KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

COVID-19 sensitization along the food supply chain: Sharing knowledge to keep rural communities safe

This page features a set of knowledge sharing and visibility outputs to facilitate documentation and dissemination of emerging COVID-19 sensitization responses in countries with food crisis situations, such as Afghanistan, Mali, Pakistan and Yemen. The products rely on qualitative data collection and beneficiary-level evidence gathering carried out during on-the-ground missions.

This in-country documentation was completed as part of the 18-month-long USAID-funded project "Supporting critical agricultural value chains in food crisis countries in the context of COVID-19” focused on providing sensitization tools to eleven focus countries and capturing emerging country-level RCCE responses to the COVID-19 crisis. The project originated under the banner of Pillar IV of the FAO Global Humanitarian Appeal for COVID-19, “Ensuring food supply chain actors are not at risk of virus transmission.”

Knowledge in action

Knowledge sharing as a tool for virus mitigation. Impacts and responses to COVID-19 across multiple livelihoods.
[French] [Spanish] [Arabic] versions
The story of COVID-19: a pandemic meets other crises. How the COVID-19 crisis exacerbated existing challenges.
[French] [Spanish] [Arabic] versions
“We will keep moving forward”: nomadic pastoralists and COVID-19. Using resilience and ancestral knowledge to respond to the pandemic.
[French] [Spanish] [Arabic] versions

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Knowledge on the move: RCCE messaging gets creative. A fast-paced look at sensitization typologies.
[French] [Spanish] [Arabic] versions
Dimitra Clubs and Farmer Field Schools face off against COVID-19. Leveraging the power of community groups.
[French] [Spanish] [Arabic] versions
Tips for keeping markets safe from COVID-19. Simple guidelines to protect food and livestock marketplaces.
[French] [Spanish] [Arabic] versions

Knowledge documents on emerging COVID-19 responses

Protecting agricultural workers
Protecting agricultural workers through remote COVID-19 awareness campaigns in Pakistan - Using digital media and distanced messaging to promote virus mitigation and combat misinformation.
Adapting targeted support to Kuchi pastoralists in Afghanistan
Adapting targeted support to Kuchi pastoralists in Afghanistan for COVID-19 - Promoting COVID-19-safe migration and livestock markets while tailoring livestock packages and cash-for-work schemes.

Voices from the field

Abdo’s Story: Animated oral testimony from a goat farmer in Yemen
Ahmed’s story: A fisherman in Yemen learns resources for mitigating COVID-19
COVID-19 sensitization in Yemen - Targeted livelihood-based responses to a challenging pandemic

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RCCE around COVID-19 in Pakistan: On-the-ground interviews from the sensitization front line
Summaya's Story


Afghanistan | Humanitarian assistance to Kuchi nomadic pastoralists
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Afghanistan | Cash distribution and COVID-19 awareness raising
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Afghanistan | FAO enabled markets in Afghanistan to remain open
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Land, Sea, Airwaves: Livelihood-Specific COVID-19 Sensitization in Yemen
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This set of knowledge sharing and visibility outputs was developed within the FAO’s Office of Emergencies and Resilience by KORE and the Global Programme Support Team in collaboration with the Emergency Management Centre (EMC).