In each country, the goals of the FO4ACP are: Improved access to services to empower women, rural youth and vulnerable communities, Increased entrepreneurship, access to markets and financing through equitable value chains and business development services within POs, respecting sustainable food and agricultural principles, Facilitate a common sub-regional policy and program development process with governments, stakeholders and partners, including farmer and rural youth organizations, foster information exchange, training and capacity development.
Jamaica is located to the south of Cuba and forms part of the Greater Antilles, at latitude 18o15’N, longitude 77 o30’W. It is the largest island of the English-speaking Caribbean with a total area of 10 990 km2. In 2012, the total physical cultivated area was estimated at 220 000 ha, of which 55 percent (120 000 ha) consisted of temporary crops and 45 percent (100 000 ha) of permanent crops. Permanent meadows and pasture cover 229 000 ha, which brings to total agricultural area to 449 000 ha. The country is divided into fourteen administrative districts, called Parishes. The capital is Kingston.
In 2013, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was US$14,362 million and agriculture represented 7 percent of GDP. In 2013, the total population economically active in agriculture is estimated at 208,000 inhabitants (17 percent of the economically active population), of which 27 percent are women and 73 percent are men.
The agricultural sector has faced numerous challenges that have resulted in a decline in production and direct contribution to GDP, largely due to increased trade liberalization, competition, and low productivity.
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