FAO and Türkiye Partnership

Press releases

14 March 2019; Antalya- The 3rd Steering Committee Meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization Regional Coordination Centre for Food Security (ECO-RCC) was held on 13–14 March 2019 in Antalya, Turkey, with the participation of the representatives of member countries. Established in 2012 in Ankara, the Centre is committed to enhancing cooperation and coordination among ECO member countries in the area of food...

FAO and Turkey have committed to jointly restore 5 000 hectares of degraded land in three African countries along the Sahara. The three-year project is an important boost for countries’ efforts to tackle land degradation along Africa’s Great Green Wall.

28 November 2018; Ankara- During the Steering Committee held on 28 November 2018 in Ankara, FAO and Turkey endorsed a set of new projects to be developed under the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) and the FAO-Turkey Forestry Partnership Programme (FTFP). The meetings were co-chaired by Viorel Gutu, Subregional Coordinator for Central Asia and FAO Representative in...

28 February 2018; Ankara- The 1st Joint Review Meeting of the FAO-Turkey Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) has been organized on 28 February 2018 in Ankara with the participation of the FAO Turkey team and the officials and experts from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, as four of the projects under the Programme has gone operational. Attended...

27 October 2017; Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in partnership with Turkey’s Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, is working to support Eritrea, Mauritania and Sudan as they fight land degradation and desertification through sustainable management of their natural resources and by restoring degraded forests and landscapes.

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