
14 Jun 2019
FAO and the Mediterranean Universities Union partner to promote knowledge-sharing and policy dialogue
Rome – On the opening day of the Future of Food Symposium, FAO and the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) signed a partnership agreement that will facilitate an exchange of expertise between the two organizations on a range of issues related to FAO’s mandate. Specifically, the partnership aims to strengthen knowledge-sharing in the areas of food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture, water and soils management and rural development in the Mediterranean region, including through the uptake of e-learning and Research4Life resources. The collaboration will promote policy dialogue and information exchanges between academia and other stakeholders, including parliamentary alliances, on food and nutrition...
14 Jun 2019
Partnership with the American University of Beirut will address issues of sustainable agriculture and water scarcity
Rome – FAO and the American University of Beirut (AUB) have agreed to work in partnership to promote food security and nutrition, particularly in Lebanon and the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, through sustainable agriculture and improved management of natural resources.    The American University of Beirut, a private teaching-centered research university, was founded in 1866 and is recognized as one of the leading universities in the region. FAO and AUB have a history of close collaboration, with AUB’s Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science contributing to a regional FAO project on enhancing the Mediterranean Diet. The formal partnership...
14 Jun 2019
FAO and University of the Philippines Los Baños pledge to work together to promote inclusive rural development
Rome – FAO and the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) have signed a formal partnership agreement with the aim of promoting rural development in the Philippines, focusing on developing tools, methodologies and knowledge products to make agricultural systems more inclusive and efficient. The partnership envisions, among other activities, strengthening national policies, strategies and regulatory frameworks on food loss and waste throughout the value chain; facilitating an enabling environment for inclusive rural development and poverty reduction; and identifying and undertaking actions to protect and manage natural resources and ensure sustainable production. FAO and UPLB also plan to develop and disseminate...
14 Jun 2019
Partnership will work towards improving policies to fight hunger and poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
Rome – During the Future of Food Symposium, FAO and the University of Nottingham signed a partnership agreement, formalizing their intentions to work together across several areas related to FAO’s mandate. The partnership will tackle policy issues related to the urban food agenda and physical access to healthy food, and will look for opportunities to strengthen governance and institutional empowerment in order to promote healthy eating for urban populations.  The collaboration envisions dialogues both with the private sector, to create solutions for building balanced food systems and supplying healthy and sustainable foods, and between farmers and consumers, to establish short circuits for...
Parliamentary alliances
13 Jun 2019
Parliamentarians in the sub-region commit to work for the right to food and adequate nutrition
Brazzaville - "Improving nutrition requires a collective effort. It requires well-designed laws that improve food systems, ensure healthy diets and strengthen school meals. It also requires adequate public budgets and it calls for strong legal frameworks that consolidate advances and allow us to press ahead." Referencing the words of the Director-General of FAO, José Graziano...