Stocking, enhancement and introductions
Stocking through formal stocking programmes is generally recognized as an important tool to compensate for losses in fish productivity and fish species diversity. Stocking programmes are widely implemented in Asia in a variety of aquatic habitats as an essential element in increasing or maintaining fish production in the region. In Asia, capture and culture fisheries are often closely integrated through the extensive and semi-intensive management of man-made waterbodies and rice paddies. Provided that conditions are conducive and the enhancement measures well-designed, these enhancements can be effective in increasing fisheries yields for food or income, or as opportunities for recreational fishing and wider socio-economic benefits.
The introduction and movement of alien species into open waters is another activity that is used to increase production and value from aquatic ecosystems. This action may be relatively benign or can result in the establishment of invasive species with undesirable outcomes and threats to aquatic biodiversity. Policy makers must balance these benefits and risks to decide when an introduction may be appropriate.
FAO has developed advice on responsible stocking and enhancement, as well as the movement, responsible use and control of alien species in fisheries and aquaculture. This comprises Technical Guidelines and codes of practice and a database information.