Inter-American Development Bank
FAO’s partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank began in 1968. IDB looks to the Centre for expertise in pre-investment, design and innovation in agriculture production systems, post-harvest losses, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture value chains, animal health and sustainable livestock production.
Recent collaboration includes the design of a USD 15 million investment project in Belize to improve enterprises’ competitiveness and climate resilience, with a focus on women, youth, Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants. The Centre worked with FAO Panama to support the post-COVID-19 economic recovery of small-scale Indigenous coffee producers by improving the production, processing, quality and sales of coffee from sustainable agroforestry.
The Centre has also worked with IDB, FAO Nicaragua and CIPAV (La Fundación Centro para la Investigación en Sistemas Sostenibles de Producción Agropecuaria) to prepare a comprehensive feasibility study on sustainable and low-carbon livestock production in Nicaragua’s milk-producing region, with a focus on small- and medium-scale farmers.
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