Organize an IYM 2023 event

Organise an event

Start planning your activity for the International Year of Millets 2023! You can download a set of information materials in several languages from the Communications Toolkit. From food tastings, recipe sharing groups and cooking demonstrations to sports activities, cultural performances, panel discussions or lectures, there are many ways to introduce people to millets.

Millets Global Community of Practice

The Millets CoP provides a platform for farmers’ organizations, cooperatives, civil society organizations, research centres, NGOs, policymakers, decision-makers and the private sector working in millet value chain with the common goal of identifying opportunities and gaps to promote a shift towards sustainable food systems.

Join the challenge

Join the Global Chefs Challenge!

Chefs and seasoned cooks around the world are sharing videos to show off recipes on how they love to prepare and eat millets. It's time to unlock their great potential!

Take part in the #IYM2023 Global Chefs Challenge on Instagram and read more about it here!

Prepare a meal using millets

Have you ever tried millets? It’s never too late. Millets are full of dietary fibre, antioxidants, protein and minerals, including iron. They’re also gluten free with a low glycaemic index to address intolerances and diabetes.

Get to know their diversity and the variety of dishes they can produce by trying one of these recipes.

Bring the IYM to your town or city

Bring the IYM to your town or city

If you are a municipality, outdoor advertiser, or transportation company, we are counting on you to promote millets and encourage more people to try them. Use the poster, banner or promo video on billboards or screens on street corners, shopping centres, buses or trams, in city subways, cinemas, airports and more.

Contact us if you have special requirements and we will be happy to help.

Calling on media professionals and influencers

As a media professional or influencer, you can raise awareness of millets, their nutritious benefits and resilience to climate change. Help us to spread the word in the news, on social media, TV or radio talk shows or discussion panels.

Start by sharing content from the International Year of Millets 2023 Trello board!

Calling on media professionals and influencers
Communication Handbook


Looking for more ideas?

Find more tips on how to get involved in the International Year of Millets 2023, take a loot at the Communications Handbook.