Farmers' Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP)

FAO joins efforts with the Caribbean Network of Rural Women to strengthen capacities in the region

In 2022, progress is expected in strategies that allow greater participation of women and young people in farmers' organizations.

Mathelida Weeks and Laura Jane (left to right) are receiving pineapple seedlings at a workshop for the Ti ColonBarre St Joseph Women's group center in rural Castries, St Lucia

©©FAO St. Lucia


Within the framework of the Farmers Organizations For African, Caribbean and Pacific Project (FO4ACP), a workshop was held with the Caribbean Network of Women Producers (CANROP) and members of FAO, with the objective of advancing in the strengthening of producer organizations in the Caribbean, understanding the role they play in the transformation of our food systems.

The Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP) is an umbrella organization for national networks of rural women producer organizations across the Caribbean. There are currently 19 active member groups, whose members are involved in farming, agro-processing and craft production.

The Caribbean Network of Rural Women Producers (CANROP) is a coordinating organization of national networks of rural women producer organizations throughout the Caribbean. There are currently 10 active member groups, whose members are involved in agriculture, agricultural processing and artisan production.

Pedro Boareto, manager of FO4ACP  project, emphasized that “CANROP is an import partner for strengthening the participation of Rural Women in Farmers Organizations. Through their work it will be possible to visibilize the contribution of the women in the family farming sector and articulate an agenda towards the implementation of the United Nations Decade of Family Farming”.

FO4ACP project is supporting an initial exercise to identify the governance structure and mechanisms in which Producers organizations are operating. The initial mapping aims to identify the main priorities in terms of capacity building actions and other elements necessary for organizations to better develop their functions.

Carmen Nurse, CANROP member said “the workshop had as its objective to share the initial findings and gather feedback from leaders of the different organizations that are parte of CANROP in terms og governance, improve planning and knowledge exchange, access to financing and improvement of administration capacities and human talent management”.

The Workshop focused its attention on how to improve the inclusion of rural youth within the different FO4ACP initiatives with a gender perspective that encourages the participation of women in dialogue between organizations and with institutions.


Pedro Boareto

[email protected]

Project Manager