
South-south Cooperation
11 Sep 2019
This brochure has been jointly developed to showcase concrete examples of how the RBAs promote South-South initiatives at the country level. Focusing on the theme of the joint celebration of the 2019 UN Day for South-South Cooperation, leaving no one behind in achieving SDG 2, the cases highlight opportunities to enhance collaboration in the fight against hunger and malnutrition to realize Zero Hunger by 2030. 
South-south Cooperation
26 Jul 2019
Ce rapport présente les travaux d’un atelier intitulé «Plateforme d’échange de connaissances: renforcer la cohérence entre l’agriculture et la protection sociale pour promouvoir la résilience en Afrique francophone», tenu du 27 au 19 novembre 2018 à Dakar (Sénégal) et organisé par la Délégation générale à la protection sociale et à la solidarité nationale (DGPSN). L’atelier a encouragé une coordination intersectorielle et une meilleure cohérence afin de renforcer de manière plus efficace la résilience et soutenir des moyens d’existence durables afin de réduire la pauvreté rurale. L’atelier a été conjointement organisé par les Divisions de la Coopération Sud-Sud (SSC)...
Resource Partners
30 Jun 2019
As a country with a population of over 1.3 billion people, China has always attached great importance to food and agricultural development. After resuming its membership of FAO in 1973, the country has been maintaining a close cooperation with the Organization.
Parliamentary alliances
04 Jun 2019
Los países de África han reafirmado su compromiso de poner fin al hambre a través de declaraciones internacionales y regionales como, por ejemplo, la Declaración de Malabo de 2014 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de 2016, entre otras. Si éstas son respaldadas por una legislación efectiva, incluida la protección constitucional, las ventajas a futuro para el continente en términos económicos, sociales y culturales se hacen evidentes. Las notas abordan varios temas: El derecho a una alimentación adecuada en las constituciones; Leyes marco sobre el derecho a una alimentación adecuada; Legislar para una alimentación y nutrición adecuada en las escuelas; Marco...
Resource Partners
03 Jun 2019
Since the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), France has been an active and generous partner, working closely with the Organization in support of shared food security and agricultural development goals. France’s support is characterized on the one hand by its financial contributions and the secondment of high-level French technical experts, and on the other by its efforts to strengthen the place of agriculture and food issues amongst the priorities of the international community, as well as create inclusive global governance that promotes the participation of all relevant actors at the global, regional and...