Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes

Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL)

Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PMEL) is a continuous management function to assess if progress is made in achieving expected results, to spot bottlenecks in implementation and to highlight whether there are any unintended effects (positive or negative) from an investment plan, programme or project (“project/plan”) and its activities while maximizing learning. This will allow a timely correction of efforts as part of an adaptive management approach. Moreover, inclusion and participation of all relevant stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluation efforts will be key to contiously deepen ownership, commitment and joint-learning for more impactful results. 

The Global Coordination Project (GCP) will complement and support child projects by supporting program-level M&E. This will have five purposes:

  • i) to contribute to the monitoring by GEF of projects’ overall impacts;
  • ii) to monitor the additional benefits generated from the programmatic approach, compared to the business-as-usual model/scenario of stand-alone projects, and thereby to guide overall adaptive management of IP investments;
  • iii) to monitor the effectiveness of any transboundary/regional collaboration initiatives that may be supported under the IP in the region, and thereby to support their adaptive management,
  • iv) maximize inclusion of all stakeholders in the monitoring and evaluation for continued ownership and commitment and
  • v) maximize joint-learning for ongoing adaptive management.

The task of the GCP in these regards will therefore consist both of compiling and managing the results of child-project specific M&E systems and applying “supra-national” product and process indicators that are beyond the scope of individual child projects.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Working Group

DSL-IP M&E DashboardMEL WG Whatsapp Community

The importance of close collaboration with country partners regarding project monitoring and evaluation should not be neglected. The DSL-IP Global Coordination foster collaboration and support adaptive management by long term and active interactions with child project’s M&E focal points.

The Global Coordination of the DSL-IP estabilished the MEL WG to ensure a strong docking between the GCP and its country projects. The MEL WG is a space where country M&E experts come together to exchange experiences, share knowledge, colalborate and find solutions jointly. It creates a to:

  • Revise Annual Workplan and M&E Framework
  • Discuss  M&E topics, tools and approaches
  • Support reporting processes (PIR, PPR,+)
  • Share experiences and lessons learned
  • Support and harmonized baseline assessments
  • Seek and provide technical support
  • Harmonize reports and indicators
  • Combine efforts

The MEL Working group also:


  • Discusses and proposes Capacity Development priorities,
  • Participates in tailored training sessions,
  • Supports the GCP and REMs on regional and global M&E efforts
  • Maintain and update the DSL-IP M&E Dashboard