
Private Sector
03 Apr 2014
Ministerial session at FAO Regional Conference for Europe calls for private and public sector action – and consumer behaviour change
As populations expand and food requirements continue to rise, the world cannot afford to continue squandering one third of total agricultural production. Coordinated and forceful actions are called for, and in many cases, the private sector will need to take the lead. These were among the conclusions of a round-table session of agriculture ministers from across Europe and Central Asia which took place here today as part of FAO’s biennial Regional Conference for Europe.In a paper prepared for the session, FAO examined food losses and waste in the region, comparing low-, middle- and high-income countries, and looking at...
Private Sector
01 Apr 2014
Jackie Chan, Kung Fu icon joins FAO in the fight against hunger
Jackie Chan, the international Kung Fu superstar has joined FAO in the fight against hunger. The world-famous actor, known for his action-movies, acrobatic fighting style and comic timing in over 150 films, is also Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF. Mr Chan has been actively using his celebrity status as a vehicle for humanitarian and public service work. Recently the celebrity visited FAO projects in Ethiopia and held discussions with the beneficiaries, FAO staff and experts on the ground about implementation of the projects, their impact and the need for long-term and sustainable development. While there, Chan told a packed press conference, “I...
Private Sector
07 Mar 2014
Former President of Ireland welcomes FAO’s new partnerships strategy
  7 March 2014, Rome- Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and current head of the Mary Robinson Foundation - Climate Justice, welcomed “FAO’s approach in promoting new and stronger partnerships to combat global challenges of hunger, food insecurity and climate change” at a meeting with FAO Director-General today. Robinson was the keynote speaker at the International Women’s Day event held at FAO headquarters in Rome. She underlined that problems brought on by gender inequalities and lack of access to resources in agriculture were compounded by the unpredictable consequences of climate change. Graziano da Silva informed Robinson that FAO is...
Private Sector
19 Feb 2014
El apoyo a los pequeños agricultores centra el diálogo con el presidente de la multinacional
El director general de la FAO, José Graziano da Silva, y el presidente ejecutivo de Unilever, Paul Polman, han dialogado sobre la importancia de apoyar a los pequeños agricultores en su encuentro de hoy en la sede central de la FAO. “Esta reunión ha sido una oportunidad para analizar problemas mundiales que necesitamos resolver, entre los que la seguridad alimentaria es una de las prioridades en nuestra agenda,” afirmó el presidente de Unilever. “Es inaceptable que a día de hoy casi 1.000 millones de personas se vayan con hambre a la cama. Este hecho convierte a la FAO en un socio...
Private Sector
10 Dec 2013
FAO estimates that 30-40% of total food production is lost before it reaches the market.
Each year, the world loses or squanders a third of the food it produces. This means that somewhere between planting seeds in fields and providing nourishment to the world’s 7 billion people, approximately 1.3 billion tonnes of food with a value of more than US$1 trillion is lost or wasted. These numbers are simply untenable in a world where, according to FAO, some 870 million people do not have enough to eat. In fact, according to the FAO-commissioned study that tallied these numbers, if just onefourth of lost or wasted food were saved, it could end global hunger. When...