Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change
©K. Boldt/FAO

Cocoa value chain analysis

Haiti is a small cocoa producer in terms of volume, producing around 5 000 tonnes of cocoa per year (on a global production of 4 million tonnes) as compared to 20 000 tonnes in 1960. With an average of 8 million USD (value of exported production per year for more than 5 years), cocoa production is the third most important export factor in Haiti. At least 130 000 people in Haiti directly depend on this value chain.

This working document presents a case study of a multi-impact appraisal of the cocoa value chain project in Haiti. The value chain is analysed from production to the distribution of cocoa to retailers using the EX-ACT VC tool.

Within this case study, an ex-ante multi-impact appraisal is realized to estimate climate mitigation, climate resilience and socio-economic performance for both the current situation of the value chain and the upgrading scenario. Comparing both results will allow us to identify to what extent the upgrading scenario can be a solution for the rural population of southern Haiti in terms of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.