting |
Objective |
The objective of the workshop is to start the process of identifying management measures through
stakeholder engagement in the framework of the research programme on rapa whelk in the Black Sea, which
aims at providing the scientific basis for advice towards the future establishment of a multiannual
management plan. The workshop will take place in two stages:
Interpretation |
Bulgarian, English, Romanian, Turkish |
Agenda | |
Conclusions |
30 June 2022 I Stakeholder-policy interface - From scientific data to decision-making: the functioning of the GFCM consultative process towards SSF management measures
Organizer |
Mediterranean Advisory Council (MEDAC) |
Date and modality |
30 June 2022, 10.00-12.30 (CEST) In-person meeting, Rome, Italy Venue: Centro Congressi Cavour, Via Cavour, 50/a, 00184 Roma RM (Italy) |
Objective |
The objective of the workshop is to analyze the forthcoming management measures at GFCM level of interest for SSF and to provide a shared stakeholder advice on the basis of the available information. |
Interpretation |
Croatian, English, French, Greek, Italian and Spanish |
Agenda | |
Conclusions |
7 July 2022 I Next generation SSF - Technological innovations to facilitate efficient SSF value chains and fishing business management
Organizers |
Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) |
Contributing organizations |
World Wide Fund (WWF), the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date and modality |
7 July 2022 from 15.30 – 17.00 (CEST) online meeting |
Objective |
This workshop focuses on showcasing different sets of fisher driven applications and technological initiatives created by Abalobi, a non-for profit South African organisation that relate to data empowerment, seafood traceability, fair and transparent supply chains, and community cohesion and entrepreneurship. |
Interpretation |
Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian and Spanish |
Agenda | |
Conclusions |
3 September 2022 I Next generation SSF - Mediterranean and Black Sea SSF dialogue: learning from past experiences for a common future vision giving a voice to small-scale fishers
Organizers |
Friends of SSF partner organizations |
Date and modality |
3 September 2022 In-person, Città dell’Altra Economia, Rome, Italy |
Objective |
Celebrating the International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022 (IYAFA) is the perfect opportunity to showcase initiatives and progress made in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region for sustainable small-scale fisheries. From field-level projects to the national and regional implementation of the Regional Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (RPOA-SSF), all actors and stakeholders are contributing to more resilient fishing stocks and secured coastal communities. This session aims to open the dialogue with SSF organizations and discuss priorities, challenges, opportunities and future needs to implement the RPOA-SSF in the region. This session takes place in the context of the IYAFA 2022 celebration organized by IPC Working Group on Fisheries, SSF Hub and the GFCM, with the support of FAO, from 2-4 September. Find more information on this link. |
Interpretation |
English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic and Portuguese |
Conclusions |
Conclusions of the event are available on the following link. Photos and presentations of the event are available on the IYAFA website |
Agenda |
Available in English and French |
12 September 2022 I Next generation SSF - The RPOA-SSF in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea at the time of IYAFA: achievements and challenges ahead
Organizers |
Friends of SSF partner organizations |
Date and modality |
12 September 2022 from 15.30-18.30 (CEST) Hybrid meeting - in Malta, broadcast on Zoom |
Objective |
Within the context of the United Nations International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022), this three-hour session will explore the importance of the Regional Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (RPOA-SSF) while showcasing initiatives and first hand experiences of the Friends of SSF’s members. The session will take a deep dive into some of topics of the RPOA-SSF and address, for example, participation of small-scale fisheries actors in decision-making processes and capacity building, including the current European stakeholder involvement’s status in the Mediterranean, as well as the role of women in fisheries and actions needed for achieving gender equality. This session takes place in the context of the 4th World SSF Congress organized by TBTI in Malta for the Europe region from 12-14 September. Find more information on this link: |
Agenda |
Available here |
Conclusions | ENGLISH |
25 September 2022 I Next generation SSF - Innovations to facilitate efficient SSF value chains: the Foodnected model
Organizers |
Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE), the Slow Food organization, Global Footprint Network (GFN), Balearic Group of Ornithology and Nature Defense of Menorca (GOB Menorca), Yolda Initiative, the Center for Protection and Research of Birds in Montenegro (CZIP) and Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby Association (MSJA) With the support of the GFCM |
Date and modality |
25 September 2022 from 11.30-12.30 (CEST) In-person meeting in Turin, Italy |
Objective |
This workshop presents the lessons learned and identified benefits from the piloting of the Foodnected model in multiple pilot sites. The model aims at building and promoting short-distance food systems that ensure increased value for small-scale fisheries products, improved market accessibility for small-scale fishers (e.g. via direct marketing mechanisms) and a producers-consumers reconnection. The model of Foodnected will be presented and SSF will share their experiences. |
Event | |
Conclusions |
28 October 2022 I Stakeholder-policy interface - Connecting scientists and fishers in the process towards data collection and management of European eel in the Mediterranean PART 2
Organizers |
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date and modality |
28 October 2022, 10.00-12.30 (CEST) Online |
Objective |
Following the workshop organized under the hat of IYAFA and the “Escale à Sète” on 14 April 2022, in Sète, France, this second workshop intends to continue enhancing the interactions between scientists and
Agenda |
Available here |
Interpretation |
English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Greek, Italian and Turkish |
Conclusions |
28 October 2022 I Next generation SSF - Handling equipment and simple vessel adaptations to improve post-release survival of vulnerable species bycatch in small-scale fisheries
Organizers |
World Wide Fund (WWF), General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Date and modality |
28 October 2022, 14.30-16.00 (CEST) Online |
Objective |
The incidental catch of vulnerable species in fisheries including in small-scale fisheries is a conservation issue in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Within the context of the MedBycatch project, this session will present and discuss best practices, issues and hands-on solutions regarding the handling of bycatch of vulnerable species in small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean. For more information about the project see |
Agenda |
Available here |
Interpretation |
Arabic, Croatian, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Turkish |
Conclusions |
Available here |
17 November 2022 I Next generation SSF - Diversifying livelihoods through tourism and other commercial activities
Organizers | General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Contributing organizations | International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) and the World Wide Fund (WWF) |
Date and modality |
17 November 2022, 14.30-16.00 (CET) Online |
Objective |
This workshop focuses on the diversification of activities in the small-scale fisheries sector, giving the spotlight to initiatives led by CIHEAM and WWF on pescatourism. |
Interpretation |
Arabic, Croatian, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Turkish |
Agenda | Available here |
Conclusions | ENGLISH / FRENCH |
November 2022 I Stakeholder-policy interface - Getting started: characterize fishing activities in your MPA (postponed to Spring 2023)
Organizers | MedPAN |
Date and modality |
Postponed to to Spring 2023 |
Objective |
The overall objective of the training is to provide MPA managers and practitioners with the basic knowledge, methodologies and practical skills needed to characterise and establish an initial status of fishing activities in the MPA. |
Scope |
This training module is to set up an initial status of the fishing activities occurring in and around the MPA. As Mediterranean MPAs are mainly coastal, the training will primarily focus on the characterisation of small-scale and recreational fisheries (including boat fishing, shore fishing and spearfishing). However, industrial fishing activities that may also occur within or around some MPAs will be briefly covered. The training will also provide keys to the characterisation of illegal fishing activities, especially poaching. As the first building block of the fisheries training cycle, this core module is to provide MPA managers and practitioners with basic knowledge and simple, straightforward methodologies to start from scratch in characterising fishing activities and get a basic snapshot of the situation in their MPA. |
Interpretation |
English and French |
Promoting strong and innovative SSF value chains (May and July 2021)
Main organizer(s) | CIHEAM Bari and the AKTEA Platform |
Objective |
This workshop focuses on best practices to create competitive economic advantages for small-scale fisheries actors along the value chain. Sessions focus on strategies for adding value to small-scale fisheries products, such as voluntary labeling, direct selling processing and packaging; and on the experiences of women contributing to robust SSF value chains in the region. |
Sessions |
The workshop consisted of three sessions:
Conclusions |
Summary of key
issues and related conclusions available HERE |
Decent work and social protection (September 2021)
Main organizer(s) | General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) |
Objective |
The SSF Guidelines and the RPOA-SSF underline that sustainable small-scale fisheries management should go hand-in-hand with opportunities for decent work and socio-economic development. Promoting safety at sea, occupational health and safety, as well as access to social protection programmes (both formal and informal), are crucial for supporting the resilience of small-scale fishing communities and their full and productive employment. This workshop will seek to explore good practices for ensuring safe working conditions. It will also seek to raise awareness about social protection programmes, including their impact on the socio-economic development of small-scale fishers and natural resource management, sharing best practices in improving access in the region. Additionally, it will share experiences and strategies of how SSF organizations can play a role in providing community-based social protection for their members. |
Sessions | The workshop consisted of three sessions: |
Conclusions | Summary of key issues and related conclusions available HERE |
Participatory management approaches (October 2021)
Main organizer(s) | WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative (WWF MMI), Mediterranean Advisory Council (MEDAC), the Directorate-General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs – Department of Agriculture, Stockbreeding, Fisheries and Food, Government of Catalonia (DGPAM-DARP), the Fishers’ Cofradia of Roses and the Catalan Federation of Fishermen Associations (FNCCP) |
Contributing organization(s) |
Low Impact Fishers of Europe (LIFE) and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) |
Objective |
Empowering small-scale fisheries stakeholders to engage in decision-making processes has shown to be a powerful and effective tool for sustainable management. This workshop will examine different participatory management arrangements and best practices for running efficient and effective SSF organizations. Workshops will share the experiences of fishers participating in successful co-management arrangements and will show how co-management can work at different levels. The experiences of other participatory processes will also be highlighted and best practices will be shared among SSF organizations with strategies for good organization management. |
Sessions |
The workshop consisted of three sessions:
Small-scale fishers: guardians of our changing marine environment (December 2021)
Main organizer(s) | General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) and WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative |
Objective |
The changing marine environment presents ever-evolving challenges: from climate change to plastic pollution to reducing interactions with vulnerable species. Within the context of the Day of the Mediterranean on 28 November, this workshop will highlight innovative solutions and adaptation strategies to address these challenges. Workshops will showcase solutions fishers have found to improve the selectivity of their catches, reducing bycatch and the incidental catch of vulnerable species; provide opportunities for fishers to share and compare climate change impacts and discuss adaptation strategies; and will highlight innovative projects with small-scale fishers in the region to combat marine litter and plastic pollution in our seas. |
Sessions |
The workshop consisted of three sessions:
National SSF University days: Addressing common regional SSF issues (10 November 2020)
Organizer | FAO Mediterranean ProjectsFAO Mediterranean Projects (AdriaMed, CopeMedII, EastMed, MedSudMed) and the BlackSea4Fish project |
When | 10 November 2020, 1 day |
Where | Workshops took place simultaneously in the countries where the FAO Mediterranean Projects and the BlackSea4Fish project operate. The events were hosted by the national research institutes. |
Course objective and agenda |
The course addressed common regional SSF issues such as collaborative science (including participatory data collection, reporting and monitoring), local ecological knowledge (LEK), climate change and environmental impacts of fishing. Webnews available here |
Target participants | Nationals of the participating countries: small-scale fishers, fish workers and representatives of SSF organizations |
Language of instruction | Plenary sessions were held in English. Breakout sessions were held in the language of the hosting countries. |
Co-management best practices: learning exchange visit (24 November 2020)
Organizer | WWF Mediterranean Marine Initiative |
When | 24 November 2020 |
Where | Conil de la Frontera, Spain |
Course objective and agenda |
The training was organized around a site visit to Conil for approximately 50 participants to exchange experiences and learn about co-management including topics such as traceability, transparency, value addition and marketing, and local tourism. Webnews available here |
Target participants | Nationals of Mediterranean countries: small-scale fishers and representatives of SSF organizations |
Language of instruction | Arabic, English, Spanish, Croatian, Greek, Italian and Turkish |
Revive, Renew and Relaunch AKTEA (24-26 February 2020)
Organizer | European Network of Women in Fisheries and Aquaculture (AKTEA) |
When | 24-26 February 2020 |
Where | Brussels, Belgium |
Course objective and agenda |
The workshop explored the role of women in fisheries and provided training to AKTEA members on the functioning of relevant legislative bodies, such as the EU, and how to make a difference in the legislative and policy making processes of European institutions. The training included a visit to the European Parliament Fisheries Committee and meetings with European law makers. Workshop agenda (EN) | Webnews |
Target participants | Women small-scale fishers, fish workers and SSF organization representatives from European Mediterranean countries |
Language of instruction | English |
Contact information |
For further information, please contact Katia Frangoudes ([email protected]) |
Exchange visit in Catalonia (9-12 March 2020)
Organizer | WWF France, in collaboration with LIFE (Low Impact Fishers of Europe), the Natural marine park of Gulf of Lion and the National park of Calanques |
When | 9-12 March 2020 |
Where | Catalonian region, Spain |
Course objective and agenda |
The training aimed at raising awareness on fisheries sustainability and co-management and strengthening the capacity of fishers to sell their fish at a fairer price. It included meetings with the Catalonian government, fishers and scientists. Workshop agenda (FR) |
Target participants | French nationals: small-scale fishers and representatives of SSF organizations |
Language of instruction | French and Spanish |
Contact information |
If you wish to have further information, please contact Andrea Sabbio ([email protected]) |