Water efficiency, productivity and sustainability in the NENA regions (WEPS-NENA)

Baseline on water productivity: establishing a collaborative platform on water productivity for the WSI


  • A regional synthesis on baseline and variability of biophysical and economic crop water productivity was prepared by UCO based on the eight country baseline studies on crop water productivity, which were produced by country partners.
  • The first meeting of the regional community of practice on water productivity was organized as a regional scientific conference on improving water productivity in Tunisia. The conference was organized in cooperation with the regional project TCP/RAB/3602 and gathered 200 experts, policy makers and development partners. The conference included a project steering committee meeting, and four trainings on soil salinity, WAPOR/ET, water accounting, and ET measurement.

Capacity development

  • The regional capacity-building program on WP combined online training, training for trainers, and on the job trainings/coaching, of water productivity country teams supported by a team of international experts from UCO and FAO.
  • Two sub-regional training for trainers on the concepts and assessment of water productivity were organized by UCO, where 40 participants attended.
  • A series of online knowledge sharing webinars were initiated and developed, starting with two webinars: the first on “Water productivity – assessments across scales; and the second on “Trends in the water productivity of crops and livestock products in Nebraska”.


Poster series on WP were developed on the following topics: improving water productivity to cope with water scarcity; measuring ET; ET Cordova system for measurement of ET; olives; wheat; citrus; potato; sugar beet; and horticulture.

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