Capacity Development for Investment (CD4I)
The FAO Investment Centre helps people and institutions make better agrifood investment and finance decisions through investment planning, training, economic and financial analysis, peer learning, mentoring, network building, study tours, webinars, e-learning and educational resources and tools.
One such tool is FAO’s RuralInvest. This participatory, interactive and free toolkit – developed nearly two decades ago and updated regularly – helps small and medium-sized rural entrepreneurs prepare viable business plans to access funding from banks and other financing partners.
The Centre also works with FAO’s technical divisions to develop, improve and scale up the use of other innovative tools and technologies. These include the Ex-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT), the Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model interactive (GLEAM-i) and the Livestock Sector Investment and Policy Toolkit (LSIPT).
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FAO and EBRD mark new milestone in 27-year cooperation
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Green Climate Fund approves $52 million to support FAO-led project in Malawi
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Investment Centre welcomes new head of West and Central Africa Service
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A chat with the Investment Centre’s Service Chief for East and Southern Africa
Giovanni Munoz, the Investment Centre's Service Chief for East and Southern Africa, reflects on a long career in the agriculture sector, his vision...
Latest publications
FAO Investment Centre - 2023 at a glance
FAO, through its Investment Centre, works with partners to provide tailored, scalable investment and finance solutions to help countries achieve better, more sustainable outcomes. This latest edition looks at the Centre’s achievements in 2023 while also identifying priority areas for the coming years.
Investing in farmers: Agriculture human capital investment strategies
Investing in farmers – or agriculture human capital – is crucial to addressing challenges in our agri-food systems. A global...
How to invest in farmers? - A guide for agriculture human capital investment projects
Investing in farmers – or agriculture human capital – is crucial to addressing challenges in our agrifood systems. A global...
FAO Investment Centre - 2022 at a glance
FAO is committed to helping countries achieve a healthier, more sustainable future. That means finding the right combination of policies, innovations and public and private investment to help them realize the promise of the four betters – better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all.
Investing in young agripreneurs - Why and how?
There are few wage-earning opportunities for the 223 million unemployed or underemployed youth in developing and emerging economies. Many of...