Inclusive and Sustainable Territories and Landscapes Platform

Fifteen Years of Rural Territorial Development in Latin America What does experience show us? (In Spanish)

The 2004 publication of Rural Territorial Development, by Alexander Schejtman and Julio Berdegué provided an analytical framework to think about rural development and thus contribute to a vast agenda of research and impact throughout Latin America. In their proposal they emphasize two factors to achieve rural development processes: productive transformation dynamics and institutional development.

Fifteen years after this publication, the Rural Territorial Development (RTD) approach has made a very prominent contribution to the democratization of public management in rural areas, as it created new spaces for traditionally marginalized actors. For this reason, this book reviews RTD-based public policies and programmes to explore its ability to generate institutional transformations that enable better living conditions and greater development opportunities for people in rural territories in the region.


Year: 2020

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