Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO


In Nicaragua, "Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO" focuses its efforts on helping to improve food security and nutrition by improving the availability of and access to good-quality criollas and acriolladas seeds. This involves promoting forms of community organization and strengthening the capacities of family farmers in terms of productive self-management and the adoption of new technologies. To this end, the Programme has supported the generation and implementation of regulatory and public policy instruments, the strengthening of institutional capacities, the promotion of the use of innovative technologies and practices, and community organization to create productive self-management capacities and develop exchange and sale mechanisms in the local seed market.

Some of the results achieved and the actions that “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” supports in Nicaragua are the following:


  • Support in the formulation and implementation of the National Strategy for Participatory Plant Breeding.
  • Technical support in the formulation and implementation of the National Strategy for Community Seed Banks. 
  • Establishment and strengthening of community seed bank members.
  • Analysis and systematization of experiences of the seed bank model for the production of and access to quality seeds adapted to specific environmental conditions.
  • Construction of a methodology for the participatory development of business plans for community seed banks.
  • Capacity building for producers and technical personnel in participatory plant breeding, food sampling, use of biological inputs, among other topics. 
  • Updating and technical support for the implementation of the National Biological Inputs Strategy. 
  • Evaluation and strengthening of the National Seed System.
  • Introduction of better lobster capture practices.
  • Technical support to the Parliamentary Front against Hunger of Nicaragua in the formulation, approval and updating of regulatory instruments such as the legal digest on food and nutritional security and sovereignty, the legal digest on the environment and natural resources, the Law on Phytosanitary Protection, among others. 
  • Support for the validation of the agroecology performance evaluation tool developed by FAO. 
  • Analysis of legal instruments in the area of genetic resources, modern biotechnology and conventional biotechnology.