Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly visits FAO headquarters FAO and Haiti are
Rome, 22 November 2012- The Government of Haiti estimates the total loss in the agricultural sector at USD 254 million, a third of the annual production. In the aftermath of the three consecutive disasters that hit Haiti since the beginning of the year, 90,356 hectares of crops were damaged and 64,000 heads of cattle killed; putting 1.5 million people at risk of acute and severe malnutrition.

The following are audio excerpts from a joint press conference held at FAO headquarters, today:
1. Mr. Michel Joseph Martelly, President of Haiti
1min. 10sec.

2. Mr. José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General
2min. 4sec.

3. Mr. Laurent Thomas, FAO Assistant Director-General for Technical Cooperation
2min. 51sec.
Tema(s): Emergencias / Crisis
Realizador: FAO
Referencia: 9455