Ministers and other representatives recognize several challenges and present possible solutions facing NENA countries on food and agriculture
FAO Director-General highlights COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme and calls for enabling multi-sectoral policies, innovation, well targeted investments, and vital agricultural activity
Turning the recovery from COVID-19 into an opportunity for cities to become more sustainable, resilient, and provide access to healthy foods for all
Conflict and COVID-19 are also worsening food insecurity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, northern Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan
Earth Map empowers FAO’s Hand-in-Hand geospatial platform and allows anyone with basic Internet access to tap critical climate, environmental and agricultural information
Pandemic aggravates pre-existing drivers of acute food insecurity - Democratic Republic of the Congo is now world’s largest food crisis. FAO and partners call for urgent and decisive action.
FAO is rolling out innovative data tools to help countries track progress as COVID-19 pandemic poses new monitoring challenges
Through the Hand-in-Hand initiative, the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme and other actions, FAO can help ensure well-functioning global food markets, promote responsible investments, and reduce food loss and waste, among other areas
FAO regional conference focused on rebound from damage of COVID-19
Ministerial Session highlights the importance of supporting the livelihoods of the most vulnerable people through sustained and stronger collaboration
International quotations for sugar, vegetable oils and coarse grains increased from July, while worldwide cereal harvests remain on course to hit annual record
The impacts of COVID-19 and climate change are threatening the food security in Small Island Developing States, Least Developed and Landlocked Developing Countries
The virtual conference takes place between 1 and 4 September
FAO helps Côte d’Ivoire, Armenia and Colombia win investment grants for agriculture projects to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
Vegetable oils and dairy products drive up FAO Food Price Index while meat and rice prices decline
The Italian government-proposed initiative aims to tackle the long-term impacts of the pandemic on food and agriculture, engaging more countries to support the efforts
تسعى هذه المبادرة لزيادة قدرة الفئات السكّانية الضعيفة على الاعتماد على ذاتها ووضع الأساس لزيادة الاستثمارات في الأعمال التجارية الزراعية
Call to action to reduce food loss and waste - gearing up for the first International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste on 29 September 2020
Q&A with Cyril Ferrand, FAO’s Resilience Team Leader for East Africa
$10 million contribution will support the UN Agency’s operations to contain the spread in East Africa