Membership is open to FAO Member Nations or Associate Members. It has no cost attached to it. The Commission may, by a two-thirds majority of its membership, admit to membership such other nations that are members of the United Nations, any of its specialized agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency. The sessions of the Commission are also open to observers from Member Nations of FAO that, without being members of the Commission, may indicate their wish to attend the session on account of their interest in poplar and willow culture.
To apply for an IPC membership a country needs to fulfill three basic requirements:
- Be a member of FAO.
- Submit a formal application and a declaration of acceptance of the Convention as in force at the time of admission. The document must be signed by the Head of State or by the Head of Government or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or by the Minister of the Department concerned e.g. the Minister of Agriculture and/or Forestry.
- Establish a National Commission composed of all the national stakeholders (government, institutions, research bodies, growers, users…)
Reference documents
Basic information and membership
IPC Secretariat
Ms Thaís Linhares Juvenal, IPC Secretary and Senior Forestry Officer, Forest Governance and Economics Team
Ms Faustine Zoveda, Planted Forests Officer, Forest Governance and Economics Team
[email protected]